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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by iontash

  1. Let's not be too judgmental here. After all most of us here were once stuffing our faces with deep fried fat and burgers and other bad foods... which is how we got to the point of needing WLS. Just because you have changed your way of thinking does not give you the right to look down on others who are still stuck. We have all been looked at and judged to be "less than" because of our weight at one time or another. And there are those who will still look down on us for having surgery instead of loosing the weight with no assistance. Don't look down on someone who is still where most of us once were.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 169 DOS was May 7th 2013

  2. I had my surgery in May and have lost a total of 59 pounds (50 pounds post opp). I'm a slow loser and i don't exercise consistently. I have stalled every month. It is frustrating but I have found that the best thing that works for me is drinking massive amounts of Water. Drink drink drink.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 169 DOS was May 7th 2013

  3. Stall not over only lost a few ounces this week. After exercising 3x last week and averaging 625 calories. At week 8... What am I doing wrong?????

    You aren't alone. I'm having the same issue. Only lost 22 pounds or so since my May 7th surgery. Eating between 500 to 700 calories a day, exercising 4 days a week, 60 to 90 oz of Water a day, and lots of Protein. Also have only been eating lean chicken, fish, and a few veggies. Idk what the problem is. But I'm just going to keep it going. It is discouraging not to see results when I'm feeling so deprived. But nothing to do but wait. Good luck.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 195 DOS was May 7th 2013

  4. I understand the need for some people to be transparent' date=' but not everyone needs to know your business. I decided to only tell my wife and my immediate family. My decision to have surgery was a decision between my family and I, and should have no impact on anyone else. My brother in law had wls surgery 6 weeks before me found that out the hard way, as he decided to tell everyone. He encountered some positive feedback and many others who decided to self appointed themselves to be his personal food police. Maybe I am old fashioned but not everyone needs to know every intimate detail of my life, like what I eat, drink or think every minute of the day. However, to each his/her own. More power to you if you feel the need to share such details of your life, but don't be surprised or upset if all feedback is not positive.

    Sent from my iPad using VST[/quote']

    I'm not surprised that the feedback isn't positive. I'm surprised that people have the audacity to voice it. Some opinions are better kept to yourself. For instance, I think my co workers husband is an a hole... But I'm not going to tell her that if she brings him up. I expect the same. And no I don't share every intimate detail of my life with everyone.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  5. This may sound gross... But try rubbing yeast infection cream (monistat 7) on your scalp once a week. Check YouTube. Lots of testimonials on it for hair growth and keeping the scalp healthy. I do it because It eliminates dandruff. I don't do it every week because I'm lazy, but i will start again to avoid too much Hair loss. see one article below. Idk. It's not for everybody.


    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  6. Exactly. I think hating myself has put me into horrible situations with bad men. I really hope that the outcome of all of this is me - liking myself more

    This is what made me stay with a horrible "sociopath next door" type of man for wayyyy longer than I should have. I realized 2 years in that he was a piece of crap (he hid it well at first) but I stayed. partially because I was overweight and didnt want to be on the dating scene again. I wasted too many years and just got bigger and bigger. Leaving him was a great decision. I will never ever put up with shady, lying, manipulative, weirdo men again lol.

    Liking and loving yourself makes a world of difference. this weight loss journey has fueled me to address my other issues and seek assistance in other areas of my life where necessary so that I can go back to being the confident no nonsense woman I was in my 20s.

    Good luck to you.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  7. I have a hard time with fluids too. I've always been an eater and never a drinker. Prior to surgery I'd drink 8oz of Water a day on average. Now I drink 35 to 40oz. I am slowly working my way up to 64 to 70oz. Just keep at it slowly and eventually it will become habit. It won't happen in a week.

    I started mixing flavorless whey Protein into 20oz of Water with 2 packets of crystal light (fruit punch, and pink lemonade). Add lots of ice and its actually good. I've done this every night for the last 4 nights and lost 2.5 pounds.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  8. You can always modify how you do it. You don't have to jump as high or be as intense as the people in the video. You can aim to do 20 minutes of a 40 minute tape. I know people who are in shape and work out who couldn't do the full P90x program their first time. I plan to start P90x in July. I will do a slowed down modified version for the first 90 days. Then I plan on doing it again after I complete it with a little more intensity (hopefully).

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  9. I got out of a terrible relationship 7 months ago or so and I am ready to date in a sense. Although I don't plan on dating until I lose at least 50 more pounds. It is a confidence thing for me. Before I got into my last relationship I was a size 6 to 8. I am a 18 to 16 right now. I have never tried dating while over weight. It's not that I don't think I'm attractive, I'm just not comfortable and I believe it will show. Not being confident tends to attract the scumbag men. So I will wait.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  10. call the surgeon on call ASAP. No matter how late. A fever can mean you have a leak or a blood clot. I had a fever 2 days after surgery and they had me come into the emergency room at midnight. Turns out I had pneumonia and had to be readmitted to the hospital for 4 days.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  11. Could be that those surgeons don't like WLS because that's fewer patients for them in the future. The people who would have developed heart, kidney, or liver conditions won't if they lose weight. Many doctors are resentful of weightloss surgeons.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 201 DOS was May 7th 2013

  12. Not only do I weigh myself every morning, I have two scales. I use both. Then I log my weight onto my calendar. On days where I dropped a pound or more I look at MFP to see what I ate and my Protein content. It's obsessive. And when I'm at work I am constantly calculating and recalculating how much weight I will lose by September. I have to stop. I would love to do bi-monthly weigh ins.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  13. I am in my 4th week and my skin has been breaking out all over horribly for 2 to 3 weeks now. I have used proactive which has always worked in the past, but it hasn't worked at all now. I think it's all the Water drinking. It flushes out toxins and they come to the surface. Or it could be the raging hormones. Whatever it is, I hope it stops.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  14. It seems like this procedure (or any WLS' date=' really) is the great litmus test for relationships. All kinds of relationships--family, friends, significant others, spouses, co-workers.

