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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NewSetOfCurves

  1. NewSetOfCurves

    13 Months Post-Op! Woohoo!

    Thank you Mrs. V.V.V.!!!
  2. NewSetOfCurves

    13 Months Post-Op! Woohoo!

    I appreciate the compliment! To tone up my arms I lift weights. I'll lift weight that is heavy enough to where I'll fail after 8-12 reps. I'll complete 3-4 sets of the same exercise. For example, on bicep and tricep days, I'll complete 3-4 sets of the following: -Alternating bicep curls -preacher curls -hammer curls -21's with curl bat (7 half curls from sides to 90 degree angle; 7 half curls from 90 degree angle to chest; 7 full curls) -overhead extensions -skull crushers -tricep kickbacks -dips
  3. NewSetOfCurves

    13 Months Post-Op! Woohoo!

    Thank you! I'm glad to keep you hopeful. I loved going through all the pics pre-op and even post-op to keep myself motivated, inspired, and hopeful to be successful with my own journey. To answer your question, initially, post-op--when your going through the phases and slowly adding foods back into your diet--yes, I did miss things like raw veggies and fresh fruits and tender steaks. As I phased out of the liquids and mushy foods and reinstated the solids, it was extremely hard to consume those things initially. Luckily, bit-by-bite, I was able to slowly reincorporate them into my diet. I lost interest in heavy/greasy foods, they stopped appealing to me, but my biggest vice gas been my all time trigger food: chips. Early on I learned that not only could I eat them, but that they were sliders and I could eat a whole small bag. I don't bring them to the house and I try to steer clear of them during outings. To be completely honest, now that I am a year out, I can eat anything...in small quantities, but still, pretty much anything and everything. The key is committing to a life style change. I do my best to eat clean foods. High Protein. Good, quality carbs, especially on heavy lifting days. My surgeon warned me that the sleeve wasn't a permanent solution, but rather a tool to aide in my commitment to change my life style. I think I've done very well in changing and breaking old habits. Sorry, didn't mean to go on-and-on!!! I'll stop now! Good luck to you!!!
  4. NewSetOfCurves

    5'6" and weighed 225-235 surgery day?

    I'm 5'6", medium frame, weighed about 250 at the beginning of pre-op phase, 228 day of surgery, 13 months later I now weigh 153. I've added a lot of muscle and some of the supplements I take add water weight. I'd like to get down to 145/140. I'd like to maintain some curves and not get too thin.
  5. NewSetOfCurves

    Shoulder pains...help!

    I agree with "newu68". I had bad left shoulder pain as well from the left over air. Heating pads really helped with the gas, as well as the walking. The constant pressure lasted almost a good two weeks for me, and I would feel a slight pressure when I would workout (and ONLY when I worked out) about 4-5 weeks after that.
  6. NewSetOfCurves


    I did not dare try cantaloupe 2 weeks post-op, but I did eat watermelon. I would chew it up, drink the juice, and spit out the little bit of tissue. Loved it cold and fresh.
  7. NewSetOfCurves

    Almost 9 months post surgery

    Wow! What a great transformation! You look beautiful...congrats and keep it up!!!
  8. NewSetOfCurves

    OMG! I just bought a 12!

    Congrats to you! Keep it up girl!
  9. NewSetOfCurves

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Almost 100 pound down...
  10. NewSetOfCurves

    My 11th Year Surgiversary!

    That is an awesome fact...11 years, 100 pounds lost and maintained! What an accomplishment and feat for you! I think Isereno said most of what I wanted to say, but I must reiterate...thank you for this place. It was so helpful in my pre-op phase. I was able to prepare myself mentally for what was to come post-op. I literally had NO surprises post-op. Post-op I found support and inspiration. And now in maintenance mode, I continue to find support, reassurance and affirmation that I'm continuing on the right path. This forum has been invaluable for me and my entire journey. So, again, THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  11. The hardest parts for me was that first week post op. I had so much swelling ( I'm assuming from the additional surgery of the hiatal hernia) that it was hard to consume anything, so I was extremely weak. I could only really get down the sugar free Popsicles, and they saved me from being hospitalized for dehydration. The gas pain was the second pain in my rear. The air seemed to move from my left side to my back, then to my left shoulder. But heating pads really aided in that discomfort. But, if I had to do this all over again, I would! I love my sleeve, I love my transformation, I love that I'm healthy, I love that I can wear almost anything I want, I love that I'm not embarrassed of myself and that I'm confidant. The benefits and outcomes so outweigh any bumps in the road that you may experience initially with the sleeve. Good luck to you and your own personal journey.
  12. NewSetOfCurves

    Ready to work out!

