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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by tlah

  1. What did you find as an easier Protein your first week? I have Isopure in the coconut flavor and it has coconut Water in it so that means electrolytes. Lets all share that way the next person might be helped its not sickly sweet goes down like water for me, I was surprised but when I was discharged I got the ok to power walk on the treadmill. Who is with me on this, lets do whatever it takes so that this lifestyle change becomes the norm. Hope everyone is doing well I am. 4 days post. I like the about time powder I can't taste the stevia. And I find ginger tea calms the tummy. What do you have to share

  2. Bring your make up with you. If your staying a few days in hospital it makes you feel good and its something you have control over. I also had my hair done the day before remember if you look good you feel good I'm on day 4 post op I feel fabulous I followed my surgeon's rules so it made it easier for him which made a huge difference for me no gas pains after surgery. Much love blessings to you all

  3. I did three and a half months of an 800 calorie 80 grams of Protein VLCD and lost 45 pounds before surgery. I also ate a very anti-inflammatory diet. The effectiveness of this is controversial but I believed it helped me. I did not eat any grain products. I ate a lot of leafy greens and on most days I enjoyed a kale/ginger/lemon juice which is SUPER anti-inflammatory... I did this for more than three months leading up to my surgery.

    The day after my surgery I had a problem with my IV and the nurses could not get a decent vein. I had just passed my leak test so I asked my doctor if I could just try drinking all my fluids and maybe we could skip the IV.. he didn't think it was possible since I had already started to become dehydrated due to my IV drip stopping during the night' date=' but he agreed to let me try and he was SHOCKED that I drank 80 ounces of Water that first day and I swallowed my pills easily too.

    On the day of my discharge from the hospital, the doctor checked my incisions and was surprised that they were healed enough to not require covering. My discharge instructions said to keep them covered with clean bandages for a few more days.. but he crossed that out and said since they're already healed that I only needed to cover the one where he had just removed the drain.

    Like I said, maybe it was just luck and I'm just a fast healer, but I like to believe that my preop preparation had something to do with it. Then again, there are people who do no preop diet at all and heal super fast too so what do I know![/quote']

    Sounds great. You did fabulous. I took moringa powder pre op. approved it with doctor and I believe I had such an easy time no gas etc. that it truly helped. Like you I have healed fast as well. My nausea is now under control

  4. For me although I was tempted by what other surgeons said I followed my surgeons to a t I wanted to feel confident when I was under. I started weight watchers to learn how to journal and what three ounces looks like, I picked up my working out in fact did a two mile power walk morning of my surgery. I took my Protein to my last nut appt to make sure it was good stuff it wasn't easy with a 21 month old but its doable and I think that's why I'm having a great recovery. Exception gas but I knew going in that revision was higher for that. I have no gas either. So what helped you in case others are reading

  5. So please explain to me why you are calling people failures and not SUPPORTING them??? You know' date=' you sound a lot like my ex husband. Always negative, never supportive and loved to put people down because he thought he was GOD![/quote']

    There is no word of failure. However I'm done. I realize some people are not truly not ready they want to be. I wish you all the best of luck and as time goes on your health is put first

  6. You sound like me' date=' only I had my band for half the time you did. I too was told I would need to gain to have the revision. I did, 14.5 lbs and it was so hard since my band made me puke things up all the time. I ended up going to Dr.Aceves in Mexicali for my revision. I also had a wide Hiatal Hernia and some other issues. I am so amazed how great it is to have my band out and not constantly be sick! I am struggling a bit not to lose more, never thought Id say that! I lost the weight I gained wiin 10 days of surgery. I had my revision March 22. Feel free to PM me, Im not on here a whole lot[/quote']

    I have bcbs federal basic had band for 3.5 years. Bad reflux esophagus dilation although im at 34.1 now I was at 36 when I started the use first weight vits c usually vonly 10 lbs. Eats carbs and Desserts. Best of luck to b you I know your pain I was husr sleeved may 2

  7. you realize you are talking to people who have had bad connections with food. We cannot be perfect. We have struggled with this food and its emotional connections for our entire lives for some of us and for others for years. You cannot make a general stereo type like you have. if you are going to tell people that they aren't going to succeed add that they shouldn't get the surgery because they can't be perfect other diets that I think you don't belong in the support group. Because this is a SUPPORT group

    And support means not just to say its ok cheat start again tomorrow. Pre op and po directions are there so we will nit have complications and succeed it does no help for people looking for info or support to read about cheating prior to surgery knowing full well that its dangerous. Support is helping each other make it not help them make excuses this is a lifestyle change period. You don't support people taking chances before they are healed or go under the knife now I am not being sarcastic I have right to how I understand it

  8. Hello all!

    My sleeve surgery is scheduled for May 22nd and I am very nervous about getting sleeved. I'm nervous about the recovery' date=' nervous about failing, nervous about the surgery itself. My surgeon's staff says it's the best decision I could have every made. Luckily, Aetna approved the surgery within 7 business days; lucky and not so lucky.

