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Everything posted by ChristieK

  1. 8.5 months after surgery. Down 117lbs [ATTACH]38732[/ATTACH]
  2. ChristieK

    Transformation Tuesday

    I am almost 5'7". Middle picture was 3 months after surgery. I started at 292 and now I am 175. And to be honest I have not worked out at all :-/ I plan to start working out to tone things up after the holidays
  3. ChristieK

    Transformation Tuesday

    Thanks I have 25 lbs to my goal. I can't believe I'm so close. I never thought in a million years I would be so close!!
  4. ChristieK


    From the album: ChristieK

  5. ChristieK


  6. ChristieK


    From the album: ChristieK

  7. Monday night I lost my baby. My heart is devastated. I would have been 6 weeks today. The physical pain is far more than I could have ever expected, but the emotional pain is immobalizing. I want to wish all of you ladies a very happy and healthy pregnancy. I truly hope to be joining you again soon when God decides it the right time. Good Luck and all my Love!!
  8. ChristieK

    Any Oklahoma Sleevers

    Hey all... I just moved to okc and need a Dr to follow up with. I had wls March 28th and have been super successful, but I would like to find a local doc to check in with every once in a while. I have tricare, so a doc that accepts it would be helpful
  9. I had my transnasal endoscope done today and I was fully awake. OMG that was awful. I now feel like I have a horrible cold. I was expecting a scratchy throat, but I feel like my head is going to explode. Not to mention it was an all together horrible experience. Sigh. Is it March 28th yet?!?!?!!!!
  10. Figured I would go ahead and start it so we can all stay in touch. What is everyone's due date? Mine is March 19th
  11. ChristieK

    Short lived

    This is my 3rd pregnancy and my first miscarriage. My other 2 were very healthy pregnancies. This has been so devastating for me because my husband and I have been trying for 2.5yrs to get pregnant. Went to infertility doctors. Took shots and pills and did blood work and ultrasounds twice a week for a year straight. My body became emotionally and physically exhausted. So this baby was truly our miracle baby. I feel as though a piece of my heart has been ripped out losing this baby. It may not make sense as to why I am so devastated losing something I had only for a short period of time, but when you have been thru what we have been thru trying to conceive it becomes a different story.
  12. Scared, excited, anxious are all not even close to the emotions I'm feeling. Lol. This baby is my miracle baby. My husband and I tried for 2.5 years after I had my tubes untied with no luck. We had given up hope of having one together. Well, God had other plans. He solidified those plans by making sure our babies due date is our 3rd wedding anniversary, which is March 19th. Our first ultrasound is scheduled for August 12th. I can't wait to see our little bean on the screen!!
  13. ChristieK

    March 2014 due date club!

    It most definitely is. Lol!!! Hopefully for your sake though the baby doesn't decide he/she wants a March birthday. Lol Welcome!! And Congrats How far post-op are you?
  14. ChristieK


    I am down just shy of 60lbs since march 28th and I too just found out were expecting!!! It's such a blessing. We were sure we we're going to be able to get pregnant. Looks like we need to start a March 2014 due date club Good luck my fellow pregnant sleevers. I would love to stay in touch through out our journey.
  15. I too have PCOS, so it is entirely possible!! Weight loss was a huge help in my case. I've lost just shy of 60lbs. Just keep your hopes up. A baby will come when you least expect it Good Luck Hun!!
  16. :-D finally broke my stall last week and hit the -40lb mark!! Woo hoo First pic is a week after surgery. Second pic is the 9 week mark. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  17. ChristieK

    9 weeks out, down 40lbs!

    Iv been doing sit ups life my life depends on them. Lol. Iv had 2 c-sections, so I was so scared of extra skin. For now though, so far so good!!! Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  18. ChristieK

    Added Expenses?

    I had an extra $1200 at the doctors office for the nutritionist and bariatric supplements and then $1500 at the hospital to meet my deductible. My insurance also covers 100% after the deductible is met. You might want to call the insurance company and verify what your hospital copay is because that is completely separate from your routine doctors visits. The $1500 came as a complete shock for me a week before surgery. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  19. ChristieK

    Slow weight loss

    I stalled for an entire month and just broke the stall on Monday. Your body is basically in starvation mode right now because of the minimal amount of food your consuming. I am also a slow loser in general. At my 6 week check up I had only lost 22% of my excess weight and they expected me to be at 25%. What we have to realize is everyone is different and will lose at different rates. Give your body time to adjust. It most definitely will at some point. Good luck. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  20. ChristieK

    Constipation HELP!

    Milk of Magnesia is awesome. Took it a week after surgery and worked wonders Good luck. I know it's not fun Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  21. ChristieK


    I went walking yesterday and did a mile and a half just fine. Well my hubby decided we were goin to take the long way home which was about another 3/4 of a mile. I knew I was not ready but did it anyways. I got about 1/2 a mile and started getting really dizzy. I stopped and tried to calm down. Once the dizziness subsided I got this horrible headache. I made it home and immediately sat on the couch to cool off. Well, I still have the headache. It's worse at sometimes that at others. At certain times it hurts so bad I'm almost in tears. It's this intense pressed in the back of my head and then sudden sharp pains in my temple areas. I've tried Tylenol and it has not helped. Does anyone have any advise? I have not done anything at all today because it is hurting so bad. Worse part is my husband is just brushing it off as a typical headache, but this is far from typical. This hurts worse than any headache iv ever had. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  22. ChristieK


    I emailed my doctor last night and he basically said I don't know what it is, call your PCP. Well, ok fine. Lol. Problem is we just moved and I don have a PCP in my area yet. I guess if it's still this bad tomorrow I will swing into urgent care. Thanks for your suggestion. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  23. ChristieK


    I try to. I go thru 5-6 bottles of Water a day plus whatever other fluids I take in. Not much for actually drinking anything but water. And I felt fine until yesterday. We walk a mile to a mile and a half everyday as well. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)
  24. ChristieK

    Pain Mediction

    I think everyone is given a liquid pain medicine of some sort. Your stomach is not able to breakdown the pill/ or the doctor does not want it to even try, for at least a week after surgery. You may be able to get something to crush up, but it is usually a nasty tasting liquid. Ask the pharmacy to add flavor. May help a little. Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 Weight on surgery date: 281 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013 (231)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
