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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carlene

  1. Carlene

    Weight gain inevitable.....?

    I am haunted by the same fear. Everyone I know who has had to have their band unfilled has gained weight, including myself, and I only had a partial unfill. I am about 15 pounds from an "ideal" BMI, so I don't think I could get a revision to another type of surgery, even if I had to give up the band. It's scary!
  2. I second these suggestions: Have a limit as to the length of a signature line (maximum number of characters) because some people have taken the signature lines to extremes A way to attach pictures easily in PM's
  3. Carlene

    Gastric bypass patients

    Good question! And my answer is "sometimes". I also had great expectations - 100 pounds in a year. It didn't happen. I did lose about 70 that first year, and 23 since. I knew how much I hated taking pills and meds and realized that I probably wouldn't be very compliant as far as supplements, etc. I was also, quite frankly, scared of the bypass. My oldest son had a neighbor - young and healthy - who died about 3 months post-op. And I hated the idea of not being able to reverse it. I thought the band would be sooooooooo easy. It hasn't been easy at all. But it's been easier than doing it alone (which was pretty near impossible). Yesterday I found out that I have motility issues in my esophagus and have to see a GI doc. Of course, everyone assumes automatically it's the band (and it might be - at least partially). I swear, if I broke my arm, someone would blame the band! But for the last 24 hours I've been pretty anti-band. I hate the idea of getting unfilled, having a scope, then starting all over with adjustments, chasing that elusive "sweet spot". What a bother! But all in all, I think I made a good choice.
  4. Carlene

    How do YOU feel when YOU are full?

    I still can't always tell when I'm full, and if I over-eat, I get to re-visit my dinner. It can be a real pain in the keester, too. Sometimes I hiccup, but not always. Most of the time I just visually measure my food and stop when my portion is gone. It has made eating a lot less fun, but maybe that's not a bad thing.
  5. Carlene

    Secret Inspiration Clothes

    I haunt a couple of thrift stores in my area. A couple of months ago I found a pair of size 4 Ralph Lauren jeans in perfect condition - and just $5.00. So I bought them. And they became my inspiration pants. Although it's a challenge when they first come out of the dryer, I can wear them now. I buy something every week or so that I know I can't get my butt into yet. That way, I am never at a loss for inspiration.
  6. Pam... I too have a fear of choking. I think it stems from my childhood, when a neighbor choked to death in their kitchen on a piece of steak. Anyway...you don't choke with stuck food, PB, etc. The port is no big deal at all, and the slime is not an everyday thing for most of us. It is definitely worth it. I am down 90 pounds.
  7. Carlene


    You are still on liquids, right? I would guess that's the reason....loose stuff in - loose stuff out. Once you graduate to solid food it should stop. Or, if you can have (skim) milk, that tends to bind you up. About 16 oz a day gives you a good dose of Protein and will also help stop those frequent trips to the loo.
  8. I was instructed to do Clear liquids for 3 days, then move to full liquids. However, yogurt and pudding was not on my list of liquids - they were the next stage (mushies). My surgeon defines liquids as anything that will go thru a straw.
  9. Carlene

    Official 4th of July/Summer Gift Exchange

    Me,too! Me,too! I have never participated in anything like this, but it sounds like FUN! I will also sign up for the SSS group.
  10. Carlene

    My husband wanted me to ask this.

    Does your husband seriously think that if you don't moderate a message board, the people who might have joined will opt instead to spend their time on the tennis court? Of course they won't....they will find something else to do, but it won't necessarily involve more activity. They might take a nap...or play online games (I like Canasta myself)...or buy stuff off E-Bay. You are not responsible for how much time anyone spends on the computer except yourself. Just as you are not responsible for what anyone else puts in his/her mouth.
  11. Carlene

    Drivers License Photos

    In Texas, if you have a good driving record, you can renew your license via the Internet and they use the same photo. Since mine was taken before I gained the last 70 pounds or so, AND it's a me that's about 4 years younger, I'm keepin' it just as long as the law allows.
  12. Carlene

    Desparated in Bmt.TX

    Individual medical policies are, unfortunately, the least likely to pay for weight loss surgery. If you are really desperate, you might try job shopping for a position that has insurance that doesn't exclude WLS. When my (now late) husband became too ill to work and lost his insurance, that's what I did. I resigned from a job I loved and had held for 15 years because the insurance required a 12 month no-coverage period for pre-existing conditions.
  13. Carlene

    Full or not Full???

