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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NewSetOfCurves

  1. NewSetOfCurves

    Fitness and loose skin

    You know Fiddle, it comes down to the fact that there are too many variables. Genetics comes into play and dictates whether or not you are blessed with naturally great elasticity or not; the amount of weight loss in "X" amount of time (the greater the loss in minimum amount of time, the less you skin is able to adjust to you body and vice versa); your size pre-op (the bigger you are, the more stretched out your skin is, the harder it is for it to go back or adjust); age: the younger you are, the greater the elasticity and the older you are, the lesser the elasticity in your body is able to function (again, genetics comes into play here as well). For women, other factors come into play, like pregnancies and the inability to build as much muscle mass as men. Building mass definitely helps, but I think for the MAJORITY of weight loss patients, they will just have to deal with some or a lot of skin issues. Hydration, supplementation, physical exercise and mass building all aid in diminishing it, but they will not resolve it for most people . Frustrating, I know. I have come to terms and pretty much accepted that I would have left over skin. I have ALWAYS had poor elasticity and knew that it was going to hinder some of my progress. People like @aroundhky are the non-majority and are fortunate to not have to deal with the left over skin. You have had an awesome transformation, both physically and in the new habits you have gained or substituted in the replacement of your old eating habits. You have inspired me and so many others on this site. Good luck to you and I hope you get your six pack!
  2. NewSetOfCurves

    Menstrual Cycle and Weight Loss

    My cycle went hay wire. I missed my cycle for about 6 weeks, then got it back to back within the same month. But like the previous poster stated, check with your doc just to be safe. I took a pg test just to be safe as well.
  3. As many have suggested, height and frame go hand-in-hand when it comes to an ideal dress size. I would love to fit comfortably in a size 6 for my 5'6" medium build frame. I'm currently an 8/10, having to go with the 10's at times because of my full thighs.
  4. NewSetOfCurves

    Newbie...first post

    It's worth every penny! I paid out of pocket for my surgery, so the $2000 would have been awesome for me. But--that being said--as far as the psych eval, gall bladder sonogram, endoscopy, nutritionist consults, EKG testing, etc....my insurance covered. Most expensive co-pay was endoscopy since it was done on a hospital and they put me under. I too work for a school district and I did this last summer with the most AMAZING results. If all goes well for you, by this time next year you are going to look like a brand new you! I wish you luck! Love your attitude about "that's their problem", and I hope you keep us posted ????
  5. NewSetOfCurves


    First off, WOW!!! 30 pounds is so awesome!!! As far as your weight gain... Your body is in starvation mode. Your switch in higher calorie foods has caused your body to hold on to every calorie BECAUSE it's in starvation mode. Your body is adjusting. If you're following your doctors orders, your are doing nothing wrong. It is normal to see fluctuations from time to time, including stalls. You're fine. Keep doing what you're doing. dde09
  6. NewSetOfCurves

    Just got the vsg

    If you go to this site (my doctor's web page) http://www.lonestarsurgical.com/nutrition/#nutrition you will find (towards the very bottom of the page) PDF files with the nutritional guidelines his patients follow. There is a lot of other good info and print outs as well. Hope this helps!
  7. NewSetOfCurves

    Just got the vsg

    Heating pads work for the gas! I lived with my heating pad that first week and a half! The left side pain is normal, too. It is where the biggest incision is made due to it being the area where they pull out all that stomach , but it too will go away in due time .
  8. NewSetOfCurves


    You have my deepest sympathies and I am so sorry for your loss. As previous posters stated, it is a risk. I have four children and researched the mortality rate for this procedure ceaselessly. Even as I shopped around for doctors, I asked and researched their individual mortality rates. At the time, when I first started this journey, this was one of the articles that I came across: http://asmbs.org/2012/06/new-studies-weigh-in-on-safety-and-effectiveness-of-newer-bariatric-and-metabolic-procedure-sleeve-gastrectomy-demonstrates-weight-loss-and-safety-comparable-to-more-established-procedures It basically states that risk of mortality is highest within the first 30 days and that deaths in this time period is less than 1%. This study was done on patients who had undergone weight loss surgery between 2007 and 2010. I am sure stats have changed, but for many the risk of remaining obese definitely out ways risks of surgery.
  9. NewSetOfCurves

    Just got the vsg

    Congrats on your surgery and on everything going well and on 7 pounds down in 3 days!!! I wish you continued success
  10. For the first time since I was a young girl, I was able to put a swim suit on and not shed a tear about finding one that fit decent. Went to the beach and felt confident in what I was wearing. I still have the belly with the extra skin and I still have full thighs, but I am VERY, VERY, V E R Y happy with my results.
  11. NewSetOfCurves

    Bathing Suit W/Out the Tears!

