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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by danelle235

  1. My incisions have basically healed, but still have these little pieces of fishing line poking out. Will they eventually go away on their own?
  2. danelle235

    Throwing Up Chewble Vitamins!

    I bought 'opurity chewable vitamins' from Unjury, ate half of one today and instantly threw up. Won't be doing that again... too bad I have such a huge bottle....
  3. I'm 2 weeks post op today an have been on clear fluids so far. I can start creamed soups (strained) milk, shakes, etc. So, I had 2 bites of a cream soup (2 table spoons maybe) and 3 minutes later was in agony (sharp stomach spasms), got a wave of nausea (which I haven't had for over a week), then puked. Why did this happen??? I'm desperate for something other than broth and jello, but not at that price!!! Thoughts?
  4. danelle235

    I know

    I'm on fluids only for the entire first month post op. 2 weeks clear fluids (4 more days left) Then 2 weeks 'full' fluids. ( Protein shakes, watered down creamed soups, milk, etc.) Then 2 weeks puréed foods and 2 weeks mushy/soft foods. No 'real' food until week 9. I'm down 17 lbs since surgery 12 days ago. I know others eat foods sooner, but even jello and Popsicles are giving me reflux, so I'm good with slowly reintroducing foods.
  5. Ok, so I'm still in early days post op, but I just had a dream about being force fed mush. So I started thinking. What happens, if someday we're in long term care and we need feeding assistance. I've seen first hand how quickly people are fed, relatively large portions. Larger than our new tummies can handle. I have to eat SO slowly so I don't throw up right now. Just broth!! At my gramma's nursing home, staff are in a hurry and rush people through meals. Hopefully we never have to worry about it, but what if one day we can't speak or feed ourselves...and still have tiny tummies. People get old...y'know.....? It's random, but I didn't think about it before now.
  6. danelle235

    my situation. ....

    It's too bad that she was denied, but she was going to have the surgery too.. so what's the difference if she tells people...? She's bitter. I say, just do your thing, ROCK YOUR SLEEVE and you can still support her - in your skinny new body!! Add on: With that said, it IS a very personal journey, so you don't have to talk about it with anyone that isn't 100% on your side. That's why we're all here!!!
  7. Are you taking any kind of stomach protector or PPI (like Almax, Milk of Mag, etc) ? I had this sensation too, especially after drinking cranberry juice, but Almax 3 times a day is working for me.
  8. danelle235

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it, and I know I'm not ready for intense excercise yet, but I'll look forward to starting back on a more regular routine week 5/6 and joining your 12 week challenge in a few months!!
  9. danelle235

    New career

    Hahaha... hey, wait a sec....he's YOUR baby daddy too!?!! You better get to the retirement home and get your dance on, mister!! Sounds like you've got more than 5.1 to cover costs for!!
  10. danelle235

    Rapid weight loss......

    I'm thinking it's good too! Down 17lbs in 11 days since surgery (to be fair, I think your discarded stomach weighs about 4lbs) and 24lbs since starting pre op on May 1st. The faster it's gone, the happier I will be!! Way to go!!! Let's do this!!
  11. danelle235

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    I can't wait to join you all in the exercise....! I'm up for a challenge. How long after surgery did you wait? (I'm only 11/12 days out but I felt well enough to mow the lawn today!! Yeah!!) I like to run and I just don't know how/when to start again. Also, I usually run with a water belt and don't know how I'm not gonna drink too much while running....obviously I'm not taking in enough calories at this point to sustain any long runs... (2 oz cranberry juice, 4oz clear soup 2 times daily, jello, a Popsicle and water) but I want this weight GONE and patience is not my strong point.... whatd'ya think???
  12. Lunaya... Thanks for sharing your story. It takes courage, and you're right. Everyone here is supportive and understanding of the struggle of being in bodies that don't serve us. This is an opportunity to change our internal dialogues, or thinking about all the times we've failed ourselves in past attempts. This is DIFFERENT. You've never had 70-85% of your stomach removed before. And while it DOES take a bit of work and dedication and... there IS inevitably some mourning over losing our 'coping mechanism', this is still a game changer. A LIFE changer. I encourage you to listen to the many many positive testimonials of people that LOVE their sleeve, and once the weight starts falling off and you feel and see results, your mentality changes. It just does. You will be one of those that are celebrating in no time! And in the meantime, we're here for ya!!!! You got this!!!
  13. danelle235

    How many incisions?

    Hey!!! You're back!! Glad to hear things went well!! How goes post op!??
  14. danelle235

    New career

    Ooo! Good plan!! Maybe I'll be.... a 'Surrogate Partner' for the really wealthy 75+ plus crowd. With yachts. And a stripper on the weekends!!! Here's to being skinny!!! Dolla bills y'all!!
  15. danelle235

    Loosing more than expected

    I have pretty thin hair and lost SO much after a totally different surgery last summer so I'm expecting the worst in a few months time. I've heard of people getting extentions, which i might have to. But I used hair powder to 'hide' the really thin spots, vitamins and shampoos. There's not much else, apart from a great haircut! It's disappointing but you will NOT be bald. Just be patient... You're still beautiful and it will all grow back! Photos of products/ vitamins.
  16. danelle235

    When we're old...

    Laura-ven.... Where's your chat on cheeseburgers and does anyone know how to close your own thread? This one took a bizarre turn. Is it a full moon....?
  17. danelle235

    When we're old...

    Grammy, thanks for your comments on the thread. I guess I still don't understand how it's a joke to say 'you might luck out and die when you're 30' (after assuming I'm 25) and NOT a joke to say the same about being 60, when you're 59...? Seems a little strange as several others didn't seem to get the joke either... but that's life. Long long looooong life. After all, isn't a long life why we're all here, getting sleeves in the first place?? Happy to hear you put the kleenex away.
  18. danelle235

    When we're old...

    proudgrammy, AussieLady- don't cry grammy....c'mon ladies...let's just HUG IT OUT...I really am nice, I swear. Did I mention I've had nothing but water, broth and jello for almost 3 weeks???? HUGS FOR YOU.
  19. danelle235

    When we're old...

    A joke is a joke, and I have a pretty decent sense of humor. I do. I just didn't 'get' that one. Sorry. I run through different scenarios in my mind and just wondered about the scenario of getting old with a sleeve, since it's inevitable. Anyway... Thank you to those that offered helpful advice. Feel free to unsubscribe to what turned out to be a ridiculous feed.... hahaha....
  20. danelle235

    When we're old...

    Well... there you have it. I am half your age, and I worry about random things. But I guess since you'll likely be in a home a lot sooner than me, you can let us all know what it's like to be gavage- fed purée until you puke. I won't laugh though. However, I might say... 'too bad she didn't luck out and die at 60'. Really do love ya too, hun.
  21. danelle235

    How did you get through 2 weeks pre op?!

    Every surgeon has a different diet leading up to surgery date and they vary quite a lot. Mine was 4 weeks (2 weeks clean eating, 1 weeks full fluids and 1 week clear fluids) I've since had surgery, so I'm on a clear post op diet now. I would ask your surgeon or WLS company for a specific pre-op diet plan (which is usually REQUIRED) in order to shrink your liver for surgery. Hope that helps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
