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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by southernsoul

  1. southernsoul

    Did you eat grits in post- op?

    I was also told I could have grits on my full liquid stage, as long as they were on the thinner side. I added some unflavored Protein powder & sharp cheddar cheese. It felt really good to have something that felt like normal food to me. Now that I'm moving on to regular food, I probably won't eat grits much because they are not nutritionally rich...but I would lose my southern card if I didn't have an occasional bite now & then. And...a random thought I had when making my grits...why hasn't anybody come out with butter-flavored Protein Powder?
  2. southernsoul

    Egg muffins

    I made these this weekend. I did 6 with chopped ham, Swiss cheese & chives, and 6 with fresh mozz, chopped tomatoes, & basil. I used 1 egg per muffin (12 muffins=12 eggs), beat with some skim milk, put the fillings in the cups first & then poured the egg in until muffin cup was almost full. 350 for 30 min was perfect. Delish!!
  3. southernsoul

    Isopure drinks

    I just bought a sample pack from the Syntrax website. It's 12 individual packets for $12, plus $1.99 shipping. I tried to call, but kept getting voicemail, so I sent an email saying what I wanted to order & asked that somebody call me back. A woman called the next day, took my order over the phone & the box came on Friday. There are a lot of the fruit-flavor samples, as well as the chocolate & vanilla that I already have in the big tubs. http://www.si03.com/medical/med_index.htm
  4. My second week postop was SO much better than the first week. The addition of kefir (liquid yogurt) in my diet really helped to bring my diarrhea under control & everything in the whole world looked much better after that! My surgeon had me on 2 full weeks of clear liquids plus skim milk postop. It was definitely tough to go that long on just clear liquids, even with skim milk & the addition of kefir one week in. I was aware that many other docs do not require 2 weeks on clears, but I just figured this was my karmic payback for having a generous pre-op diet that was not just a bunch of shakes. Even though I had heard this might happen, I was still surprised to find myself never experiencing hunger...either physical or head hunger. A couple of times I was in a restaurant or somewhere else around yummy food, but I was barely tempted. The food looked good, smelled great...and still, I only had a tiny ripple of want, and then I forgot about it. Here's what else surprised me, though...the number of pre-op and post-op sleeve peeps who encouraged me to cheat on, or disregard, my surgeon's instructions! Granted, nobody was encouraging me to eat a cookie or something like that, but several folks encouraged me to have some yogurt, or a protein shake, or pudding. Even though I knew it it probably wouldn't hurt me to give in, I chose to stick to the plan as outlined by my surgeon. Maybe it's a small thing, but it seems to me that developing our self-discipline skills is a big part of this journey. I assume that my surgeon has chosen his post-op guidelines because he believes them to be the best way to ensure a successful start. Part of the information we learn on this & other WLS sites is just how much variation there is among surgeons, and their pre- and post-op plans. We know what other folks are being told by their doctors, and sometimes it might be easy to think, "Well, that person's doctor said it wasn't a problem, so why does my surgeon care? It won't really matter if I just....." I know that suggesting that someone have a yogurt is not the end of the world, but rationalization and justification are twin pathways on the slipperiest of slopes. I don't want to get started down that road. I will be the first to admit that my self-discipline skills can certainly use some work, but I am making the best effort I possible can to be successful on this journey.
  5. southernsoul

    Finally getting back to real food!

