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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Can I lie - hernia op?

    No one figured out mine.
  2. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    It's a terrible CHOICE and I'm ashamed that I am thinking about that heart shaped salami in the freezer I'm serving for our gathering New Years eve. My 19 year old daughter set the bar high she was sleeved 11/14 and has been a perfect saint Lol it's the same choices that got me into this! YAY!! You totally GET me. That said, I do high protein/fat, low carb, so I, too, have heart shaped salami in my fridge and in my belly. Love it. But yes. It's all a choice.
  3. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    Lots and lots and allllll the sparkly kinds. I truly am the queen of lip color!!
  4. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    Many, many addicts, alcoholics, smokers, etc. are simply told to stop and are given no more than counseling and many succeed. We are given the added bonus of a great tool via variatric surgery to ensure our success if we use it right. It's was my opinion that I could do anything for 3-4 weeks to cleanse my system, retrain my brain, and focus on my future good health. And no, I've never argued against WLS. I'm 3.5 years out and maintaining beautifully. I was simply giving you MY opinion of your perspective. Please don't put your words in my mouth simply because you feel differently.
  5. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    This is an interesting perspective for sure. Is it also unreasonable to expect a smoker to stop smoking pre-op? Is it unreasonable to expect a drunk driver to quit cold turkey or face jail time? How about a drug addict? Should they be given a "drug allowance" in rehab? My surgeon not only treated me like an adult, but he expected me to ACT like an adult. I followed my pre op diet for a month and I didn't stray. This didn't make me "more" or "superior" to anyone who chooses a different path. It simply helped me prove to myself that I was ready for such a drastic surgery and that I was committed to my own success.
  6. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    Who or what are you exactly "cheating"?
  7. LipstickLady


    And on that train of thought, why do the people who run the WWs meetings put the chairs so close together? I was FAT! I didn't want my thighs rubbing up against the thighs of people on either side of me!! UGH!
  8. @@danaymacklin Thank you for understanding my intent.
  9. Thanks can't wait to try! I'm 3 weeks post op starting soft food today...what week do you recommend this? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App When your doctor clears you for it. Not being a smart ass, but every plan is different. I was about 6-8 weeks in before I could have the above.
  10. LipstickLady


    Nothing that comes in a can is really that good anyway. Seriously. It's habit. You will be able to eat anything you want again next holiday season, but you will eat it in teeny portions and while wearing a MUCH smaller size. Focus on how awesome it will feel to fit into booths, wear single digit sized pants, shop anywhere you want... It's ALL worth it.
  11. LipstickLady

    Very minor annoyance

    Consignment stores! They will buy your old and give you credit towards new. Love it even at my smallest.
  12. Not only did I do ALL of my holiday shopping in one day, but I wrapped it all, too!

    1. heidikat72


      excellent! while i've been finished with shopping for a few weeks - thank you Amazon! - I still have most of it to wrap.

    2. Sai


      I do it the lazy way through Amazon and online stores o.O. Great job, and Merry Christmas!

    3. jane13


      You must have had a really good idea of what to get the people on your list...I am still going to have to look for about 3 more gifts today - UGH!

      I may end up cheating and get a couple of gift cards!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  13. LipstickLady

    Do you drink carbonated beverages?

    Carbonation doesn't stretch your stomach.
  14. Old Navy Diva or Sweetheart. Smaller waist, bigger booty, a little stretch and you can buy bootleg or straight! I wear American Eagle jeans myself. Love their skinnys.
  15. LipstickLady

    Not doing so well

    Huh? Don't drag me into this one, please! I'm don't do name calling and personal attacks? Nope. Debate the subject not the people.
  16. LipstickLady

    Not doing so well

    So basically you decided that ignoring your doctor's instructions and eating a week after major surgery is OK and you came here to find people who agree? Great. Your insurance paid for this surgery because you are morbidly obese. If you can't follow simple medical instructions to prevent serious post operative problems I m not going to waste my time on you. But, before I BLOCK you, unless you are well bent on killing yourself I suggest you get some psychiatric counseling ASAP. So I understand people telling me that what I have done is not right and I need to stop and do right and I apperciate that. But I didn't get on here to be talked to rudely and be judged. So in words of my mamaw if you ain't got nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. ☺. I have done nothing to offend. Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App And here we go.
  17. LipstickLady

    Not doing so well

    Are you taking a PPI?
  18. 24,999...

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      Sold to the lady with the candy apple lips!

  19. Well... there are a few vets who will validate it, but...
  20. yes I am maintaining the weight, the best thing about never being 'on the wagon' is that I never had the moment of 'oh crap I started eating carbs and gaining!' I was too weak and sick the first year to get a regular exercise routine, I couldn't handle the decreased food AND exercise, I didn't want to throw off my metabolism either. I didn't want to put my body in starvation mode. I wasn't a couch potato either, I had a full time job and a dog to walk. I have to say it worked for me, I dropped 60 lbs in under a year, I only had 60 to lose to begin with, 132 was my lowest weight, but I am good and steady at 135-138. ??
  21. Huh? I thought your way was working for you? I'm so confused. I'm out. I don't have time for games...
  22. And ho-hum in the manner that watching my peeps getting called names for offering good advice is snoresville.
  23. I'm half Mexican so refried beans are big to me!
  24. Comfort food. Scrambled eggs with cheese and a side of refried Beans and hot sauce. Crustless quiche. Omelettes Meatballs with marina, topped with mozzarella and baked until cheese is bubbly

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