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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by southernsoul

  1. I wasn't, but all docs are different. I didn't get to purees until I was 4 weeks postop, which is probably longer than most surgeons require. In the hospital, I had ice chips, water, a couple of 1oz servings of broth, & a couple of ounces of jello. I was on clears for 2 weeks & full liquids for 2 more weeks after that.
  2. southernsoul

    43 and feeling nervous!

    Congrats on getting the ball rolling! It's a big step, but it has been so worth it for me. I hope the rest of the process goes very smoothly for you!
  3. southernsoul

    Protein Drinks

    I really like Syntrax Nectar powder. It's a very high quality protein & it mixes very smooth. I have 1 scoop of either the chocolate truffle or the vanilla tort every morning in my shake. I also don't like too much of a sweet flavor, so I mix it in my blender bottle with plain nonfat Greek yogurt, skim milk, & about 1 Tbsp of instant espresso powder dissolved in a little warm water. The yogurt & the espresso cut the sweet just enough for me.
  4. southernsoul

    Do you still celebrate with food?

    First of all, congrats on the 22 lbs gone so far...that's really wonderful!! Second, I had the same thought as you about celebrating with food before my surgery in June. My wedding anniversary was last month & I still wanted to go out for a fancy dinner. However, we picked a restaurant that does small, artsy food, instead of giant portions. I chose 2 appetizers for my dinner, and both were basically pure protein. We shared a single dessert & I had about 3-4 small bites. I was really happy to be there & to feel like I could still enjoy the whole experience. My food was delicious & I didn't mind that I couldn't have a big entree. Celebrating with food can be tricky, though, and may be a trigger for some. It's important to know what you're comfortable with & try not to tempt yourself unnecessarily. Good luck with your surgery!
  5. southernsoul

    Even I am amazed!

    Wow...so amazing!! I am 4 months out & have a hard time envisioning the "end point" of this journey. Thank you so much for sharing yours!
  6. southernsoul

    Chicken Cordon Bleu casserole

    I made this tonight & it is delicious! We were out of flour, of all things, so I winged it with a couple of cans of cream of chicken soup & only added about 1 cup of milk. The Dijon & the lemon juice are great in the sauce. I also added a layer of chopped broccoli (about 2 cups frozen, thawed in the microwave) above the ham & below the cheese layer. The hubs had eaten a few of the Swiss slices I had planned to use for this, so I added a little shredded Italian blend to the cheese layer. Thanks again for posting the recipe!
  7. southernsoul

    The Boomer Chat Room

    Sassy, congrats on finally getting a date! I'm glad that you ended up deciding to stick with your original surgeon. I know his meltdown was awful, but you had learned so much great info about him and it would have been so hard to start over with somebody new. I hope you're able to get everything done before the surgery. I remember also being so crazy busy in those last weeks with class, court, doctor's appts, etc...thank God for Amazon & the Amazon Prime free 2 day shipping. Jean, thanks for noticing the new pic & yes, it's new. That was from last Saturday night. I guess I like posting an "In Progress" more than waiting for the final "After". It's taken 70 lbs, but I am finally able to see the changes in myself. It's very weird how our eyes don't seem to catch up for quite awhile. I knew in my head I was changing...smaller clothes, numbers down on the scale, less pain when I walk, etc.....but I couldn't see it in the mirror for the longest time. I still can't see it in my face, but at least I can see it somewhere.
  8. southernsoul

    The waning ME

    You look lovely...congrats!!
  9. southernsoul

    Feeling sexy for the first time!

    Wow...simply gorgeous!!!
  10. southernsoul

    Trader Joes in my town!

    OMG, I totally love TJ's. My food diary in MFP is covered up in Trader Joe's stuff. Their chicken sausages are great...my faves are the spinach-fontina & the basil-pesto ones. They also have frozen turkey meatballs that are great & frozen turkey "muffins" with spinach & a little bit of mashed potatoes on top. Frozen spinach kale bites are another fave. Plus they have great cheeses, salami, proscuitto, hummus, etc.
  11. Just added a new photo...just over 70 lbs down, not quite 4 months out. Lovin' my sleeve!

  12. southernsoul

    Things I Can Do Now

    I can stand & walk for much longer now before I need to sit down, which is a huge relief for me.
  13. southernsoul

    200 lbs. GONE !

    Wow, that is amazing and very inspirational! Way to go!!
  14. southernsoul

    June 21 2013 was surgery

    Wow, you've done really great...congratulations!! My date was June 19, so we're right together.
  15. southernsoul

    Why aren't I happy with the weight loss?

