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Jessica H

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Jessica H reacted to AmyinMI in My last days of food...   
    The behaviorist in my program said almost the same thing. There will be a period of loss & mourning. I am finding it helpful to write a physical list of alternatives. Things to do when I would normally turn to food. Good Luck, you can get through this.
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    Jessica H got a reaction from AmyinMI in My last days of food...   
    Thank you!! I'll be here to make sure you don't have a weak moment!
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    Jessica H got a reaction from Threetimesacharm in sleeve and weight watchers   
    I don't think any of those is good for the sleeve, from what I've been taught. I'm going to follow whatever I have to, according to my surgeon. I don't want to screw up this surgery
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    Jessica H reacted to ProudGrammy in Help. I cheated   
    axd0424 OMG - what did you say???
    tell me you didn't really eat 3 slices of pizza two days before WLS???
    people have been shot for less
    between you and me (everyone else cover your ears) - i went on a food funeral for almost a week prior to surgery
    many people do this - not a good thing - but for some (like me) i felt i was never gonna be able to eat again, so i splurged
    ok, to all that were "good little sleevers" and covered your ears - you can now take your hands off your ears!!!
    to "you" that didn't listen to me - you must now have 10 Protein shakes in the next hour
    course if you didn't listen to me before, i doubt you will now
    of course i found out soon enough that you will eat "normal" again
    you can definitely eat pizza later - just very smalllll piece
    your tummy is now small - it holds a teeny bit of food that will happily make you full!!, at the same time your craving will be satisfied
    you'll probably be tired Tuesday morning
    you'll be nervous from worry the night before
    take a nap during WLS - they won't mind
    best of luck on tuesday
    speedy recovery
  5. Like
    Jessica H got a reaction from Vixynne in Post op and sweets   
    I heard the same thing Vix.
  6. Like
    Jessica H reacted to Vixynne in My last days of food...   
    Every time you want to reach for the "bad boyfriend" in the next couple of weeks, just remember, all of his "awwwwwwbaby, I didn't mean it, I loooooove you" is a buncha lies.

