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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carlene

  1. Carlene

    Hair Loss

    I noticed the "fall out" at 4 months or so post-op. I asked my surgeon and he said eat more protein. That didn't help. So I asked my PCP and he checked my thyroid (which was fine). Then I consulted a Dermatologist. He said it's from the weight loss, not lack of protein or vitamins, not related to the "shock" of surgery or anything else and he sees a lot of it with bypass patients. I tried Biotin and it didn't help, either. My dermie said just wait it out. You can lose up to half your hair and it might take as much as a year to come back.
  2. Carlene

    Writing A Eulogy

    I was honored to be asked to write my favorite sister-in-law's eulogy. I had known her since I was a child and loved her dearly. I am sisterless myself, but always told my husband that if we ever divorced, he could have the kids, but I got custody of his oldest sister.
  3. I lost count, to tell you the truth. I would estimate that I have had about 8 fills and I know that I have had 3 unfills. Never hesitate to get an unfill if you experience distress, such as reflux, vomiting, etc. Too tight is miserable and can damage your band. I know that people have had slips that never spit up even once, but the textbook slip is preceeded by a too-tight fill and/or episodes of vomitting.
  4. Carlene

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    My double-throated yellow Iris. I want a water feature in my backyard...I'm so jealous!
  5. I'm only 18 months post-op, but a woman in my real time support group was banded 6 years ago (FDA trials) and lost 210 pounds. She recently had a slip repair and got a new (VG) band. Now she is working her way up to the "sweet spot" again. She only gained 15 pounds during the time (6 months, I think) that she was unfilled. She still maintains that she will go to the grave with her band intact, as long as it's humanly possible. I have lost 97 pounds and am within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I weigh less than 130 and wear a size 4, certainly way better than 50% of excess weight lost. I understand your feelings about the band. There is a lot of drama involved - a lot of stuff that, in many ways, makes food even more of an issue than it was pre-band. I can't have a tiny kid's cup of yogurt at 4:30 or I won't be able to eat dinner. No steak for me at cook out time - no hot dogs, either. Everything is a trade-off...it all has its price. I'm good with my choice to keep the band, and keep it filled pretty tight. And I'm good with everyone else's choice, too. It's your body....only you can decide what do do with it.
  6. Carlene

    Dear abby......

    Dear Anonymous... Nobody asked for my opinion, but here it is anyway....this guy just isn't that into you. My advice is to move on. PS...my advice is free, and worth every cent.
  7. Carlene

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    I like it! Very PC of you to specify "human only". Those animal rights people can be such a pain in the butt.
  8. Carlene

    Adoption Drama-advice needed

    Sorry if my comments seemed harsh to you (or anyone else). I am the adult child of an alcoholic father - a father who loved me, but not enough to stop drinking. My dad's addiction/sickness impacted my life from the day I was born until the day he died. I did feel sorry for him, and I do feel sorry for Mini Me's SIL, but not at the expense of an innocent child. I say again....love is a wonderous thing, but it isn't enough. You can't eat love...you can't wear it, or live in it, or light the dark corners with it. You can't wrap yourself in a shield of love, so that when the other kids make fun of you, you don't feel it. It takes more than love to raise a child, and if you love them enough, you will do what's best for your baby - even if it breaks your own heart.
  9. Carlene

    Old Timer's History

    Maybe you need a fill??? You should not be able to eat large quantities of solid food (but you knew that, right?).
  10. Carlene

    Adoption Drama-advice needed

    I am neither surprised nor impressed by the fact that druggie, irresponsible parents love their children. Most parents love their children. Love, by itself, just isn't enough. I'm sorry, but that's the cold, hard truth.
  11. Carlene

    Old Timer's History

    You have all the symptoms of a slipped band. I hope your scope gives you a firm diagnosis and you can get back on the band wagon (pun intended) soon.
  12. Carlene

