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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by PaNailGirl

  1. I have a weird soreness now almost 3 weeks out as well! The searing pain has gone away, but this

    Feels like I did 8,000 sit ups kind of sore!! I was dancing at a wedding in Saturday so I'm not sure if its just soreness or something else! You seek to be in a lot of pain though so please get it checked out soon if its not better! I can imagine its easy to pull something in there since we are not too far out!

  2. I'm in the soft/puréed stage so I guess that means I don't have to purée stuff all the time? I have not been getting nearly enough calories in so I had some soft scrambled eggs with cheese! OMG it was heaven and went down easy! I think things are starting to look up now that I got my reflux meds switched! I will be 3 weeks out on tues. maybe I'm just healing as well!

  3. Well I took another Zantac last night around 7 and OMG I slept amazing!! Apparently I need 2 a day! I even feel like I could eat something easier! These are 150mg prescription Zantac! I go to my post op today so I will tell them and see if that's ok. Hopefully it won't kill me and they can change my dosage!

  4. This reflux is the worst! It's keeping me from eating and drinking what should! I feel like if I can get this piece solved I will feel so much better! I was given a script of Zantac, but it doesn't do much! Please tell me this doesn't last forever? I don't think I could take it!!!

  5. Thanks to both of you! I was wondering if it was a build up of mucous of some kind! I do have awful allergies! Also, maybe I shouldn't have used butter on the potato, even though it was just a little! I'm hoping since I got rid of that Mucous it'll help me eat! Case in point! The

    Potato made me sick, but I just ate a sf Jello pudding and it stayed down fine! Haha

  6. Gross! But the weird thing is that I hardly ate anything! Just a few bites! Maybe I ate too fast cuz I was excited? I don't know! This is not helping my regret mode! I'm only 2 weeks and a couple of days out! Please tell me this gets better?

  7. Well I tried to eat some nice mashed sweet potato with a little butter! It was delicious, but after a few bites that sick feeling started creeping in! I haven't thrown up once since surgery, but I knew it was coming! To my surprise it was all phlegm!! No food! Sorry to be so gross!! Has anyone else had this?

  8. Well I messed up!! 11 hours on my first day back and I do nails for a living! I guess I forgot I sit forward all day! I came home and cried from being so sore and tired!! Much shorter day tomorrow, but another long one Thursday! I haven't felt good these 2 post op weeks! Can't get all my fluids and Protein in and when I try to eat anything soft or puréed I end up feeling sick after a bite or two! Someone remind me why I did this again?

  9. I was sleeved on the 25th and I'm going back tomorrow! I'm nervous, but I'm sure I'll be ok once I get there! I do nails and have an 11 hour day scheduled, but we will see if I stay the while time! I hope I can! I'm still very very sore, especially in the left side and don't feel too well sometimes, but I'm really trying to get my Protein and fluids in!

  10. Every time I drive I am in so much pain!! I was fine all day today, and as soon as I get in the car to take my daughter to the movies I'm sore! By the time I got home and went to get out of the car it felt like day one! It eases up and goes away eventually, but I'm starting back to work tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to driving! Anyone else have this? Maybe I should try and change my position some.

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