    I finally got moved off liquids and on to purees and soft foods after week 4. I have continued to have my espresso protein shake almost every morning, because it satisfies my coffee craving. I use 1 cup of skim milk, 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Syntrax Nectar), and about 1 tbsp of Cafe Bustelo instant espresso crystals dissolved in a little warm water. Stick everything in the blender bottle, shake & go. 250 cals, 45g protein, 18g carbs. I have moved very gently into more solid foods like fine chicken salad and scrambled eggs. So many folks seem to have trouble with eggs at first, and I am so thankful that I haven't had any issues. I can definitely feel the restriction more with solid foods than with liquids. Everybody told me to expect that, but I was still worried that somehow I would be 'different' and be able to take in more than I was comfortable with. On my 4th week anniversary on the 19th, I was down 40 lbs, including the 18 lost on the pre-op diet. That was 5 days ago & the scale hasn't really moved since then. It's been going up & down the same half pound or so, but I'm trying not to let that bother me. All my clothes are stretchy, so I was afraid I wouldn't be able to tell anything by the way my clothes fit, but again that proved to be wrong. I can wear dresses & tops that have been too snug for several years. I can pull off my denim capris without unzipping or unbuttoning them first. (I'm not sure when that might come in handy, but I can do it.) I have a party to go to next week & I pulled out a cute dress I haven't worn in 5 years. Not only does it fit perfectly, but it looks REALLY great. Another bonus...maybe because I'm not very far out, my "girls" are still holding their own. My waist & belly look and feel smaller, but up top is still an attractive feature. Best of all, though, I'm walking and moving much easier. I have been trying to walk at the mall every couple of days & I'm doing some light weights at home. About every 3rd time I exercise, I notice that I can either do just a little more, or the same amount is easier. I have started parking farther away from entrances & I think I may even stick my handicapped hang tag in the glove box. I'm still on soft foods for another week or so, but I'm plenty satisfied with what I'm able to eat now. I haven't tried fish yet (other than canned tuna or sardines), but I plan to try some salmon this week. My next big milestone is to eat out in a restaurant, and I think fish will be a good thing to start with. Mostly I'm just happy to be feeling good & strong & on my way to a better me!
  6. Try some other blogs, like Bariatric Foodie, Dashing Dish, and The World According to Eggface. My surgery was on June 19, so I'm right where you are. This week I'm planning to try some short ribs in the slow cooker & some roasted cauliflower "mashed potatoes", because I'm craving comfort food. We also have some salmon fillets that I think I can handle. I saw a crustless spinach quiche the other day that looked really good, and I can make individual ones in a muffin tin. I know that's eggs, but maybe it's still different enough from what you've been doing?
  7. southernsoul

    Fail psych exam?

    Please try not to worry. I am training to be a mental health counselor right now & I can promise you she would have been far more concerned if you had showed no emotion. Breaking down & crying over intense emotional stuff is normal and healthy. Getting stuff out may not always be 'pretty', but it's much better for our emotional well-being than bottling stuff up or denying it has had a big impact. My guess is she will be concerned about whether or not you have some decent support around you & that you have thought through the challenges of surgery. Oh, and BTW...a true mental health professional would never write "cray cray" in a client's file...we much prefer the clinically correct term LOONEY. Good luck to you!
  8. southernsoul

    What are you eating on your clear liquid diets?

    One different thing I bought for the clear stage was a jar of lobster bouillon concentrate by Better Than Bouillon. I drank a lot of chicken & beef broth, so the lobster was a nice change of pace. Once I got to full liquids, I could make it into lobster bisque with the quick directions on the jar. I also added it to canned clam chowder that I would run through the food processor to get smooth.
  9. I drank a lot of Unjury chicken soup while on clears for 2 weeks postop. I would heat up some chicken broth my friend made for me with big clumps of fresh herbs like basil or rosemary. Once it was heated up, I'd throw out the herbs & stick the food thermometer in to let it cool to below 140 (the soup protein gets clumpy above 140). Once it was down around 136 or 137, I would stir in the soup mix. The broth & herbs just add a nice flavor boost.
  10. southernsoul


    I don't see how blending it would hurt the protein value, but I don't think quinoa will become smooth when blended. I think it would stay in particles, which might not be so great in a drink. Also, even though it's got a good amount of protein for a grain, I wouldn't say it would make a good primary source of protein. It's got about 8g of protein in a cup (cooked). Just my opinion, though...nothing wrong with trying it & see what you think.
  11. 1 month out today, 40 lbs down (inc 18 on pre-op). Woo hoo!

  12. southernsoul

    Purée ideas

    I baked some sweet potatoes, scooped out the inside & ran it through the food processor with some unflavored protein powder & a little maple syrup. Also, cottage cheese run through the food processor with some fruit and maybe a little agave nectar is good.
  13. southernsoul

    Fail psych exam?

    Veruca, in my opinion & what I learned from my psych, they are more concerned with how we've learned to cope with issues rather than if we have ever had any issues. Does that make sense? If the thoughts were ongoing, or if they had never been addressed in the first place, then that might make a difference. But if 'your friend' has learned some coping skills and found a better balance in life, then that can only be a benefit to handling the postop changes, right?
  14. southernsoul


    My NUT recommended both quinoa & farro....and thank goodness for that, since I love them both. Both are high in protein, low in gluten, and are much better for you than many other grain or rice choices.
  15. southernsoul

    XXX rated super serious question!

