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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I Need a Bake Good!

    Fiber One Chocolate Chip cookies are good. They are HUGE, so it could be a two or three day treat.
  2. LipstickLady


    No kidding! Shame on me.
  3. Called the NUT today to confess my sins. She did laugh at me a little. (Good thing I still have REALLY SUPER BIG big girl panties!) She said that with the level of exertion it was fine to add a few oz of Protein, that they actually advise against heavy exercise during the pre-op because there are so few calories going in. She also told me that I could use Beans as my source of lean protein (alone or in combination with lean meat) as long as I stayed within my four ounces. WOOOOT! That's great. I make an awesome FF bean dip for veggies and along with some salsa and FF Greek yogurt, it will be a yummy meal. And black bean "burgers"....YUM!
  4. First, this is my pre-op diet: Breakfast: One shake. Lunch: One shake and one small piece of fruit. Snack: 6-8oz non fat greek yogurt or 1/2 cup FF cottage cheese. Dinner: 4oz lean meat and unlimited non-starchy veggies. Snack: 1/2 cup veggies. I can have unlimited veggies all day as well as needed. Easier than many other's diets, I know. Day one. So easy. Day two. So easy until I had a Martial Art boot camp (at night) and had to go at full speed for two and half hours. When I got home, I was starving. I stayed within the above guidelines but then added two more ounces of lean Protein. (CHEATER!!!!) Day three. I did an all day vendor fair for Cinco de Mayo. I walked from 7:30a until 6:30p. I carried about 250 pounds of supplies to and from my car to set up the spot, too. I didn't have time for lunch and I had 6oz of lean protein instead of 4. (CHEAT??) Day four. Today. I've been starving all day, I think because I shorted my calories so much yesterday. I had a can of tuna in place of my Protein Shake for lunch. Same calories, protein and less carbs. I had taco salad (all non starchy veggies, no dressing, no chips, 93/7 meat) but I only had 3 oz of meat. So instead of 4oz of meat today, I had 7oz. (CHEAT!!) My cheats are all lean protein, no carbs. I am not exceeded my fat or carbs and my meat substitutes are less than or equal to a shake. I need to stop because I do feel quilty about it even though I sort of feel like my cheat is still within nutritional guidelines. Is getting the protein from real food over a shake really that bad? Am I justifying the idea that I am taking in less carbs and fat this way unfairly to me? I have no other big events until surgery that will hinder my ability to stay on track. Those two were so physical, I burned way more than normal even though I am fairly active. (Note. Tough responses, welcome.) Oh, and a question! Can I count black Beans as part of my protein or not so much because of the carbs? Should I report my failure to my nurse? ACK!! Oh the guilt!! The Catholic guilt!!!
  5. LipstickLady


    It was not an intentional "false statement" (aka - a lie). I did not word my thoughts correctly, but I will be sure to do better in the future.
  6. LipstickLady


    Pardon my incorrect words for the redo she had. I will be sure to be more accurate in the future. I will see if I can convince my friend to come here and give you the statement you want to hear, but understandably, this is not something she is proud of nor is it something she is in full acceptance of yet. Perhaps that's why you are not getting first hand stories. I can't imagine how I would feel if I went through this process myself, only to throw it all away because I could not gain control over that hand to mouth motion that got us all here in the first place.
  7. LipstickLady


    First off, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am very close to my daddy and I can't imagine the pain of not being able to talk to him every day. There are no words that I can say that can take away your sorrow but I know he will always live on in your heart and in your memories. As far as calling the surgery a "tool"... The dictionary definition of tool includes "anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose: Education is a tool for success". For me, as someone who has tried everything to lose weight, as someone who has been researching this option for well over a year rejecting it time after time because I just KNEW I could do it on my own, as someone who is VERY physically active every day, I am hoping that this procedure is going to be the tool I need to be successful in breaking my cycle of yo-yo dieting. Yes, I do understand the seriousness of the procedure and I know the risks. That said, there are just as many risks to my health if I stay at this weight. I don't feel the use of this word minimizes the seriousness of what you have gone through or of what I am going to go through. That said, I am also someone who believes that many curse words are simply four or five letters strung together, that there is really no meaning behind them except the intent in which they are spoken. I highly doubt that there are many people here who have gone through this process that are flippant about their journey, As far as gaining back all the weight? I have a very close friend who lost 180 pounds with gastric bypass, gained it all back over 5 years, had the surgery again, lost it all and gained again. I have another close friend who had this surgery 2 years ago, lost 75 pounds over 6 months and has gained 50+ back since. I have no doubt she will gain every ounce back that she lost because she thinks her sleeve is going to to all the work instead of seeing that it is a means of helping her control her portion size, not what kind of crap she shoves in her mouth all day long...
  8. Yup, you are right. I'm just not a big meat eater unless it is a big great burger or a rare steak so I was hoping I could make an awesome bean dip for veggies and call it dinner.
  9. LipstickLady

    Best coffee drink poll

    Try WaWa coffee when you are on the go. They have SF, too. Coffee is better and much cheaper.
  10. LipstickLady


    I'm just going to sit here with my protein drink and watch.
  11. Oh goodness! Like going to confession for real. HA!
  12. I KNOW, I KNOW!! But I am SO terribly obsessive compulsive and I am a by the book rule follower. I need someone to slap me into submission because I do feel as if I am doing the wrong thing but at the same time, maybe not? I am in the school of thought that Protein from real food is better than a processed chocolate drink, but if that was the case, that option would have been in my pre-op book. I will say it was much better for my light headedness after all that physical labor I hauled my fat ass through. So, you didn't answer my questions.
  13. I am totally on your side, but don't stoop to his/her level with the insults. You are MUCH better than that.
  14. LipstickLady

    Ice cream alternative

    Mmmmmm... Try Fat Free Kraft Cool Whip, Frozen. Stats: 2 TBSP, CAL 15, FAT 0, CARBS 3g
  15. LipstickLady

    When can we drink soda

    I prefer tough love, myself. Feel free to pile it on me if I need it!
  16. LipstickLady

    When can we drink soda

    I'm giving you the evil eye for that last post, MsAntiBand.
  17. LipstickLady

    When can we drink soda

    Black widow spiders? :faint: I can totally give those up!
  18. LipstickLady

    Dying to be thin

    My thoughts are that if you've been here for a long time and you are having issues, you should know that everyone is going through or is going to go through their fair share of struggles. You shouldn't feel the need to create a new account. I am sure you would get much more supportive answers if you just asked the question as who you are. That said, I would never purge. That damage is irreversible
  19. LipstickLady

    One Month Post OP!:)

    You are beautiful before AND after!
  20. LipstickLady

    Birthday "cake" for sleevers

    Beautiful! Too bad Jello makes me want to gag. And that's PRE-sleeve! EEEK!
  21. Oh my gawd!! I didn't even think of this. I can't wait!
  22. LipstickLady


    You have two topics so far and you've asked about eating steak, hot dogs, cheeseburgers and BBQ. Have you had at nutrition consult? Perhaps you need to sit down with him/her and with a support group to hear what your diet is going to be like before you go through surgery. The things you are asking about are not in the best interest of your new stomach, new lifestyle or your weight loss.
  23. LipstickLady

    Suddenly super acidic

    What is your source of protein?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