    Good luck, I know you'll do great! I can't wait till I'm just two weeks from the procedure--then you can remind me not to listen to the "bad boyfriend"!
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    Jessica H got a reaction from Vixynne in My last days of food...   
    Thanks, Vix! Happy to know there are others that feel that way too. And I think you're right about the abusive part. It has held me back and controlled my life for so long, I won't know how to act when it's not a huge part of my life anymore. I almost cried at Target today when I was stocking up for my liquids. And my daughter had donuts, oatmeal cream pies and other crap in the cart. It's going to be a hard 2 weeks! I work for a doctor's office and we're always showered with Cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, donuts, etc. And I have a drawer for food at my desk. I have to remember not to reach in and grab something! Guess I should clean that out come Monday, so there's no chance of me slipping. These 6 mos have flown by... hope the next 2 go fast too!
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    Jessica H reacted to Vixynne in My last days of food...   
    Jessica, I've probably got a few months before I'm standing where you are, but everything you say makes perfect sense to me. For me, too, food has been a constant companion and a constant comfort. Feeling anxious? Eat a little sumpin'. Feeling sad? There's ice cream in the freezer...Feeling happy? Cupcakes for everyone!
    food has been my go-to for many years, too. It never judged me, never disappointed me (well, not emotionally, anyway) and always made me feel content. Now I'm preparing to "break up" with the friend who's always been there, yikes!
    For me--and it may not be this way for you--food is like an abusive boyfriend. It *seems* to always be there for me, but it wants to control my happiness and hold me back. It's really a toxic relationship that could someday kill me, or at least shorten my life by giving me diabetes or heart disease.
    So, yeah. Mourn a little, because you are saying goodbye to a familiar, comfortable part of your life. Just keep in mind, it's part of your life that NEEDS to be shown the door. And later on, you'll get back a better version that isn't able to cause you so much harm.
  9. Like
    Jessica H got a reaction from Vixynne in My last days of food...   
    In 2 days, I'll start my 2 week liquid diet. I've spent the last week eating and drinking whatever sounded good or could get my hands on. I'm fearful of never having some foods again, due to tolerance or texture. And I know I can't (or not supposed to) have soda ever again. My Diet Dr. Pepper will be missed dearly I'm going out with a bang tomorrow by having brunch and a cupcake to Celebrate my birthday early! My surgery is May 6th and my birthday is on the 19th... Although I'm excited about my upcoming changes, I'm also scared. food has been my crutch, my companion, my go-to and my love (before my daughter came along). Is it weird that I almost want to cry because it won't be there for me like before? It feels like I'm losing a loved one. Is this normal? Does anyone else feel or has felt this way?
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    Jessica H got a reaction from EJamiFan in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    I'm looking forward to - doing more things with my 10 yr old daughter, my knee/hip pain going away, not having anymore fat rolls that my belt cuts into, not shopping at Lane Bryant, getting out of breath while walking upstairs, riding the coasters at Six Flags, fitting thru a turnstyle and hopefully falling in love with a great guy! My next 35 years are going to be FANTASTIC!!
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    Jessica H reacted to Divalicious9700 in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    Hi everyone,
    I'm 34.... 5'2...255...BMI 46.6... I've always been around 140-150 pounds. Around 2003 I started gaining weight (PCOS). 2011-2012 I went through 3 cycles of IVF and gained about 20lbs from the fertility meds(Steroids). From 2002-2013 I've gained a total of 100 pounds. I've tried almost every diet known to man and typically loose 20-30lbs then gain it back after each diet (deep sigh) At this point I've decided to get help(WLS) I think that 10 years is long enough to battle this weight issue on my own. I want to be healthy and enjoy living an active lifestyle again. I started this process in 2010. I went in for a consultation, sleep study and psych test but my hubby didn't think it was a good idea so I changed my mind and decided to try it on my own AGAIN. After seeing my constant struggle, my hubby is now supporting me 100% in this decision. My Consultation is tomorrow????
    I'm looking fwd to:
    1)Crossing my legs
    2) My thighs NOT constantly rubbing together
    3)Not being so winded during sex with the hubster ????
    4)Being able to work out without being so self conscious.
    5)Not having joint pains in my knees
    6) Feeling like my old self again
    7)Being able to enjoy sports again (Jet Ski, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Marathons)
    8)Enjoying taking pictures
    9)Feeling sexy again. ????
  12. Like
    Jessica H reacted to momof5cantwait in How much weight have you lost with sleeve?   
    Only 2 weeks out down 24 pounds . Every pound is equal to 4 sticks of butter. So there are 96 less sticks of butter on my body
  13. Like
    Jessica H got a reaction from EJamiFan in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    I'm looking forward to - doing more things with my 10 yr old daughter, my knee/hip pain going away, not having anymore fat rolls that my belt cuts into, not shopping at Lane Bryant, getting out of breath while walking upstairs, riding the coasters at Six Flags, fitting thru a turnstyle and hopefully falling in love with a great guy! My next 35 years are going to be FANTASTIC!!
  14. Like
    Jessica H reacted to ShayLeigh in What do you look forward to post-op?   
    Hi Everyone,
    I am new to the group and Have recently started my journey to a new healthy, fabulous life. I met with a nutritionist last week and hope to be approved within the next few months. Here are my stats:
    34 yrs old
    266 pounds
    BMI 46.7
    Live in Utah
    Suffer from sleep Apnea, Asthma, chronic muscle aches, chronic joint pain (knees and hips), constant headaches (due to size of breasts), extreme fatigue
    Even if I don't receive approval, I have started taking the steps to achieve weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. just recently, I started envisioning life being healthy and thin...something I have never really done. Here are the things (besides all the health benefits that are priority to me) I think about to keep me motivated:
    -Having a family portrait taken for the first time in a decade
    -Going on an exotic vacay with my husband
    -taking my daughter to a local amusement park and riding ALL the rides
    -Visiting old' friends that I have been too embarrassed to see
    -working in my garden
    -Going to a Water park for the first time ever
    -Wearing a swim suit
    -hiking to a cave
    -Buying and wearing cute bra and panty set
    -Painting my toe nails...not having husband do it for me
    -not being afraid to squeeze into a booth at a restaurant
    -cutting my Lane Bryant card in half and throwing away
    -not sleeping with a pillow under my gut when I lay on my side
    -wading through mtn stream without fear of falling
    And of course.....
    -enjoying sexuall intimacy again!!
    What are the things you look forward to??

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