    I look at it this way; if my connection to that person--or group of people--is so shaky that being sleeved will destroy it, am I really any worse off? Better to clear the negativity, and ditch the haters! I'll be thankful if my sleeve and the success it brings also helps me shake off anyone who isn't really who they claim to be in my life! Sometimes you gotta lift the rock to see the creepy crawlies underneath for what they really are. Rock that sleeve and let them choke on their jealousy.[/quote']

    Very true. And the funny thing I that all of my real friends and family have been supportive. The most resistance I got was them thinking I wasn't "big" enough to have surgery. But once the decision was made they were all on board (at least to my face lol). But these co workers who I really don't care about or have personal relationships with have an opinion on my life and feel the need to share it with me. Meanwhile they all got together to send me a huge bouquet of flowers to the hospital. But you are right. They don't matter in the end anyway.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  15. I have been told by 3 people lately that I took the easy route by having the sleeve......There is nothing eay about changing your life to be a healthier you....The sleeve is a tool' date=' we have to do the work to succeed.....

    I don't care what they think......down 116 lbs and counting.....Go girl go and take no prisoners...[/quote']

    EXACTLY. It not "easy". But even if it was the "easy" route... So what. Who is trying to take the hard route through life??? When you have options, why not use them?

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  16. I know how you feel. When I talked to my sister about revising to the sleeve she asked some questions and I answered all of them honestly. She then told me that I had said all of the same things before my band surgery and that was an epic fail. That was pretty mean. I thank the band for helping me not get to 400 lbs. she is heavier than me and I almost thnk she is jealous that I am brave enough to get the revision to the sleeve. But I think that people may not accept it until some weight comes off and you are getting healthier! I have to really not care what anyone else thinks... Congrats on being sleeved btw! You are on your way to proving everyone wrong :)

    Sisters are naturally competitive. Sounds like she doesn't want to be left behind. Misery loves company.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  17. I totally understand what you are talking about! I told the women in my department that I thought I was close to and I thought they were my friends' date=' including my boss and the VP of the company. Well, everything has changed...and I am only 11 days post op. Every time I say anything related to the surgery, they roll their eyes and walk away. I wish I wouldn't have said anything. Even got to the point that I am thinking about looking for another place to work.[/quote']

    I told this one lady who is super skinny, and now somehow always manages to bring up how lucky she is because she eats what she wants just has super fast metabolism in every conversation (she never talked about that before my surgery) that I don't give a damn what anyone says about me behind my back because they are cowards. I don't really care what there opinions are as long as they keep it to themselves. If you want to compare my sleeve to a boob job that's your uninformed decision. I just don't want to hear it. I don't bring up my surgery anymore. But they sure love asking about my progress and what I'm eating. I keep it vague now.

    Don't let those people run you out of a job. Confide in those that support you and screw the rest. You will be happier with you when all is said and done... And that's ALL that matters. You will also be healthier and out live all those b*****s lol.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  18. I know what you mean.. for the most part.. the nurses I work with at the hospital have been very supportive of my surgery..and some have inquired themselves into surgery for them.. but.. at my morning job.. most are very happy for me and tell me how great I look.. but there is one nurse there.. Im sure she means well.. she is over weight and chooses to do it naturally.. (lose wt). but it seems like she always has to tell me when she sees me that she will not have surgery to lose wt.. (not like ive asked to have surgery either) she always says.. least I didnt have surgery to lose weight. welll.. really? guess what.. Im down 94lbs..and you are what.. hmmmm 3mo and down.. 5lbs? really? well good for you. Im happy for you.. why cant you be happy for me? cuz you are way Jealous of how I look now.. fabulous.. thats what every one says.. and she looks? well lets face it.. 5lbs is not much.. she looks the same. I just smile and say good job.. way to go and keep it up.. and smile. LOL YaY us losers LOL.. keep it up.. .we ROCK!!

    I know what you mean. As if losing the weight naturally makes it more legitimate or makes her a better person. I'm quite sure most if not all people who have decided on weight loss surgery have tried for many years to lose it naturally and have not had long term success. Just because we chose to face reality and realize that we may need more assistance doesn't make the weight loss less valid. We still have to exercise and make the right food choices. For me the surgery has forced me to make changes and has given me the motivation to exercise and make good food choices because I see it working.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  19. I was so excited for my surgery and I've pretty much told everyone in my life including co-workers about it. My family has been great, but some of my co-workers have been shady. I've even had a few try to tell me that WLS is cosmetic! As if. Now I am not one who cares too much about what others think. But it's super annoying. half of the reason I shared is because 75% of the women I work with are overweight themselves and perhaps hearing my story would inspire them. Instead they hate. Well they will really hate me a year from now when I'm a size 8. Ha.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 203 DOS was May 7th 2013

  20. I went through the same thing when I got my surgery date. I cried for no reason, I worried, I stressed, lost sleep, etc. I don't know why because I really really wanted the surgery. Now I have no regrets. This whole process is a marathon and the insurance approval period was stressful. Once you have the surgery you will likely feel a sense of relief. Then your next journey of weight loss will begin.

    highest weight = 228 DOS = 219 CW = 206 DOS was May 7th 2013

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