    I am incredibly anxious and unable to stop thinking about my future surgery.

    I already bought a heating pad and Gas X strips, and am searching for the perfect hospital clothes and stuffy (stuffed animal).

    I'm so preoccupied with my surgery that I am finding it difficult to focus on anything else. I also stocked up on my Protein drinks!

    Any guidance or advice would be most appreciated, meanwhile I will keep combing the forum.

    Have a splendid day.


    Remember your taste may change get samples to try after surgery follow your surgeon advice in diet smoking etc its fir youe benefit fir a safe surgery and great results gas xc s trips wont help with surgery gas walking moving around will get it out if your body practice sipping and eating 30 minutes apart. My nut had a great suggestions use infant silverware ti eat with. Hope it helps. I know you will be great

  9. Everyones response is so different' date=' but my lap band was a breeze... I think I will be fine just nervous, I dont want to throw up anymore.. ive wasted enough of my life doing that.. my husband is being supportive either way... im definately doing it.. im readt to feel better and have energy feel confident about myself.. I couldnt imagine going shopping for clothes at a normal store..[/quote']

    My revision was easy as the lapband just nausea just follow surgeon rules dont cheat or smokt snd it will be smooth sailingvyou don't want thst liver in the way best lyck in my prayers

  10. Wow. I'm glad your so perfect tlah. We should all learn from your perfect wisdom...and yes I'm being sarcastic. I slipped once in my 20 day liquid preop but guess what' date=' I picked myself up, learned from my mistake and kept going. I've stuck to it and have been sussessful since. This isn't an overnight change...I'm magically a different person! It takes hard work, dedication, and educating yourself on better choices so you can become better yourself. It's a process of change![/quote']

    Its a process you start prio to surgery I never said I was perfect. If you don't finally learn from your past your only deemed to repeat it. These rules are there for your success I wish everyone on this journey great success part if the lifestyle change is to stop making excuses no one is perfect but you can adhere to rules fir a better life

  11. Thanks for the encouraging words! And the the negative comment! I KNOW I can do this and there are alot of surgeons that DON'T require a diet . My best friend had same surgeon and didnt diet at all.... I think that's why I put it in my head that it was ok to have a few Snacks. I got this and I'm starting fresh! Thanks have a GREaT day

    You can't compare you have to follow what YOUR surgeon says. I assume you want to be a success its nothing personal try being objective if anyone doesn't follow what their surgeon says are they really ready for this lifestyle change cheating before surgery is not an option

  12. My only issue has been been nausea and the nurses were in it as soon as I woke up. Pain is low been walking around. Dic keeping mevin hospital till Monday. I believe ive done well followed doctor's diet etc. Bo cheating wanted itvti gi smooth. I also walked 2 miles before surgery nurse's cant believe how well im doing do yourself a favor don't cheat journal your food like on sparkpeopke. Which is like weight watchers for free remember smoking prior during or after will cause issues with your sleeve nothing tastes as good as thin feels

  13. So I did pretty good on my first 3 days .... Day 4 and 5 I cheated!!! Makes me so mad! While I was cheating I knew I was screwing up but was soooo hungry! Had bowl of cereal.... chips and ate 2 lean dinner meals... Also it's been about 2 weeks since I had a diet soda and I had 3 this weekend! My surgrey is on Friday!!!! Time to get my head in the game!!!! What was i thinking

    Now what have done you mat have jeopardized your surgery. If you can't follow two weeks how do you expect to use the sleeve

  14. You surgeon can only givebyounthe tools to be a success. Yet I've read on here people still trying to cheat or do a easy way out

    If your not prepared to change for good why waste the time or money

    A surgeon gives rules to follow. People need to stop wondering about other surgeons and follow the your paying for

    If you smoker you have no business gettingbthevsleeve. The doctor tells you his for a reason. If you can't stick to a two week pre op diet how do you expect to becacsuccess withbthevsleeve

    I wish everyone great success. And a healthy journey. Remember nothing taste as good as thin feels

  15. Sleeve is your second chance at life. I don't understand anyone goinbthru this major surgery and still trying to cheat. With foods or cigarettes either you do or you don't. If you plan a half ass attempt why bother. I've read here people skippy stages not following advice from surgeons. I just shake my head. I believe it's these people up with complications and don't succeed. If your not truly ready to chance fontbitbit won't work for you and you will end up with more damage

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