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Pixie Dust

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Pixie Dust

  1. **whistles** You look great!! You always did have a handsome face (from before & after pics, not that we know each other ~ haha), but now you have a great bod too! You must be so proud of yourself!! I know I would be! I have heard that tummy tucks are very painful....so you're obviously very brave too!
  2. Pixie Dust


    I haven't even had surgery yet so I can only imagine the happy dance you're doing!!! Congratulations to you! That is just such wonderful news!! Can't wait till I can say the same one day!!
  3. I'm probably the last one who should be responding but I have read (I think it was here too somewhere) that the body just stalls losing weight for a bit because it's re-accessing what's happening to it. Once it realizes what's going on, your weight starts dropping again. So just keep doing what you're doing & find other ways to see your success, like in other things you are able to do now or maybe you're losing inches. I forget what initials they use in calling that?? I'm sorry but I know what I'm trying to say, it just isn't coming out right! LOL! Maybe someone can help me? I do want to emphasize that you're doing great as long as you're following whatever the doc told you to do. How can you fail? It's not possible. Just give yourself a bit of time & you'll see your weight start dropping again. Also, after surgery when I get to this point....please copy & paste this post in my thread too, okay? Wishing you the best! Hang in there!
  4. Pixie Dust

    In disbelief.....

    Gotcha! Thank you! (Thank your grandma for me too!) Okay, so some insurances need to have approvals then...I didn't know that since my insurance has the WLS as a covered benefit. Well then I'm jumping up & down (NO IT'S NOT AN EARTHQUAKE) for joy for you!!! Good luck in the coming events!!
  5. Congratulations!!! How wonderful is that??!!! I have to admit, reading your post actually brought tears to my eyes , especially the part about your kids not being ashamed of your weight! I think my kids are but just don't tell me. My oldest son when he wants a ride somewhere, he always asks my husband instead of me, so I know it's prob because he doesn't want to be seen with me. I won't ask because I'd hate to put him on the spot like that NOR do I want to know the answer. I can't wait till I can make a similar post as you!! Enjoy all your new found joys in life! They are well deserved!
  6. Pixie Dust

    Pet Peeve

    Oh please don't feel that way. I sure hope I wasn't sounding mean to you...I was just expressing my feelings. I'm in no way a part of a click, since I'm very new here too. I haven't noticed a "click" here (well, not yet anyway!) I just worried once I read your initial post because since my husband & my BFF & one other friend (which neither of those two live in the same state as me) are going to be the only people who know about my surgery. So I hope to come here to ask questions & seek encouragement. I just felt that my needing a little boost of confidence was not going to be welcomed since it seemed to put people out, that's all. I never meant to make you feel unwelcomed. That's not my style. Lets all pass the peace pipe! (No calories in that, right?)
  7. Pixie Dust

    Pet Peeve

    Absolutely! Without this surgery, prob more than 90% of us couldn't lose 30 to 40 lbs in a couple months, but some people are just either being really hard on themselves, or they just need a little encouragement because I'm sure that after a couple months, this could seem even harder if you're not having a significant weight loss or a weight loss as fast as the first couple weeks. We prob all forget that we didn't put this excess weight on in just a few months, so even with the Sleeve, it may still take longer then you have in head how much weight you might lose. I believe I read (& commented) on a post a few days ago of a girl who lost a massive amount of weight in about 6 months. Who knows what she did or how her metabolism is or maybe age factors in regarding how quickly people lose or pre or post menopause, who knows...but if that person is constantly reading about how quickly others are losing, they may be thinking they are failing. That's when we all need a bit of love....sorta like giving someone a hand (or a kind word) when they're down. That's all I'm sayin. (That's a pretty crappy wink in the smiley faces they offer here! )
  8. Pixie Dust

    Gained weight

    All my skinny friends gain a bit of weight & then they work on losing it right away. I hear them say "I gained 5 lbs on my cruise so now I'm working on losing it" & they do. If I had done that for every 5 lbs I gained on vacation, over a holiday, over a crisis, over a joyous occasion, etc...I wouldn't be on this board! I'd be out living my life as a slim healthy person. So while I'm sitting here pre-op at nearly 300 lbs, I'd just like to encourage you to take charge NOW so you won't return to looking like someone like me! That's what I plan to do once I get my weight off. Wishing you the best!
  9. Pixie Dust

    In disbelief.....

