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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by NMJG

  1. In this country we put doctors on a pedestal. Very few of them deserve it and some, as we know, are total jerks. Hugs to you. Find a new doctor who treats you with respect.

  2. My new one is Veg Lasagna. Instead of Pasta, I use thinly sliced eggplant. For filling in between the layers I use Italian sausage, sliced zucchini, sliced mushrooms, and ricotta. I liberally sprinkle with mozzarella. I layer with low carb Pasta Sauce or Trader Joe's Arrabiata Sauce (naturally low carb). I saute the vegs first and cook the sausage beforehand, so it is done faster. It only takes about 30-45 minutes at 400 degrees to finish up if you precook your sausage and vegs.

    Note this is low carb and not low fat. Good for those of us following low carb/high fat plans. Very satisfying and stores/freezes well. The whole family likes it. No one misses the Pasta.< /p>

  3. Thanks, Jane. So glad you keep up with posting. I am getting closer to PS time, myself. Dr said I had to wait 18 months after VSG. Seeing you is very inspiring. i wouldn't dare be seen in a bikini. Hope I don't sound like a perv, but your new breasts are really nice looking. Mine look like your old ones. Exciting stuff :)

  4. Actually, while exercise is good for you on many levels regardless of weight, you don't have to exercise to lose the weight or keep it off, as long as you stick with a very low carb diet. Bring the carbs up and you will have to exercise to combat them. Over 50, many of us find that our tolerance of carbs (in terms of weight gain) becomes worse as time goes on.

    53 years old. 10 1/2 months out. Lost 95+ lbs total and 66 lbs post surgery with the sleeve. Been at goal 3 months.

    Had to take synthroid for thyroid before surgery, but now I am off of it. Normal thyroid after getting the weight off and changing how I eat for good.

  5. I lost ok, but not great, keeping below 60 grams of carbs. I think people have different tolerances to carbs. Some people may need to stay below 50 or 40 to lose weight at their preferred rate. Some may do best below 20 for maximum loss.

  6. Kaitlyn, you can seriously hurt yourself. None of us want to see you end up in the emergency room with a leak. Please, please please follow your post op diet. This is serious stuff, like your internal organs type serious, not just another stupid diet that is easily broken with no problem other than guilt.

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