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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carlene

  1. Carlene

    Anyone in Dallas/Fort Worth?

    I'm an Adam Smith fan myself. Dr. Smith is banded, so he's very in-tune with the whole thing. And a heck of a nice guy, too! He has offices in Ft Worth and Hurst.
  2. BJ.....the subject of this thread is partial birth abortions - not abortion in general. I have a great deal of empathy for the woman who finds herself trapped by a pregnancy she did not plan and does not want to continue, but I see no reason that decision can't be made long before the only avenue available to her is the partial birth of a viable infant, who must then be killed with a pair of scissors to the brain in order to satisfy a law that would otherwise call for the death penalty. I just can't logically reconcile that.....carefully deliver just the head, kill the baby, then allow the rest of the body to slip out and call it a legal, medical procedure, as opposed to what it really is - the deliberate murder of a premature, human infant.
  3. That's unbelievably cold. What kind of person does that? I have great sympathy for women who find themselves pregnant and who are in absolutely no position to parent a child, but for the sake of vanity and/or convenience? Those women are so self-serving, they should NEVER have children.
  4. The only person I ever knew personally who had a late term abortion (she was about 7 months, but lied to the doctor about the date of her last period) chose to terminate the pregnancy because she and the baby-daddy broke up. She had what is commonly called a "salting out" procedure, which is pretty gruesome, but not as bad as the partial birth abortion. I worked with the woman but totally lost all respect for her after the abortion fiasco. Sorry, but I just cannot agree that getting dumped by your boyfriend is a good enough reason to terminate a 7 month pregnancy. I think she did it just for spite, because he wanted her to have the child and let him raise it.
  5. Carlene

    Thread Killers

    Dogs have owners....cats have staff.
  6. Carlene

    cz? diamond? white topaz?

    You don't have to feel guilty. Who knew? But not seeing the movie won't change the reality. It really is tragic....and for what, some shiny rocks?
  7. "We have some experience with late terminations... about 10,000 patients between 24 and 36 weeks and something like 800 fetal anomalies between 26 and 36 weeks in the past 5 years." From a speech given by George R. Tiller at the National Abortion Federation Annual Meeting on April 2-4, 1995 in New Orleans, LA "This baby looks pretty good." Tiller comments on the picture of a baby he aborted. THE WICHITA EAGLE, October 7, 1997 Note that the doctor himself referred to the aborted fetus as "this BABY". "In our organization we have made the decision that in situations of fetal abnormality, the woman is the patient and the fetus is the problem." From Tiller's 1996 video "Fetal Indications Terminations of Pregnancy". This video is distributed through ob/gyn and genetics counselors to advertise his late-term abortions for babies with defects. "I know that the fetus is alive during the process most of the time because I can see fetal heartbeat on the ultrasound." Under oath in 1997, LeRoy Carhart talks about abortion prior to his employment with Tiller. This is found on the MTTU website. "We're not asking for the right to suck the brains out of every child that walks down the street. We need to continue to offer safe abortions to women who need them to be done." LeRoy Carhart - one of Tiller's abortionists, OMAHA WORLD HERALD, January 26, 2001 As far as the technical aspects of these tragic situations are concerned, the woman should have the option of deciding how SHE wishes to end her baby's life early. George Tiller on a website blog October 7, 1998. Carhart said at least once a month, an entire fetus is expelled from the mother during a D&E he is performing. "The fetuses are alive at the time of delivery," he said. There is a heartbeat "very frequently." Carhart - one of Tiller's abortionists - admits that babies frequently are born alive during abortions. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, April 1, 2004, "Doctor: Law Would Outlaw Many Abortions"
  8. Carlene

    cz? diamond? white topaz?

    After watching the movie, Blood Diamond, I swore I would never buy another diamond again.
  9. Carlene

    Thread Killers

    A new R&R thread....."Masturbation". I guess we should restrain ourselves, though. Alex is not gonna be pleased if we start stirring that pot again.
  10. Sadly, you are mistaken. From the web site of infamous abortionist George Tiller Late Abortion Care Elective Abortion Counseling & Consultation | Procedure At Women's Health Care Services, we specialize in "late" abortion care. We are able to perform elective abortions to the time in the pregnancy when the fetus is viable. Viability is not a set point in time. Viability is determined by the attending physician and is based on sonogram results, physical examination and last menstrual period date (if known). Our telephone counselors will ask you a number of medical questions to determine if you are eligible for an elective abortion. If you have visited another clinic or physician, we will ask for the results from a recent ultrasound. Kansas law allows for post-viability abortion procedures when continuing the pregnancy is detrimental to the pregnant woman's health. Each person's circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-base basis. Please call so that we can discuss admission criteria with you.
  11. Carlene

    I need a laptop and I need advice. Help!

