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Crazy Mama

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Crazy Mama

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/26/1972
  1. Happy 41st Birthday Crazy Mama!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday Crazy Mama!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary Crazy Mama!

  4. Crazy Mama

    Health Care is not as bad as some may think

    Health Insurance does not equal Health CARE. 'nuff said.
  5. Crazy Mama

    Sugar Substitutes

    Ok, I have a question about sugar substitutes. I've been doing a lot of reading here, and have noticed that many of you eat/drink things containing one artificial sweetener or another. I have a really hard time with artificial sweeteners - I can taste them, always, and they always taste artificial (to me). I know this is my own issue from growing up in a household of diet-obsessed people and consuming disgusting amounts of saccharin in my childhood. But at this point, it is what it is. I strongly dislike aspartame and sucralose, and I don't see that changing. So my question is, how do I get around this? Most of the ready-made Protein shakes contain sugar substitutes. There are many suggestions of using protein powders with sugar-free Jello or pudding for flavoring - again, with artificial sweeteners. Is there another sweetener I'm unaware of, that isn't so nasty? I know, lots of people say that splenda/sucralose is just like sugar. These are almost always people who live(d) on Diet Coke/Pepsi and have used these sweeteners for years. I stopped using them years ago, and for the life of me do not understand why you can't find products that are just low in sugar. Why do they have to ruin a perfectly good beverage like those fitness waters, by putting that artificial chemical crap in them? For example. Ok, enough ranting (sorry). I'm hoping to find a few folks who were like me, and have either come around and dealt with this stuff, or have found other solutions. I'm trying to prepare myself to get this banding process started (waiting on my financial situation). Once I get it straightened out, I want to move forward immediately - so I want to start thinking about what I might be able to eat (esp. during the liquid phase). I appreciate any insight you might have. Thanks! -Dana
  6. Thanks for responding. Unfortunately, Fillcenter's nearest doctor to me is 326 miles away. I'm just in a terrible location: relatively near a bunch of small cities, but nowhere near a real city. At this point I think the doctor three hours from me is my best bet. Still interested in how other people are dealing with this though.
  7. I'm seriously considering getting banded. It's going to be a self-pay, since my insurance does not cover it. I checked locally, and there's no way I'm having it done at the clinic here in town at the price they charge ($19,800 ). There are obviously other options both across the country and abroad. Here's my question: One of my options is a doctor that is about 3 hours from me. Would it be reasonable to expect to do follow-up with this doctor, or would I need to find one locally (not likely, I'm in southern Oregon)? I've read suggestions that you have a local doctor for fills/emergencies/etc. but I guess I wonder how local is local. I'd rather not have to make a major trip (as in, get on a plane, or drive 15 hours, or the like) to have the surgery done if I can get it done nearby, all things being equal ($). On the other hand, if I do decide to travel for the surgery, how do I find a local doc for after-care? I've already checked several forums here and I've come up pretty dry. Any input would be helpful. Thanks! -Dana

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