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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mrs.RRn

  1. Wow, you are gorgeous! You need to update your profile pic. I think a smile is sexy, especially is you'll be wearing nothing but.... teehee


    I think I'll do sexy & smiles. Get a good mix.

    My profile pic was taken recently... Haven't loss weight since (maybe a lb or 2)

  2. Figured the powder Room was a good place for this....

    As a WTG gift to myself, I've scheduled a boudoir photo session next week with a really amazing photographer. I've seen many women on this site list this as a reward for themselves-- I thought this was a brilliant idea... Something to make you feel beautiful and sexy--- but now I just feel nervous. haha. I'm wondering how Ill explain that I don't want to accentuate my batwings or loose skin??? lol

    And now I've been practicing my "sexy face"... Yeah, not so sexy. lol

    Good luck to me!

  3. This is embarrassing. I used to dead lift +200 and now I can't even do my body weight yet. (But then my body wt was +200). Seriously. Even at work I've noticed such a big change- I used to be able to lift and move patients without help. I feel so weak now.

    My daily "regular" bench press weight was 75-100. Now 45 feels heavy. For leg press, I'd workout with 1000, haven't even tried that yet. I focused on cardio and light hand weights while losing weight (5-10 lbs each) as well as some body-wt exercises (squats, push-ups). Push-ups are different when you have a lot less to push up. LOL. I didn't realized I'd lose so much strength-- especially since I can't throw my weight into things.

    But on a more positive note, I can see some pretty cool changes in my body & I really believe I can get it looking and feeling like I want it to. That's exciting. It's a huge work in progress.

  4. Ok, honestly I can't lift as much now as I once could. It's a little disappointing. But now that I'm close to goal I've increased my training. I know it'll take a while to be able to lift what I once did, but I know I can do it. You can too. And I know my body will be better because of it.

  5. Wow. Congrats for recognizing this unhealthy relationship- with both her and food.

    It's hard to reset your brain once it's had all that disgustingly delicious food, but YOU CAN DO IT!

    I'd suggest start back to your basics and retrain your brain- x amount of days on liquids, x amount of days on soft diet, etc. That'll help both your mind and tummy reset. Go back to tracking everything you eat & drink. Remember: Water water water. You know the rules, because you've followed them before.... You can do it again.

    Good luck!

  6. I'm 10 months out now and plan to start visiting surgeons at the end of this year (between a year& a yr 1/2 out). I'm wanting breast lift w/ implants & TT first (possibly lower body lift). Then later arms and thighs done. I also don't have children (and don't plan on having any anytime soon- maybe 6-10 years from now). I figured I deserve to look like a "normal" person for the rest of my 20's for sure. lol

  7. Here's my basic advice on running:

    Take it or leave it ;)

    -I always eat before my runs (I tried skipping Breakfast once and nearly died- true story).

    - Aasics. Thought I was good with my trusty Nikes, I was wrong. Good running shoes are a must.

    - don't be alarmed if you have to increase your carb intake on running days. Also, expect your appetite to increase a bit as well. That's normal.

    - I much MUCH prefer running outdoors (w/ my earbuds in on an awesome playlist I made just for running)

    - wear compressions, especially when you lose a few more lbs. it's much more comfortable then having your belly slap your thighs. Really.

    - Sports bra, please.

    - I run on asphalt and grass, I mix it up to protect my knees. Everyone is different.

    -hydrate & rehydrate!

    - HAVE FUN!

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