    One more bit of advice (or two). Before you buy, consider how you will be using the machine. Will you travel with it? If so, take weight/size into consideration and pass on the big screen, dual DVD drives, etc. Less is not always more. Get one with a fast chip and plenty of RAM. Buy the extended warranty. I know it's a lot of money, but today I am taking my almost 3 year old HP back to Best Buy and they are replacing the battery (the second most expensive part of the whole package, after the screen) for FREE. It's not dead - just doesn't hold a charge the way it should any more. Again, I say take a trusted geek with you, or get one to help you order online.
  12. Carlene

    cz? diamond? white topaz?

    I was the only daughter of a woman who loved jewelry, and I've had 3 husbands with limited imaginations. So I have a lot of nice jewelry. I wear 3 or 4 rings all the time. My girlfriend (from Rochester) calls it "Texas gauche"...LOL I have diamond rings, emeralds, fire opal, blue topaz (my birthstone), and amethyst. I also have several gold chains and pendants, charms, etc. with rubies and other stones, and a diamond and gold bracelet. I have a 14 K gold watch because base metal breaks me out. But I would wear CZs in a heartbeat if they were in a quality setting that I liked. I love big, gaudy earrings!
  13. Carlene


    Lila... You are aspirating - also known as reflux. You aren't likely to choke, but it is not good. It can cause aspiration pneumonia, as you are sucking the stomach contents into your lungs. A partial un-fill is needed. And yes, it has happened to me.
  14. What are these things? Are they new? Do they have a particular function?
  15. Carlene

    I need a laptop and I need advice. Help!

    The Dell site is a good suggestion. You can customize it and get exactly what you want/need. Enlist the help of someone who is a bit more computer savy than yourself. Any 15 year old nerd should do nicely.
  16. Carlene

    Can't Live Without It...

    They come in strawberry, too. Get a box of each....let us know which one you like best.
  17. Carlene

    Frick, Frick, frickity, FRICK!

    Are you nuts???? The price of mouse tongues is ridiculous - worse than gasoline. A whole pound would be soooooooo extravagant.
  18. Carlene

    Frick, Frick, frickity, FRICK!

    My husband worked 3rd shift almost his whole career. His bedtime was around 8 AM. He learned to live in a world where everyone else conducts business during the hours he was asleep. Your neighbor needs to get over himself.
  19. Carlene

    Need to start over

    Rhonda... I live in the Metroplex, too and Dr Smith performed my surgery. Go back and talk to him. He's super nice and a Bandster himself. He really wants you to succeed. What about RL support? Dr S has support group meetings at his office and there is a Yahoo group that meets regularly, all over the place. I go to the one in Arlington, third Thurs of each month. Come join us!
  20. Carlene

    Brothers are evil.

    Everything is relative (no pun intended). My brother has been married 6 times to 5 different women (one was foolish enough to marry him twice). Number three was very young and I felt sorry for her, so I tried to warn her. It didn't work.....just made her mad. Made him mad, too. And her mother. Turns out I was right, of course. I guess it never occurred to them that I knew him a lot better than she did. Not only can you not fix stupid......evidently you can't fix the determination to screw up one's life, either.
  21. Carlene

    Can't Live Without It...

    vanilla yogurt Cheerios.....YUM
  22. Carlene

    Oscopy Day!

    Sometimes they do. Just be sure they sterilize the equipment between procedures - especially if they do the colonoscopy first. LOL
  23. Boy, the authorities sure know how to take the fun out of everything, don't they?
  24. Carlene

    Bummed out and sad

    Weight Watchers is the best way. They will help keep you motivated and on track.
  25. Carlene


    I donate to a lot of charities, and sometimes feel like they could find a better way to show their gratitude than to call me and ask for more! This really pisses me off! Just send me something in the mail and I will most likely send you a check back. But you don't need to send me things....like return address labels with my name on them. Really, you don't. Just this past week I received a Rosary, a religious medal (St Anthony), a feathered thing (dream catcher?), and a nice doggy blanket (from the Humane Society). Oh....and a Mass card. Somebody at food for the Poor is saying Mass for me. How nice. I wonder if that's their job....saying Mass for all the people who donate money to FFTP.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