    Yes! Healthy carbs are essential before a workout! My doctor cleared me to workout (within reason) as soon as my body felt up to it. I started walking at the track at two weeks post op. By 6 weeks post op I was completing four miles, walking the curves and lightly jogging the straight aways. I would eat a banana about an hour before, if not I would get dizzy spells and feel very week. I also tried my best to stay hydrated. It seemed that I was able to drink water so much better during physical activity, so I would carry my bottle of water with me and sip, sip, sip during the walking portion of my exercise. Good luck! Oh, and consuming your protein within the hour following your workout, is essential to aide in muscle recovery and building.
  13. NewSetOfCurves

    13 Months Post-Op! Woohoo!

    Love what weight lifting has done to my body...
  14. NewSetOfCurves

    Flex for me!

    Here's my flex pic!
  15. NewSetOfCurves

    NSV & officially overweight

    Thank you!
  16. NewSetOfCurves

    Flex for me!

    You're arms look awesome Mrs.RRn!!! Hey, @@aroundhky, you can show off your guns here...and your abs! Lol
  17. NewSetOfCurves

    amazing success stories

    You said it perfectly Jane! I couldn't agree more!!!
  18. NewSetOfCurves

    4 months post op (face change)

    70 pounds in 4 months?!?!?! That is AWESOME!!!! You look gorgeous...congrats!!!
  19. NewSetOfCurves

    Here I Am.....3 Months Later

    Woohoo! You're looking great!!! What an amazing transformation in such a short amount of time! Keep it up!
  20. NewSetOfCurves

    NSV & officially overweight

    It's so exciting isn't it! Congrats to you and keep it up, your looking great!!!
  21. NewSetOfCurves

    13 Months Post-Op! Woohoo!

    You look great as well! I actually do have loose skin in my underarm area. It's not extremely obvious, but I've diminished it's flabby appearance by lifting weights as heavy as I can to build muscle and fill them in. I break up my arm workout into two days: biceps and triceps on day one, and--later on in the week--shoulders. For biceps I'll do a variety of lifts like curls, hammer curls, preacher curls; alternating between dumbbells and curl bars. For triceps I'll do overhead presses, scull crushers, kick backs, pull downs and dips. To workout the deltoids, I'll do standing flies, lateral flies, shoulder over-the-head press. Immediately after my workouts I'll take a post workout supplement called cell mass to help with recovery and gives a good little muscle pump. I'll also drink a Protein shake to help with the building of new muscle. Hope this helps! Keep up the good work, you look fabulous!
  22. NewSetOfCurves

    13 Months Post-Op! Woohoo!

    No, I haven't. But, as I mentioned in the original post, I do plan to have some done in another year. Those who do not have excess skin are few and far between. The ones I've encountered on this sight in a little over a year of looking, are men who work bout to build muscle and seem to be genetically inclined to gaining good muscle mass; and very young women who have not bore children. But again, there are many that fit that description and still have to endure the skin. It's a reality the majority of us have to deal with. My excess skin is not noticeable through my clothes, but when I'm as natural as the day I was born, I do have a small fold at the bottom of my belly, my extremely upper thighs have a slight amount and my arms have a little bit too. I can wear sleeveless and as long as I'm not waving my hands like a queen in a parade, no one notices. I work out 4 days out of the week with weights to try and naturally fill in that loose skin with muscle. It's made a world of difference. I'm sorry if this news is disappointing, but it's better to be prepared with the reality of what's to be than to elude yourself of the truth. Hope this helps. Good luck to you.
  23. NewSetOfCurves

    13 Months Post-Op! Woohoo!

    Thank you ladies! Good luck to you all and stay positive! Despite some bumps in the road, the end result is positive! Just be sure to follow your doctors orders. If you slip, then wipe the dust off and get back up. Don't dwell, just keep trekking forward and you'll do great!
  24. NewSetOfCurves

    Triceps...need help

    Okay, since I've ramped up my weight lifting program, I've definitely seen results. Especially in my biceps and deltoid area, but man-oh-man, I CANNOT get my triceps to build up. HELP!
  25. NewSetOfCurves

    Triceps...need help

    I do all those, but I have that little bit of left over skin from my weight loss that I just can't fill up. I've upped my protein, I take pre and post workout supplements. They're growing...very slowly, but I think nutrition is going to be key. And perhaps continual exertion in upping the weight--less reps, high weight, lifting until failure after 8-10 reps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
