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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NewSetOfCurves

  1. NewSetOfCurves

    really struggling

    I personally took on the mentality that I spent my entire life eating what I wanted, when I wanted, and how ever much I wanted. What's a few weeks of eating a restricted diet? I can tell you, now that I'm almost 2 years post-op, that I can eat whatever I want. The extreme restriction of post-op doesn't last. Don't get me wrong , I still have restriction, but I can eat WHATEVER I want--if I CHOOSE. This is a mental game. Psych yourself out. Remind yourself that this food restriction is temporary. You can still go out and eat with you family. Order a Soup or mashed potatoes (that's what I would do when I was at your stage). Before you know it you will be at a full diet. Once there you have to make the choice to eat healthier and cleaner foods. You WILL make mistakes. You WILL falter. And when you do, just get back up and try again. Everyday is a new day. I didn't become a healthy eater overnight. It took trial and error, and trial and error. I do enjoy a "bad" food on occasion, but do you know what? Eventually, once your body adapts to cleaner eating, you hardly ever crave them and don't feel too good when you have them! You've got this. You can do this. ????
  2. NewSetOfCurves


    Lol! I know hurting yourself isn't funny, but I literally laughed out loud. Congrats on your success!!!
  3. NewSetOfCurves

    Look what I can do!

    Haha! Thank you!!!
  4. You have the right mentality and it sounds like you know what to do. Get up. Dust your knees. Track your food (MyFitnessPal is an easy app to use), plan your meals, eat every 2-3 hours. Your meals and Snacks should be small calculated calories/portions, that way you are never starving or overeating and you're constantly feeding your metabolism--not allowing it to slow down. Here is an example of one of my days: Morning: *5:00 am-Premiere Protein shake (as soon as a wake up) *7:00 am-slice of wheat toast with a teaspoon of Nutella, sliced strawberries and blueberries OR an oatmeal cup from McDonald's (if I haven't shopped for groceries! Lol) *9:00 am-Premiere Protein Shake Lunch: a lean protein, a small portion of a complex carb (like sweet potato) and veggies (it varies, I usually pre-prepare). Sometimes I'll buy a grilled chicken salad to go when I did not have time prepare my lunch. *2:00 pm- sliced gala apple with Peanut Butter (if you're trying to stay away from sugars, you could do celery sticks with peanut butter, or a cheese stick high in protein with a handful of nuts. *4:00 pm-Protein bar *5:00 pm-Workout time (I take pre and post workout supplements) Dinner: lean protein and veggies (no starches!) *9:00 pm-Premiere Protein shake (I take in a lot of protein because I strive to build muscle mass...helps with muscle recovery and repair!) Hope this helps!!!
  5. NewSetOfCurves

    It's so WEIRD not looking fat.

    WOW!!! You look fabulous!
  6. NewSetOfCurves


    I did not read all of the other posts, so I apologize if I repeat some of the same ideas. I too have a major sweet tooth. However, to first detox my body of those sweet cravings, I had to get rid of all of those items from my house. Because if they were there, out in the open or hidden, I would eat them. I made sure not to go shopping or walk into a convenience store while I was hungry or craving sweets, because if I did I would buy them and eat them. Once I sort of got it out of my system, I taught myself to turn to foods like fruits to satisfy that sweet tooth. My favorite sweet snack that kills my sweet tooth is a slice of wheat toast with a teaspoon of Nutella, topped with sliced strawberries and blueberries, and a sprinkle of trivia or Splenda. It is so delicious and satisfying. Or a sliced gala apple dipped in Peanut Butter. Mmmm. ???? You're not alone. Find that will power and fight, fight, fight! If you fall, just get right back up and go again. When you keep getting "up", you'll find that the "falling" becomes less and less!
  7. NewSetOfCurves

    22 Months Post-Op!

  8. NewSetOfCurves

    Pulled a hamstring...

    When I first started to "really" run (not at a leisure pace; opening my stride and trying to push my limits), I found myself constantly straining my hamstring. I learned to warm up first (at least 5 minutes with a fast paced walk or slow jog) and then to take the time to stretch my calves, quads, hams and--most importantly--your glutes. Your glutes are attached to those hams and you need well rounded stretching to avoid injury. I have not strained or pulled that muscle since! Look on the web for images/videos on stretches...especially for your gluteus!!! Hope you heal soon! ????
  9. NewSetOfCurves

    22 Months Post-Op!

    Thank you!!!
  10. NewSetOfCurves

    Working out matters - views from a veteran

    I agree. Exercise should be seen as a lifetime routine. We need it at every stage and at every age.
  11. NewSetOfCurves