    Fun Thread: Goofy Pictures

    Real sign in a real shop...
  13. Carlene

    Fun Thread: Goofy Pictures

    My granddaughter, Cheyenne...
  14. Carlene

    If you write poetry, post it here

    I write children's poetry....here is one of my favorites Angel Child The angel waited, of all things In line to get her brand new wings. She wore a robe, but did not care For harps of gold or angel's hair. She could not sing, and would not try To harmonize with those on high. And even mentioned once or twice How sad she was in Paradise. "Here you are", St Peter said, And placed a halo on her head, But it was bent and crooked, too Long before the day was through. So when the elder angels met, They knew she wasn't ready yet, And soon agreed upon a plan That made the angel smile again. They sent her here, to her great joy, As sister to a little boy. She lives on Earth, a child of seven, Who thinks that she has gone to heaven.
  15. Laura... If it hurts when you breathe, you may have aspirated some Fluid during the night, due to your overfill. This is not something to fool around with. You can have "silent" reflux and not even be aware of it. If you experience chills, fever, flu-like symptoms (all over body aches and pains), weakness, etc please see a doctor immediately. These are signs of serious respiratory problems - anything from minor URI to pneumonia to an abscess in the lungs.
  16. Carlene

    What kind of pets?

    Mine is Lucy, a five pound mini-Shi Tzu
  17. Carlene

    Vomiting after laying down

    I think you have reflux and may need a slight unfill. Reflux can damage your band, and it can cause aspiration pneumonia - a particularly nasty type of pneumonia that can be fatal. It can also cause abscesses on the lungs. Not trying to scare you, but you really don't want to mess with reflux. See your doctor ASAP.
  18. Carlene


    I think Misfortune said people go missing in Mexico all the time. I didn't find any reference to missing organs. I don't think Misfortune was trying to revive that old chestnut. JBoy...why do you choose to make your living defending "butcher doctors"? If you get them off and they go on to cripple or kill someone else, does that not bother you?
  19. Carlene

    > 200lbs Lost?

    I didn't have 200 pounds to lose, but there is a woman in my real time support group who lost 210 pounds 6 or 7 years ago (USDA trials). PM me if you want pictures of her before and after. She looks great, but she's also had a LOT of plastic surgery.
  20. I have had multiple disk fusions and went last year for a check up x-ray. I could see my band, tubing, and port very clearly. It was so cool! These days, implants of various kinds are so common - saline filled baggies to plump up the breasts, artificial knees and hips, etc. When my back surgery was being discussed, my surgeon gave me the option of donor bone (from a dead body), pig bone, or my own bone for the fusions. I chose to harvest my own bone, but only because there is less chance of rejection. My daughter lost an infant to SIDS several years ago and they donated his corneas and heart valves for transplant. I am a huge supporter of organ transplant and feel that any technology that improves and/or extends life is a God send.
  21. Carlene

    Who Did You Tell?

    A few weeks ago, a woman I see regularly at church, but don't even know her name, came up to me after Mass and said, "I just want you to know that you look wonderful! What have you been doing?" So there I am, standing in God's house....what do I say to this woman? Do I do the half-truth thing and just say I've been eating less and exercising more? I just couldn't bring myself to do that, so I told her that I had Lap Band surgery. I don't know if she had a clue what that was, but she certainly was supportive. People DO notice, and I think lots of them speculate (especially these days, with WLS being so common). If you eat with someone on a regular basis, I think they will know something is up. I certainly would, if I saw someone put one piece of chicken, no mashed potatoes, no gravy, and no bread on their plate and call it dinner. But everyone is absolutely entitled to handle his/her own PR any way they choose. There is no "right" or "wrong" answer to the did-you-tell question.
  22. Carlene

    Loose Skin?

    I have lost 97 pounds - about 10 pounds to go - and I feel like the saggy baggy elephant sometimes. I don't have much of a tummy apron, but my upper arms are terrible, as well as my thighs. I would love to have PS, but my husband and I are both retired, so I would have to hit the savings/401 K accounts and he would stroke out at the thought...LOL. If I won the lottery I would have everything done, from my face to my ankles, but I'm willing to settle for arms first, then thighs.
  23. Carlene

    Who Did You Tell?

    I've told pretty much everybody by now, but not at first. I was a semi-closet bandster in the beginning, but was outed by someone I had never even met - a friend of a friend of a friend, isn't-it-a-small-world kind of thing. So I decided after that I would never lie about it. If someone asks me if I had WLS, I own up to it.
  24. Carlene

    What's My Problem

    Wow, Sylvia....you've done great so far! But I think you might be a little too tight. You should be able to eat solid food - about 6 to 8 oz of it. If you are eating too much, that could be your problem, but I'll bet you are too tight. If it's been quite some time since your last fill, you might want to have your band checked for a slip, but if your problems started after a fill, then that's most likely the culprit.

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