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Rena's got this

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Rena's got this

  1. Well.... I finished my 6 months last November, and everything was submitted to my insurance. BCBS of Alabama has a reputation of denial on the first try, and yes, my initial application was applied. I rounded up some more medical records and my surgeon re-submitted everything, and whaddya know, I was approved a week and a half later. I'm not quite sure why they approved me the second try, but I'm happy. My sleeve date is February 25, 2014. It has been a long haul, and I'm not quite there yet, but the beginning is in sight!

  2. I know....it will help me to prepare. I've already been preparing for nearly a year though.

    I've totally weaned myself off of any carbonated drinks, when I used to be addicted to diet cokes. I don't drink alcohol....except maybe once every six months or so. I don't really like the way it makes me feel. I only drink water now, but every now and then I'll have lemonade, and rarely, tea. I have found some protein drinks that I like, and I swap them for meals every now and then. The Premier Protein chocolate drinks are exceptionally good.

    I think my main problem right now is getting in any exercise. I had knee surgery in December, and my knees still bother me to the point where it is difficult to walk, much less walk any length of time. Swimming pools are not an option. I could join a local gym, but the motivation to go just isn't present. THAT is what I need to work on.

  3. Well I did have sleep apnea...pretty severe, so I have another co-morbidity. Yay...I guess. I missed my nutritionist appointment. Just totally spaced it and felt terrible, since I had been waiting nearly a month to get it. I'll just have to reschedule in a few more months.

    I saw my regular doc today, and she said she would refer me to Dr. Turton for weight loss surgery! I am so excited! I thought she would be totally against it, since she is so tall and thin. She just shook her head at me and said that this surgery would probably result in all your problems going away. I was nearly in tears. She set up the 6 month diet with one of her nutritionists and said they would accept it from them because they had in the past. I feel that I'm truly on my way now!!!!

  4. Did my sleep apnea test last night. I couldn't drop off to sleep until around 3:30. They woke me up at 6am to go home. The technician was really nice. He told me that he thought I might have restless legs syndrome because my legs would twitch and that seemed to be keeping me awake. He also told me that I did have sleep apnea and I'd get my official results in 2-3 days. Lordy. I'm so tired right now. It took me a while to get all the gunk out of my hair from the electrodes this morning when I went home.

  5. ...I want to be a runner. I HATE running. But I've long lusted after the thought of transforming my huge, flabby body in to a runner's body...even though right now I hate to run..in fact I can't run. At all. Not even a few steps! But you just saying that you want to find something thta comforts you outside of food just gave me the crazy notion that maybe somehow, someway, I can make running my obsession. For this out-of-shape body, how cool would that be?!?!

    Even when I could, I hated running, but I did it. It has been one of the only ways I was able to keep my weight down. I actually got down to 130 in the 1980s by running 7 miles 3 times a week, but I couldn't keep it up. Now I don't run at all, and like you, can't even do a few steps. I live in a college town, and watching all these young folks jogging around the neighborhood makes me realize that I do want to be able to run again. I couldn't imagine I would ever want to do that again...until I couldn't do it.

  6. Thanks for all the comments ladies, I really appreciate them.

    I just found out that my sister in law is having bypass surgery in 25 days! We were both talking about it about a month ago, thinking that we might go this route, and now she has a surgery date for a bypass without having to do the six month thingy! (Tricare) I'm very happy for her, of course, but it is so soon! ....I'm so jealous!

  7. I just got back from my initial consult. I officially weighed in at 242 lbs and 40.9 BMI. This was higher than I thought, but then, I was wearing all my clothes! I am very comfortable with my choice of surgeon and my only concern at this point is the insurance. I went over the requirements with the nurse, and she is also concerned. She tells me that BCBS of Alabama are very hard and fast with their rules, almost like they are discouraging people who try to get approved for this. My problem is that I haven't been at a 40 BMI the past 3 years. I don't appear to have definite co-morbidities either. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, and given Metformin for a while, but am off that now. I have Gerd, and also went to the emergency room with one episode. I thought I was having a heart attack, but it was just a bad episode of heartburn! I was diagnosed with high cholesterol, but it is controlled through medication.

    So anyway, I am going to go ahead with the rest of the requirements. I meet with my nutritionist on April 25th, and that starts my 6 month weight management requirement. I'll need to set up some lab work that the surgeon wants to have done, and he also wants me to undergo a sleep study. This might help with my co-morbidity requirement.

    Oh.... I so hope that I'll get approved. I need this tool to help me get healthy!

  8. I'm not sure, but your doctor might have put you on a higher calorie level because you are a tall man and you may just require a bit more than us shorties.

    I haven't had surgery yet, but I'll die if I can't tolerate my sugar free popsicles afterwards! I'm addicted. I've been slowly weaning myself off of sodas, and now for the past two months, I have only drunk water. Good luck to you, and yes, I remember Tab.

  9. My very first reader! Thanks for your kind words. Last night I looked around for pictures to put on my profile, but like you, all my recent ones have been deleted if I even let them be taken.

    I told my sister because she is my go to person for rides with anything like this. She is about 70 lbs lighter than me, same height. Surprisingly, she was very encouraging. She even told me she had thought before I mentioned it that I might benefit from something like this. Yesterday, she even went as far as to tell me she was somewhat jealous that I could do this. She has been putting on weight too.

    I breached the subject with my boss, who is heavier than I am. She told me she could never do something like that, so I probably won't mention that I will be doing it if I can get the insurance to cover it. If all goes well, and I start losing the weight, I may let her know at that point.

    I'm also worried about that 2 week preop diet. But we do what we have to. Its not much longer for you is it? I certainly wish I was at that point, this 6 month waiting period is aggravating!

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