    9 Months Later... Before and "After"

    Wow!!!! You look great! So much younger, too! Keep it up!!!
  12. NewSetOfCurves

    So how much have you lost weekly

    I'll be two years out in a couple of months, but here is my weekly weight for the first 7 months. Surgery Date: June 18th, 2013 Height: 5' 6" Starting Weight:248 DOS Weight: 228 (-20 lbs) Current Weight: 140 Week 1: 214 Week 2: 208 Week 3: 210 Week 4: 208 [Month 1, July 18th: 206 (-22 lbs) Week 5: 204 Week 6: 201 Week 7: 201 Week 8: 198 Month 2, August 18th: 196 (-10 lbs) Week 9: 194 Week 10: 192 Week 11: 188 Week 12: 185 Week 13: 182 Month 3, September 18th: 182 (-14lbs) Week 14: 181 Week 15: 183 Week 16: 180. Week 17: 177 Month 4, October 18th: 178 (-4 lbs) Week 18: 176 Week 19: 176 Week 20: 173 Week 21: 172 Month 5, November 18th: 172 (-6 lbs) Week 22: 172 Week 23: 171 Week 24: 170 Week 25: 169 Week 26: 168 Month 6, December 18th: 167 (-5 lbs)l Week 27: 167 Week 28: 165 Week 29: 163 Week 30: 164 Month 7, January 18th: 163 (-4 lbs) Week 31: 162 Week 32: 161
  13. NewSetOfCurves

    Hell yeah! Finally!

    Congrats!!! It's a great place to be!!!
  14. NewSetOfCurves

    22 Months Post-Op!

    Yes, but if you read carefully, it says, "In otherwise healthy individuals, there is little evidence that high Protein intake is dangerous. However, kidney damage may be an issue for individuals with already existing kidney dysfunction. Increased protein intake necessarily means that overall energy intake must increase or consumption of either carbohydrate or fat must decrease. In conclusion, high protein intake may be appropriate for some athletes, but there are potential negative consequences that must be carefully considered before adopting such a diet." You should always consult a health professional. My story and my diet is based on my own personal research, education and advice from various health professionals. Good luck to you.
  15. NewSetOfCurves

    22 Months Post-Op!

    Yes! Especially with weight training...protein is essential for muscle recovery/repair and growth! Rule of thumb: 1 gram per body weight.
  16. NewSetOfCurves

    What is your work-out regimen?

    I am 22 months out and I am at goal. I do weights 5 days a week with a 10 minute treadmill or elliptical warm-up: Monday: Shoulders Tuesday: biceps and Triceps Wednesday: back Thursday: chest Friday: legs and gluteus On weekends (my "off" days) I'll choose a day to run or do a CrossFit type of workout. However, my first year post-op was cardio intensive, 4-6 days a week. Now that I'm a clean eater (90-95% of the time) and because I burn plenty of calories during my weightlifting sessions, cardio isn't a must for me anymore.
  17. NewSetOfCurves

    22 Months Post-Op!

    Sorry, I know it was long! But I hope to help someone who is on the fence or struggling in the beginning of their sleeve journey! Posts like these inspired me when I first started researching.
  18. NewSetOfCurves

    You know you lost weight when

    When you use to be a size 20 and your size 8's are falling off!!!
  19. NewSetOfCurves

    One year anniversary

    You look gorgeous!
  20. Hit goal today! Finally!!! 1 year, 3 months and 4 days is what it took to hit 145. I'm extremely happy with my weight. Don't want to lose any more. I really LOVE my size, but I want to continue to build muscle and tone up my body. To be honest, I think I finally met goal because I'm losing muscle mass due to not having the time I had before school started (teacher) to lift consistently. I'm a size 8 (6 is fitted, but I can squeeze in! Lol!) and I know once I get my little apron removed when I get my tummy tuck in December, I'll fit perfectly into the 6. This has been a life changing journey, I've completely changed my life style and don't miss my old, bad habits. Thanks for reading my post! For those of you just beginning or thinking of beginning this journey, I wish you the best of luck and I want you to know that every trial and tribulation that you face when you start this, is so worth it in the end!!! My dance girls practiced on the field today, hence the track in the background.
  21. AT GOAL!!!! Finally hit 145 just 1 year, 3 months, 4 days post-op!

    1. aroundhky
    2. NewSetOfCurves


      Thank you! Jordan, that was my personal goal. My doctor's goal was for me to lose 80% of my excess weight, which was about 84 pounds. However, I wanted to lose moret, so I did!

    3. aroundhky


      You keep losing and you'll not be able to be "curvy" anymore. : P

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  22. NewSetOfCurves

    You know you lost weight when

    When the small towels (the ones I used for my hair because they didn't fit my body) wraps around you with room to spare!!!
  23. NewSetOfCurves

    Goal at 15 Months Post-Op

    Thank you anewme2015! I think my success was due to following what my doctor said I had to do: change my lifestyle. I changed the foods I ate, I became active--daily--and I've made it my life style. It's not a "diet" but my new way of living and eating. Yes, I have the not so good foods. I enjoy them at parties, bar-b-ques, dinners, movie night; but for the most part, I make clean choices. And when I do cheat, it's a very small quantity; literally, just a taste. I make healthy, clean choices 90-95% of the time and I work out, both cardio and weights. Some people have the misconception that the surgery eliminates having to do the above, but it's truly what you have to do to have long-term success (in my humble opinion with the knowledge that I've gained from my own research). Most doctors tell you up front: "You have to be willing to make a lifestyle change, permanently...weight loss surgery is only a tool..." That's what I've done. My "tool" helped me get there. Couldn't have kick started this change without it. I 100% love my sleeve. It gave me control over quantity, and I decided to control the quality...the quality of foods, the quality of the way I live my life. Good luck to you on your journey! Keep us posted!
  24. NewSetOfCurves

    Goal at 15 Months Post-Op

    Thank you everyone!

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