    I'm almost a month out, too, but I can promise you that my man is nowhere near as happy as your man must be! You go, girl!
  16. southernsoul

    Full Liquids

    I was on clears for 2 weeks postop & now I'm in the second week of fulls. I will be at 4 weeks this coming Wednesday & can officially move to purees. However, I'm allowed sugar free pudding on fulls, which is pretty thick, so I've been making some thinner purees already & haven't had any problems.
  17. southernsoul

    Protein drinks other than shakes

    I can't stand the pre-made shakes. I've been making my own shakes with skim milk, greek yogurt, some instant espresso dissolved in a little warm water, & a scoop of vanilla protein powder. The powder doesn't taste so sweet with the other stuff cutting it & the coffee flavor keeps me happy first thing in the morning. I've also used unflavored protein powder a couple of times with skim milk & yogurt & a little Mio or Crystal Light mix & that gives me an even less sweet drink.
  18. southernsoul

    so tired of the liquid diet!

    I was on clear liquids for 2 weeks post op & now I'm one week into 2 weeks on full liquids. Full liquids have been better because I can get a little creative with soups and stuff. Hang in there...it's just temporary!
  19. southernsoul

    Favorite cookbooks?

    I bought a cookbook called Eating Well After Weight loss Surgery by Patt Levine, plus a couple of paleo diet cookbooks that looked interesting. In addition to the websites listed above, I found one called Protein Pow that focuses on baked goods made with protein powder. High protein breads, cakes, and other yumminess? Yes, please! http://www.proteinpow.com/
  20. southernsoul

    June 19

    NewMommy, this is definitely the place to obsess about all the aspects of our surgeries! My hubs is very supportive, but he definitely doesn't want to hear all my mental ramblings about my food & my incisions & whatever else grabs my focus at the moment. I don't have kids, and I'm not cooking for my hubs right now. I told him from the beginning that he was going to be on his own for the first few weeks until I could eat regular food again. He doesn't mind, and has been making changes to his diet, too, in order to eat healthier right along with me. I have never worried about getting a leak. The nurse at my surgeon's office told me leaks are caused by eating particles of food that are too big for the stage, or pushing ahead with foods I'm not ready for. She said the last time they had a patient who developed a leak, it was because she ate a couple of bites of chicken a few days out. I think as long as I stick with their plan, I should be fine. I have one more week to go on full liquids & then I'll move on to purees on Wed of next week. I have come up with some Soups that are working well for me on full liquids. I was missing meaty flavor really bad, so I figured out something that would work for me to add kind of a ham flavor to things like broccoli cheese Soup, cream of potato soup, & cream of asparagus soup. This may sound weird, but I bought those little cans of Armour Potted meat Product & blended it up with the cream soups, some chicken broth to thin it, and a few dashes of Tabasco. I sprinkle a couple of tsp of grated Parmesan on top & it's a really good soup. When it comes to mushies, I've heard a lot of folks struggle with eggs at first. I love eggs made in all kinds of ways, but I probably won't start off with them. Since I prefer my chicken salad and tuna salad to be smoother anyway (rather than chunky) I will probably start there. I also have a shrimp dip recipe I can make in the blender that will work for both purees and mushies.
  21. southernsoul


  22. southernsoul


    Quinoa is awesome & I can't wait to have it again. Along the same lines, try farro. It's a very high protein, low gluten grain that my hubs & I both fell in love with. Same idea as quinoa or even rice...cook it in water or chicken or beef broth with whatever spices, herbs, veggies, cheese, etc you want. It can be served hot or cold. Yum!
  23. I am only 49 & had to choose between getting the sleeve & having a double knee replacement. I knew that the longer I could hold off on the knees & the more weight I could lose beforehand, the better the outcome would be. I'm sorry I can't help reassure you about the anesthesia, but I know other folks have had surgeries post-VSG and have come out just fine. Good luck to you!
  24. Wow...congrats!! That's awesome
  25. Are these foods allowed so soon in the guidelines your surgeon gave you? If not, then I totally agree with WorkItOutWoman...just because you can doesn't mean you should. Even though there's a lot of variation among surgeons, I think it's important to follow the rules we are given for postop. If these foods are allowed & you are following the guidelines your surgeon gave you, then OK & more power to you.

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