    Thank you ladies! As far as the coverup, @@MisforMimi, I have to admit that I am still self conscience about my upper thighs. But, other than that, I am EXTREMELY happy! Sleeve + Clean food (90% of the time) + Protein + Water + Cardio + Weight Training = Success!!!
  12. NewSetOfCurves

    Bathing Suit W/Out the Tears!

    Hahaha @@Madam Reverie! I am NOT well ENDOWED at all! I've got nothing a little tape or band-aids can't hold up or cover up, LOL!!! I do plan to have a little enhancement done next summer, along with some tummy skin removal
  13. NewSetOfCurves

    Bathing Suit W/Out the Tears!

    @@cherrytree15 Thank you! I too had not worn one comfortable is almost 12 years! You'll get there before you know it!
  14. NewSetOfCurves

    Bathing Suit W/Out the Tears!

    Oh @@menjaz, that is very kind of you. You flatter me and I am far from that, but I have to say I am very comfortable and not so self conscience anymore. I appreciate it though!
  15. NewSetOfCurves

    Bathing Suit W/Out the Tears!

    I appreciate it so much ladies! Thank you! And you're exactly right "ziggy", we have to take it one day at a time; and if/when we slip, we get right back up and we do it again because we have a great tool to support us. Good luck to you all
  16. Wow! What a difference! You're tummy looks great!!! It gets me excited about my plastics, despite my fear of pain. Thank you for posting those pics and thanks to everyone posting their stories
  17. NewSetOfCurves

    Hit the gym...

    Good for you for pushing yourself to get in there, even though you didn't feel like it. I think that's what is going to make you successful, because it's on days like that that you push through that leads to long term success. Yes, you're going to be sore, but don't let that stop you. Soreness is good. It means you're building muscle; and the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn! You have to work through the soreness. Keep it up!
  18. NewSetOfCurves


    Great job & looking good! Keep it up! And by the way, I laughed out loud with your 1 Big Mac pic
  19. NewSetOfCurves

    Stinging pain

    I felt that too due to the fact that that was the biggest incision sight. It's the area that is stretched the most because it's where they pull the stomach out from. You just had major surgery and you're only a little week out; it's going to take some time to heal. However, I would suggest to still call your doctor and confirm that what you're feeling is normal and not risk that anything else is going on. Good luck to you!
  20. NewSetOfCurves

    Before and After Pics

    Still have really full thighs and I'm working on those, but I'm not really complaining. Never thought I could wear something like this to the beach ever again, but I did! Almost eleven months out.
  21. NewSetOfCurves

    3 Months Post-op!

    Wow! What a feat and how awesome is that weight loss! You're looking great, keep it up!!!
  22. NewSetOfCurves

    Lifting weights

    I did lose strength post op. Mind you, I didn't get back into weight lifting immediately after due to easily fatiguing. However, with the almost 100 lbs of weight loss, the definition is way better. I'm gaining my strength back and working hard to build it back up. You might lose some strength, but if you remain active up until surgery, continue again as soon as your cleared by your doctor, and--most importantly--work hard to get your protein in, you should be fine. It sounds like you're well on you way to healthy new you. Keep it up!
  23. NewSetOfCurves

    Benefit of Weight Training (w/PICS!)

    Thank you @@mochax! I too am impressed with my results. Can't believe how far I have come in less than a year. I still find it hard to believe that it is me in any pictures that I see of me. I see you are pre-op. I hope all goes well. Good luck!
  24. It takes your body from flab to fab! Loving my transformation! Can't "weight" to see how much further my weight training will take me. I've upped the weight, minimized rest times to 30-60 seconds between sets, 60-120 seconds when doing the "big three". Just downed my N.O.-Xplode and I'll be working my chest and back. I'll have my post workout protein immediately afterwards. #lovingmysleeve
  25. NewSetOfCurves

    Benefit of Weight Training (w/PICS!)

    Thank you Molly!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
