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Kelly Ann

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Kelly Ann

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 12/10/1977

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  1. Happy 35th Birthday bratz99!

  2. Kelly Ann

    Port flipped!!!

    A couple of days ago I found out that my insurance said that they definitely would not pay for the port to be revised. GREAT!! So Dr. Billy's Insurance Coordinator said that she would talk to the Doc and see how much a cash pay price was. I got a call this afternoon from Dr. Billy's office and.....he is going to fix it!! I don't have to pay a dime! I am so happy, so happy to be fixed up and so happy that I went to Dr. Billly for my surgery, he obviously cares for his patients and how his surgery's turn out, and not just the money. I'm scheduled for the revision on November 27th, they said I should only be off of work for 2 days. They'll put me under a local, so I won't have to go through the anesthesia junk again! TulipStar - Best of luck to you on your revision. I know, I was balling in the x-ray machine table and on the way out of the office with a tissue box in hand...ha... Kimmie - I hope yours doesn't turn anymore! Your weight loss so far is amazing! : )
  3. Kelly Ann

    Port flipped!!!

    Well, I went in on Wednesday to get my first fill. The Doctor couldn't find it, then he put me under the machine, where they can see the port. And no wonder why he couldn't get the needle in....because it was flipped on its side!!! He tried to push on it to try to manipulate it to see if he could flip it back over. Oh, man it hurt so bad, I was balling. So, now I have to go back in and get the port re-positioned. I was a cash-pay, so I asked if this is something that I have to pay for, because I can not afford it. He said that he gets patients from Mexico all the time with this problem, and most times the insurance pays for it. I will be super upset if this is something that I have to pay for!! I don't think that I should have to pay for it. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, he said that 1 in 300 get this! UUGG!! All of his nurses looked at the picture that they took of it and said that they have never seen that before from one of Dr. Billy's surgeries. One of the girls has been with him for 6 years. So, this just upset me more. Now, I'm all bruised up and hurting from where he was pushing on my stomach. I'll let you all know what has to be done and if I have to pay!
  4. Kelly Ann

    Is this normal?

    Hi Nessa, I was banded 9/25, and I still have pains below my port by my belly button. And if I'm standing up straight I can see 2 little gathered "pick-ups" I was told that it is the port tugging on the muscle that it was sewn on. It comes and goes, some days I'll get little twinges, and other days I don't feel a thing. I think that it is getting better. But you might want to call your doctor and see what he says....Hope you feel better real soon!
  5. Oh my god! I will totally be a spokesperson for Milk of Magnesia! I am a true believer!! HA HA!! I couldn't go for 6 days after surgery, and then one swig of this stuff...3 hours later....I was good! HA HA!!:heh:
  6. Kelly Ann


    lexysmommy - I feel the exact same way....luckily...I'm able to burp more everyday...because for me, it kind of hurts when the air doesn't make it all the way up!
  7. Kelly Ann

    September 07 Roll Call

    Hi everyone! Haven't been close to my computer all week. Everything went well, except when I was used as a pin-cushion....come to find out I've got small collapsing veins. The nurse tried to get the IV in twice and then the anestegiologist tried once, and they had to put me under with gas and he tried two different places, and finally landed the IV in the underside of my wrist! So, I'm all bruised up! I'm doing good, the port area is giving me the most pain. I think that the gas pains are mostly gone, I still get little twinges of pains in my left shoulder blade. I've been sleeping in a recliner, so my back kinda hurts from that. I am also having a hard time getting all of my liquids down, I don't know if I'm just scared or what! I also feeling the growling in the deep part of my stomach, it's strange feeling the growling down there instead of all over the stomach! I sometimes can feel the Water or whatever I'm drinking, going down into the next part of the stomach...kind of like a drain?? Does anybody else feel this? It's the weirdest thing! Hope everybody is doing well! I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday, I hope I'm able to, I might need to take a couple more days....
  8. Kelly Ann

    September 07 Roll Call

    :faint:I can't believe the day is finally here, TOMORROW!!! I am so nervous, I have a swarm of butterflies in my stomach! My surgery is at 11:15, so if I feel up to it, I'll post.....I can't wait to see you all on the banded side of life!!! :whoo: I've only been on a 2 day liquid diet, so I hope I'm ready for what's ahead of me....that is all my doctor recommends.. EEEKKKK!!!! ~giddy~
  9. Kelly Ann

    September 07 Roll Call

    I'm scheduled for September 25th! With Dr. Billy in Ventura, CA.
  10. I just scheduled my surgery for September 25th! I am a self-pay, because my insurance won't cover anything related to weight loss. It's a huge bummer, but I'll just deal with it, because I am going to be so much happier about me!! I can't wait to start this journey, and I'm so happy to have you all trucking right along with me! Congrats to all of you that will be having your surgery in this great month! Now....on to ALL of the other pre-op appointments....and learning not to chug a drink! :whoo:
  11. Hi All I have been lurking for a little while, and have been so inspired and excited for my upcoming banding. I'm just now in the process of selling my old 1957 Chevy, to help cover the cost of the procedure. I just changed jobs and was already given my policy (Blue Cross PPO) of what it will and will not cover. My coverage doesn't start until August 6th, so I don't think I just call if I'm not a member yet?? It says it will not cover weight reduction surgery's, even if it is Medically Neccessary! UUGG!! So, my question is, for all of the testing that needs to be done before hand, will the insurance cover those? Or will they deny it because of what the testing is for? Someone on here must have gone through the same thing...so I'm hoping to get some answers before August, so I can start saving more money, if I need to Thank you all for sharing your stories and experiences with the band, I'm so happy that I found this forum! It really helps to know what to expect! I'll be banded by Dr. Billy in Ventura, CA. I've already attended his seminar. He is such a nice guy and I feel super comfortable with him Continued success to you all, Kelly

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