    I think my success has been due to a combination of things. First of all, there are foods I cannot physically eat: pasta, bread, pizza, cake, rice, french fries - mostly carbs that I shouldn't be eating anyway. That certainly has helped me to lose weight. Then there is the question of quantity. I cannot physically over-eat. More than a cup of anything (even chunky soup or chili) and I will be revisiting my dinner. I agree that it's not the same "full" feeling you have been used to all your life. But I think it's different for everyone.
  14. I ate M&Ms (about a cupful) and yesterday I had a Cadbury egg. In the car. On my way home from the drug store. I am a bad girl.
  15. I have lost 90 pounds. My goal is to lose another 15 or 20. I don't know if PS is a financial possibility, but I would love to have my arms, tummy, boobs and thighs done. I was 56 when I was banded and I agree...us old ladies have more problem with saggy, baggy skin than you young girls do.
  16. Carlene

    Planter Faciitis

    I got Spinco arch supports (about $20.00 at medical supply stores) and it has made all the difference in the world. I literally had to tip-toe when I got out of bed in the morning. Now I have happy feet!
  17. Carlene

    UHC Won't Cover My Surgery

    In many cases (American Airlines, for example), UHC simply administers the plan. AA is actually self-insured. And some employers elect not to cover certain procedures in order to get lower premiums. So....it's not really a UHC issue. It's an employer issue and you need to contact your HR dept. Or, if you belong to a big union, get them to help you.
  18. Carlene

    UHC Won't Cover My Surgery

    UHC seems totally wigged out in 2006. They paid for my surgery and my husband's in late 2004 (thru American Airlines). They paid for all our fills in 2005. Now they have denied fills. I appealed (twice) and spoke to about a dozen different people, all of whom gave me no real information. Our benefit book said nothing had changed in 2006 (except co-pays on drugs), so I asked them to SHOW me where it said the fills weren't covered. They couldn't/wouldn't. You would not believe some of the dumb ass answers I got. One rep told me that they paid for the fills thru 2005 because we were still MO, but beginning in 2006, we weren't. I said, "And you would know this how???". She said, "Well, you had LB surgery a year ago, so....". "So what? Lots of people have LB surgery and are still MO a year later". They are IDIOTS. But I finally got them to pay for our fills. I told them that if they would not show me where it said fills weren't covered, they could sure as hell show the union officials who would be calling them real soon. The place that does our fills was amazed that I got them to pay. They said all their AMR people had been denied as of 1/1/06. DON'T GIVE UP. Make them show you where it says you aren't covered. I worked thru a department called "Rapid Resolution". Ask for them.
  19. Carlene

    Feeling hopeless and like a failure

    I would say you are just about text book perfect! It's been about 22 weeks since your surgery and you've lost 40 pounds - almost 2 pounds per week! You can expect to lose one to two pounds per week with the band. That's not exactly the same as seeing the weight "just fall off", but it is certainly a realistic expectation. Once you have good restriction, you will experience a steady loss and decreased hunger. Learn to recognize the difference between head hunger and real hunger. If it's real hunger, almost everything sounds good. If you are craving the taste of a certain food, it's head hunger. I'm sorry if your doctor misled you, but the band is not magic. Calories still count. Exercise still counts. But it can be done, and it's not all that difficult. I have lost 90 pounds in just under 17 months. I started in a size 18/20 and am now wearing size 4 jeans, size 6 dress pants, and a 6/8 top.
  20. Today, I was good...a little ham, no potatoes, and no candy or dessert. But Thursday and Friday, while I was stuffing the eggs for the kids' Easter egg hunt, I ate probably a (total) cupful of M&Ms.
  21. Carlene

    Preop Nurse Discouraging the Band

    Don't let them get you down. I did over a year of research before I settled on the band. My doctor was very supportive. He has several bypass patients, but I am his first bandster and he is very impressed. My band surgeon does both procedures and he chose the band for himself. That really spoke to me when I was making up my mind. I've lost 90 pounds in a little less than 17 months.
  22. Carlene

    Only need to loose...

    I have lost 90 pounds in almost 17 months. I am 130 and size 4/6 now and a happy camper, although the BMI thing says I should lose another 10-15 pounds.
  23. Carlene

    Feel free to jump in here...

    I was thinking "thrifty", but I guess hoo hoo works.
  24. Carlene

    I can't stop shopping!

    I did the same thing...couldn't resist the clearance racks. Unfortunately, I ended up with a lot of clothes I never wore because by the time their season came around again, I had lost too much weight. Now I'm a thrift store stalker. We have several within driving distance and I haunt them like a crack addict looking for a fix. But they have great sales and I bought two like new Talbot's shirts yesterday for $4.00 (total). The one shop benefits a women's shelter, so I donate all the clothes I can no longer wear to them.
  25. Carlene

    Protein Shakes

    I hated every protein mix I tried, so I stick with Slim Fast powder. The new one is low carb. I add skim milk, crushed ice, and a scoop of Knox Bone and Joint Powder (extra protein). Then I whiz the whole thing in my Magic Bullet. If you like a sweeter drink, add some Equal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