    Congratulations to you! May I ask, what does it mean to be "approved by your surgeon?" Does it mean that your insurance approved your surgery or you've jumped thru all the hoops they expected you to, before surgery? Sorry to sound ignorant, just wondering? In the meantime, I'm very happy for you!
  10. Pixie Dust

    Pet Peeve

    I think some people are just looking for a little encouragement. I don't see anything wrong with that. This is a life changing event & if we can't lean on each other (who are all going thru the same thing), then who else can we lean on? I don't know...sometimes a little compassion can go a long way. Maybe they NEED to be reminded to drink their Water or whatever the other rules are. (I don't know yet since I am still going thru the initial steps.) I'm just worried now that if I come here looking for encouragement, someone will start a snarky thread about me & that would just break my heart & not make me want to come back to ask questions. As I say to my children all the time, be kind to people, so they are kind back to you. Just a little kindness goes a long way. ~ Peace
  11. Pixie Dust

    TSA agent questioned my ID

    That's so awesome!!! Bet you floated to your plane, instead of walked!
  12. Pixie Dust


    ...and the last few posts is exactly the reason why I am not sharing my decision with anyone, except for my husband, my BFF (who lives out of state & is so very supportive) & another good friend who had a similar surgery. I'm still hoping I won't have to tell my boys. Was thinking on just telling them I'm having hernia surgery or something. I just know there will be people in my extended family who would be chomping at the bit to know this & be ready to gossip or wait for me to fail. Katsnirvana ~ hang in there & just tell those that ask how much you've lost already that it's a personal question.
  13. Pixie Dust

    New to the group..I am Sunshine Raye

    Welcome Sunshine Raye! I'm new here too & I don't have a date yet. I just had my psych eval today in fact. I have a Wed appt with a Bariatric Doc & then I don't know what's next! I'm here to learn as much as I can! Hope you get what you want from this site!
  14. Pixie Dust


    What a frightening story to hear! First off, I just want to say how very sorry I am you're suffering so much! It doesn't sound normal from all the posts I've read (I'm pre-op but now really scared to go thru with this!) Can you find another bariatric doctor to go to? That would be the only advice I could give. My heart goes out to you. I wish you well.
  15. Pixie Dust

    My psych eval today....

    Glad to hear you got the green light! Thankfully I did too, even tho I must have had a very sarcastic look on my face when they asked me to draw the 3-D box that was pictured on the "test sheet" as well as the clock & the route I had to take from 1-2-3-4 thru A-B-C-D ??!! Told my husband about it & he said "that's crazy??!!" Yep, I thought so too! Then he muttered something about that's why insurance is outrageous because this psych eval prob cost a fortune...for me to draw a clock. Oh well, it's behind me now! Congrats to us both!
  16. Pixie Dust

    My psych eval today....

    Well, you were pretty lucky then!
  17. Pixie Dust

    My psych eval today....

    Okay, so seems like each psych eval is done a little differently then? I wish I had noticed how many questions there were, but I didn't pay attention. As I was leaving the only thing I could think of was whoever thought of the test they gave me should be evaluated!
  18. Pixie Dust

    My psych eval today....

    Yes, I had to fill out a 5 page questionnaire AFTER she asked me about 100 questions. Stupid me disclosed a horrible traumatic event that happened to me back about 30 years ago (nearly abducted by a convicted murderer who murdered 9 people total before & after he tried to abduct me) & she said I should seek counseling for that (after my surgery). Thankfully she didn't hold that against me but I don't need counseling for that. I lived thru it, I'm good but I am always extremely aware of my surroundings. That's not a bad thing in today's world! I have a food addiction problem, not an issue that happened to me in a parking lot 30 years ago. OH! She also told me that those who don't drink before surgery (I can't remember the last time I even had a sip of wine), may start drinking after surgery???!!!! Holy Crap! I wonder if that's true?? I personally don't think I will since I'm a fairly strong person but what I thing to find out???
  19. Pixie Dust

    My psych eval today....

    So in other words, if I thought the tests were normal, I'd be considered mentally ill?
  20. Pixie Dust

    My psych eval today....

    My thoughts exactly! LOL!
  21. Pixie Dust

    Diabetes Medicine

    You can only go with what your doctor recommends but I am type 2, & with cutting out carbs & taking a 500mg pill of Glumetza daily, I always test under 6. My doc told me to stop the meds when I go on the pre-op liquid diet. He said he will re-evalutate me weeks after the surgery, because more than likely, I won't need any of my pills anymore (I'm on BP pills & Colesterol pills & a water pill.) Hooray!!!! I wish the same for you!
  22. Pixie Dust

    Shape wear - yes or no?

    Hi onelessfatgirl (love your name!) I think the shapewear will only make you appear less jiggley, & don't believe wearing it will firm you up. Only exercise & surgery can do that! But what a great thought!
  23. Pixie Dust

    1 year 7 months - 297 pounds gone

    Wow...you look very beautiful & very happy! That's just unbelievable the amount of weight you have lost. You're so young, you have your whole life in front of you yet! Looks like the best part of your life is yet to happen! Enjoy it!
  24. Yikes! I guess that's my answer ~ **NOTHING!** Oh no...I'm really doomed, aren't I?
  25. Wow...don't know about you but Rosehips scared me straight!! I didn't think you'd be hungry so soon post op. Geez...I'm quite concerned how I'll do just one week pre-op on a liquid diet. I don't even know if I should consider doing this now??? I hope you can get thru this difficult time. I'll be thinking of you!

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