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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ElyQuint

  1. What a question! I've always been an emotional eater and the first few months were an emotional roller coaster. I still have the occasional "binge" but its pathetic and doesn't "satiate" me. I have no choice but to practice yoga and meditate daily now and acknowledge (avoid) my triggers. Daily Journalling, MFP, Yoga, Meditation and total honesty keep me aware.
  2. ElyQuint

    light headed

    This still happens to me at 5 months out. Can't figure it but it happens if I'm stressed, dehydrated, sleep deprived, calorie low. I'm guessing it signals some kind of deficiency. I've spent my whole life struggling with too much of everything. Not enough is not a feeling I'm used to.
  3. All I do is yoga and not the really sweaty kind. Still losing and I'm 5 months out.
  4. Also, rub some vicks vapo rub on your chest before bed or put eucalyptus in your shower.
  5. ElyQuint

    told I can't be on a vegetarian diet.

    I am a pre & post op vegetarian down 69 pounds in five months. I will admit that veganism might not be entirely do-able but as an ovo-lacto veggie I have no problems meeting my numbers daily with shakes, tofu, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, soy, yogurt and seitan. I'm not really allowed beans, quinoa or chickpeas which were a source of protein prior too surgery. Nobody is gonna fault you for eating tofu in place of chicken as long as you meet your numbers.
  6. ElyQuint

    July sleevers please check in..

    Hw 288, sw 277, cw 219 I've finally stopped looking for my old stomach in my new one and have accepted my new limits. Still struggle with emotional eating occasionally. Weight loss is slowing but the changes in my body are speeding up. No regrets here.
  7. Bandmom, nobody really adequately describes head hunger. When I had to drop coffee, alcohol and food it suddenly struck me that I was an emotional wreck over wrought with unaddressed anxiety. There was a lot of crying, a lot of agnst, a lot of resistance and I had nothing left to comfort it with, in fact I was pretty much stuck in my anger for lack of relief. I obsessed about food, dreamt about jamie oliver and even bought chefs knives. Five months or so out and food still doesn't provide the satiety or sedation that it used too. I have to use yoga, journalling, art & meditation. Daily. Had I known, I would have broken up with food long before surgery, so I could concentrate on healing without the pangs of withdrawal to contend with.
  8. A. Own you. You don't owe an explanation to anyone. If it is right for you, you don't have to defend it. Embrace your chosen tool and stop seeking approval from others. My weight was extreme, my addiction unmanageable and my life was in danger. Your health is not up for debate.
  9. ElyQuint

    Need Help - Constipation

    I take aloe lax which I get at the health food store. Its gentle but effective. Miralax, colate ... nothing else works for me. Gotta be aloe versa which also helps with the indigestion.
  10. 1. I wish I had broken up with food before surgery so that I didn't have to add it to the first month's difficult adjustments. Emotional basket case and food will NOT comfort. 2. I wish I knew that the 1st month would be a physical and mental challenge. I was tired, stupid and emotional. I had previously believed I was the special snowflake who would recover like a rock star. I am not a special snowflake. 3. I wish I knew that planning was ludicrous. My stomach is no longer a familiar beast. The shakes I liked would be gross on the flip side and my guts relentlessly reject my insistence that it behave as I expect it to. 4. Post first week constipation nearly killed me. I was entirely unprepared for this. That said, best decision I ever made.
  11. ElyQuint

    vegan diet

    I wasn't allowed beans, chickpeas or quinoa after surgery. Too carby and take up too much precious tummy real estate. I'm ovo lacto veg and can't even think vegan for a while. I drink vegan shakes (they all taste a bit wheat grassy) and eat lots of tofu, edamame and nuts. Bottom line is that your whole digestion experience will change post surgery and it may be a long while before your body cooperates. I'm 6 months post and still figuring out what my new tummy prefers.
  12. ElyQuint

    July sleevers please check in..

    HW:288 SW:277 CW:221 GW:130 Down 67 pounds. Almost halfway to my goal weight. I am facing my food demons now, psychologically, and am glad I laid a strong foundation for the battle. Yoga every day. Some hair loss. Water is still an issue but Protein is much easier. Averaging 900 calories and 40 carbs daily. So glad I did this. Shovelling snow was easy and my social anxieties are fading.
  13. Thanks! This has been very helpful! This suggestion should have been obvious to me but as it never worked before surgery I almost dismissed it. Now it works fairly effectively!
  14. I binged last night. Sweet potato fries, a small pumpkin macaroon and 5 goldfish crackers. There is a negotiation of self imposed restrictions which occurs during a binge which allows me to suspend judgment until the post binge shame. I need to circumvent this negotiating dialogue so I can prevent the binge. The more often you repeat the behaviour the more automatic it becomes. I have to create a detour to implement at the moment when the negotiation begins. Any ideas? Don't say exercise! Lol
  15. ElyQuint

    high protein snacks?

    I do reduce by fiber but not by the sugar alcohols. I don't trust them. Still, my nut is anti legume. Sigh.
  16. ElyQuint

    high protein snacks?

    True story. Vegetarian here so I'm a lil lenient on the carbs. Edamame hummus is a yummy compromise.
  17. ElyQuint

    high protein snacks?

    How many in a serving? Also, have you tried hummus stuffed devilled eggs? Yum!
  18. Don't tell anyone but I'm sabotaging my skinny sister. I'm eating less and feeding more. He he he.
  19. ElyQuint

    high protein snacks?

    Thanks Globetrotter. I read all of the "articles" but don't feel that any of them verifies a lack of nutrition on the part of the abused roasted nut. I see that it adds fat and salt to the already fatty nut. The last article indicates a slightly altered dose of nutrition but hardly suggests they are worthless carbs. Unfortunately, it looks like doritos are off the table. Another scientific let down. Long live nacho kale chips!
  20. Gamergirl is right. There is a lot going on biologically.
  21. ElyQuint

    high protein snacks?

    I can't find any scientific sources that imply roasted nuts and seeds are devoid of nutritional value. As a vegetarian, my nutritionist recommends them as an additional protein and fat source. Can you send me your scientific sources pretty please? Obviously, if I'm better off eating doritos I would prefer to know before snack time!

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