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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by brandnewbie

  1. I believe in one's right to keep wls a secret. BUT, it sounds like she is overcompensating in her attempt to ensure no one would ever point a surgery finger her way. It is very sad that her chosen methods to distract hurt others. Karma's a b***h, let it take her down rather lowering yourself to her level. Just my two cents...
  2. brandnewbie

    New Addition to the Fam

    Congratulations! Here's to a good sleeper :-) fingers crossed.
  3. brandnewbie


    Consider yourself lucky, mine's 3 weeks. You're gonna do great.
  4. brandnewbie

    July 2nd!

    Congrats that's very soon... :-)
  5. That is solid gold and one of the best vids ever.... thank you. May we all be half as brave and happy while doing it...
  6. brandnewbie

    trouble getting in liquids

    On another thread someone else said she did an ounce every 15min. Sorry would credit if i could remember who it was... but that does give u 8oz every two hrs. Still pre-sleeve so can't advise myself. :-)
  7. brandnewbie

    My mom is making me want to scream

    My mom was the same way. I just sat her down and explained to her how I felt being so heavy and I got very real and very emotional during the conversation. I don't think she had any idea how much it impacted everything in life. I'm lucky she's been very supportive since. Good luck. I agree, once she refuses to be supportive then stop including her in that part of your life. Life is too short to give naysayers a voice.
  8. brandnewbie

    What was i thinking?

    I agree you'll be fine, the important thing is to make better choices next time.
  9. It's in reading posts like this when I wish the U.S. would take a page out of Canada's health care book. You really get the short end of the stick. I know it's hard but you can only get better if you keep looking for answers. Hugs.
  10. brandnewbie

    Just found out I'm this friday!

    Sorry to interrupt but that's awesome, congrats! Continue your happy dance now :-)
  11. brandnewbie

    ladies only

    Yes they'll still do it, just let them know and they'll tell you how to proceed. Congrats!
  12. How exactly does one treat virtual std's? Just in case you get a second shot, should be prepared.
  13. brandnewbie

    Liar Liar?!?

    The only concern I would have is the liability factor. This is not to say that you have not literally worked your butt off at their gym, but it could come back to haunt them as false advertising. The easiest thing to ease your decision might be to discuss it with the staff member you trust the most and have them look into the details for you.
  14. brandnewbie


    Also noticed with my inner ear laying down flat on back could be dizzing too, almost makes you feel drunk
  15. brandnewbie


    Low blood sugar? Or. Stand up for few seconds and then look straight up quickly, any dizziness? If so could be an inner ear thing. Hope you feel better soon. :-)
  16. The one absolute rule of any forum is that, regardless of your topic , most input is conveyor belted out. That does not mean that all simply spew their theories blindly, though some do. It does mean that I can only draw from the experiences in my 'factory' and lay them out. Another good rule of thumb. Tangents make the forum go 'round and often spur other discussions or lighten the mood. And don't we all like being 'lighter' from time to time.
  17. Yes I can send to both but of course can't promise how valid they will be for your needs. Will do later today.
  18. brandnewbie

    my bf broke up with me..

    Watch a cheesy teen horror flick or two. The boyfriends always die in those. :-)
  19. brandnewbie

    opinions please...

    My doc requires a 3 week one, Ensure and cal free clear drinks... gonna be a longa** month :-) I'd almost kill for a ten day one. If you want to try flavours great, but do it before. Don't make yourself do an extra day just for practice. Just my two cents
  20. brandnewbie

    How do you know if you have Sleep Apnea?

    You have to have an overnight test done. They hook you up to a bunch of censors and you return the machine the next day for them to view the results. It's small, but with the wiring not exactly the most comfortable nights sleep.. your doctor can order one. They sometimes will recommend a CPAP or mouthpiece if snoring is an issue for you even if apnea comes back negative. I had pauses noted in mine but not enough for concern. If you are pre surgery doc will most likely insist you have one
  21. brandnewbie


    My NUT said it has to do with how it's cooked. The grill may have more of a drying effect, the drier the more likely you'll reject it.
  22. brandnewbie

    This might sound stupid

    Oh yeah I second the fibre Kat. Long ago my 1st pregnancy nutritionist gave me analogy that was really helpful. The chain links on a bike chain are sugars that your body is processing now. The plastic sheath represents the fibre. So any extra sugar has to breakthrough the fibre in order to deposit themselves. By the time they work through the fibre, your body is now ready to process rather than store them.
  23. brandnewbie

    This might sound stupid

    My advice would be to start slow, pick one category of bad choices and stop eating them. I started with sugary foods and started chewing a lot of gum. Then work on portion sizes and then stick to healthier options. I take my son walking with me daily (15mths) First day I could only do 15minutes 4/week (5 warm up 5 moderate 5 cool down, moderate described to me by my physiotherapist as being able to talk but not sing) Now almost 10 weeks later am down 36lbs and walking 45minutes daily, 30 mod. It's really hard for first cpl weeks but it gets easier. Now I know what real hunger feels like...if I can do it so can you...Just make sure if you falter you forgive and start again.. You are stronger than you know! And we're here for you.
  24. I can message you my list if you want?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