    I felt the exact same way! I told everybody I was having surgery, so when folks would say, OMG, you look great, I would think they were just being nice because they knew about the surgery. Of course, in my head I I knew I had lost weight...20, 25, 30, then 40, but I couldn't see it. Eventually, I got to where I could see the difference in pictures, but I still couldn't see it in the mirror. I knew my clothes sizes had gone down & I knew I felt great, but I just couldn't look at my stomach or my face & think, Oh yeah, now I can tell! Last week I crossed the 70 lb mark & I'm finally starting to see it in the mirror just a little. I guess it's just something weird about how we see what we've always seen. Good luck to you & I hope you start seeing it really soon!
  16. southernsoul

    feeling sad and depressed

    I'm only 4 months out, so I haven't faced that myself, but I can just imagine how difficult it must be. I don't really have any words of advice, just hang in there & know that you have done an amazing job so far. I can't even imagine 96 lbs yet...wow!!!
  17. southernsoul

    The Boomer Chat Room

    Happy belated birthday, Jean. Like you, I'm normally pretty compliant with my dietary guidelines, but I admit I enjoyed about 3 bits of chocolate cake on our anniversary a couple of weeks ago. I'm also wondering about the holidays. Personally, I think the occasional indulgence is fine, but I also know that not everybody feels comfortable with that. Too easy to start down a slippery slope, perhaps. I wonder if the holidays will be easier with physical restriction??
  18. southernsoul

    Pics of my husband 2 months out

    He's so cute!! I know it's hard not to compare...but try not to stab him in his sleep. I think you both look fantastic!
  19. southernsoul

    Chicken Cordon Bleu casserole

    That looks delicious!! I love casseroles in the fall & winter. I'll bet it would be good with some cut up asparagus or broccoli, too. Thanks for posting!
  20. southernsoul

    Back to the hospital

    So sorry you're having a rough time, but it does get better. I had terrible diarrhea my first 6 days postop & I still have no idea how I managed to stay hydrated. It was awful & I felt so weak! My doc ended up adding kefir (liquid yogurt) into my diet & it made a world of difference for me. Hang in there...this too shall pass!
  21. southernsoul

    The End of Closet Shopping

    That's awesome...good for you!!
  22. southernsoul

    Can I Say I'm Down 10 Sizes?!

    Hooray & good for you!! I'm right there with you...sleeved on June 19 in a size 26/28 and now wearing 18's with some 16's ready to go very soon. The other day at Marshall's I tried on a size 14 stretchy wrap dress. It was still a little tight, but it actually went on my body & fastened like it was supposed to. I could tell it will fit just fine in another 15-20 lbs...so I bought it immediately!!
  23. southernsoul

    Oh, do please shut up!

    OMG, I just snorted up some protein shake. BAHAHAHAHAHA.....
  24. southernsoul

    Enabling addictions

    I'm not sure I agree with you about tolerance and withdrawal not applying to food. Our processed foods have crazy amounts of hidden sugar in them (primarily from corn derivatives), so I definitely think that a tolerance can be built up without us even realizing it. For a person who has physiological or emotional responses to sugar intake, it makes sense to me that the person would then need to consume ever larger amounts in order to produce the effect they are seeking. Further, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence about the physical symptoms that occur when withdrawing from carbs and sugar...headaches, irritability, shakiness, etc. So, yeah...I believe that tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal can be applicable to food. When I first started this process, I was extremely concerned about determining whether or not I had a true addiction. I knew that could be the biggest challenge to being successful with WLS, so I really wanted to know if that was my problem. While I definitely enjoy sweets, other carbs like bread, Pasta, and potatoes, were my bigger concern. I ate refined carbs in some form every single day, and I love them. In addition, I drank alcohol every day. I fixed a vodka cocktail every night in a large cup, so it was probably the equivalent of 3-4 standard drinks. Even though I didn't think my drinking was compulsive, I also knew that I could be wrong about that. I knew that if I had addiction tendencies in any area, those two areas would be the most likely to be problematic. I discussed my concerns in depth during my 3 month psych eval, and I even requested some additional substance abuse assessments. All of the results indicated no substance issues. Those findings have been supported by my behavioral changes both pre- and post-op. I follow my dietary guidelines, I haven't experience much in the way of cravings, or found myself triggered by certain foods or situations. When I have wanted to taste something sweet or carby, a small taste has been satisfying and did not leave me wanting more. Over the past 4 months, I have consumed alcohol 3 times, about a half glass of wine each time. I don't miss the daily drink & it wasn't a struggle to give it up. I know I'm not very far out, so maybe some of these choices will get harder for me. I'm trying to be prepared for that possibility, and to guard against complacency. I also know that everyone is different, so what's true for me will not necessarily be true for someone else. My personal experience tells me that genuine addiction was not a factor for me, but that doesn't mean it's not a factor for someone else.
  25. southernsoul

    Please help

    I think it's the employer that picks what the program will cover, not the insurance company. So, some Blue Cross plans will cover it & some won't, depending on what each employer has decided to include. Your insurance card should have a member number on it that you can call to find out specifically what your plan covers. Good luck!

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