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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by taurabird

  1. taurabird

    Child free... Way off topic

    Count me as another woman who never felt the maternal instinct. I am 39 y.o. and "fixed". It is a nonissue for my husband and I, been married 10 years this October and each of us had "no kids" on the list when discussing whether we were compatible. People still look at me weird when asked how many kids i have and I say none and dont want any....then I look at them weird and say birth control works great when used properly, its amazing to me how many accidental children are born each year.
  2. taurabird

    Perfect timing!

    Exactly what I was thinking. No need for antibiotics at this point unless u have a definate infection somewhere specific. Feeling bad and a sore throat is most probably a virus....or allergies since it is spring.
  3. taurabird

    Perfect timing!

    If it is possibly the flu then also go to md and get an antiviral med in addition to the vitamin flush I mentioned prior.
  4. taurabird

    Perfect timing!

    Massive flush with b complex, vitamin c and zinc and plenty of protein. Airbourne is also a good product to boost your immune system.
  5. taurabird

    something I never thought about..

    Best non medication relief I can suggest is to go to a sports medicine practice that specializes in message after injuries or pinched nerves. I have a recurring pinched nerve in my neck that I have to "fix" with massage every 6 -12 months.
  6. Big thing would be something like "airbourne". Or you could do it yourself with a good B complex, zinc and vitamin C. Also make sire you getting plenty of proteins...this helps your immune cells.
  7. taurabird

    Are you sick?

    I hope you are feeling better by now.
  8. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Search for june sleevers group
  9. taurabird

    burpees are evil

    I have been trying to do as many as I can in 2 minutes then rest for 20 seconds and then do as many as I can for another 2 minutes. When that 4 minutes and 20 seconds is over I can only lie there on the floor completely drenched and sucking air but man do I feel good when it is over!!! My goal is to build myself up physically so I can start Crossfit after I am sleeved.
  10. Kimmie, Welcome to the party. I appreciate your thoughful and very well explained post. You will be an asset to this board.
  11. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Yippy! There is a June Sleevers group on here.
  12. Call your insurance and ask to speak to the RN case manager that submits your file to the medical director that decides on whether u will be covered. That RN will know exactly what is needed in order to submit and why.
  13. taurabird

    5% of 1%?

    There is a perfectly good christian forum available to post.
  14. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    That is awesome about not having DM and you feeling like you have a new lease on life! It sounds like you are progressing nicely:)
  15. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Smoking is so bad on the blood supply to the gut, when there is a leak or a rupture it is usually caused by some of the tissue not getting enough blood supply and it is dying in part. I am sure that is why your surgeon made the decision to not operate on smokers any longer.
  16. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    June 5th os the big day. I am soooo ready to get it done, the waiting and (thinking) is the hard part for me.
  17. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Michigan, I am so glad you did well even with that complication. Thank you for your thoughts. I am young, 39, never smoked, normal blood glucose, normal BP but I do have sleep apnea and arthritis started. I have a huge family history of DM and CAD so I definately need to get out in front of this before I do major damage. I want to live a long and active life. I know what to look for if there is a problem so I feel I am good to go. I worry about others out there that don't know that is why I am glad there are forum like this so those people can research and ask questions. One other thought for everyone to contemplate....if you smoke...please stop before you go through this surgery.
  18. I also suggest that you do some actual research yourself since you want to learn about what he has and is currently going through. Do a google search for ghrelin leptin adipose response. Read some of the research studies that have been done.
  19. I also suggest that you do some actual research yourself since you want to learn about what he has and is currently going through. Do a google search for ghrelin leptin adipose response. Read some of the research studies that have been done.
  20. A lot of times the binge that comes after a diet for someone that is very overweight is caused by the diet itself. Our bodies way of fighting to keep its normal weight sends our appetite into overdrive when we diet. This is one of the things that is reset with WLS. This increase in appetite happens in proportion to how much fat you have and how long you have had it.
  21. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Dee, it does suck to be a nurse sometimes. I cant lie...i am freaked a little. But I also know how high risk the pt was to begin with so that eases my mind somewhat. I just feel so sorry for her, I think it really is all about weighing the risks vs benefits and that decision should not be left up to the doctor. It should be an "informed decision" and nowadays that means we have to become as informed about the issue as possible. That is why I like message boards like this one.
  22. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Last night at work was surreal. We had a gastric bypass come in through our ER (1 week post op) that had a leak around where her small intestine was attached to her pouch. She was severely septic and I hate to say this but probably is going to die no matter what we do. She was all kinds of high risk...advanced age, smoker, DM, ect. So that freaked me out a lot to say the least but the worse part is my coworkers talking...saying things like "why would anyone do that to themselves" and "I would never do that". I havent told anyone yet but I had decided to tell. Now I think I will not tell anyone at the hospital at least until it is done and I am out of the woods so to speak. To say the least it was a bad night.
  23. taurabird


    The psych just wants to know if you currently take antidepressants that you are not going to stop right after surgery because that would raise a red flag that you may not be able to handle the demands after surgery well; taking medications as prescribed, dealing with changes emotionally. Becoming depressed after surgery would not be an ideal circumstance.
  24. Lol. I am just glad you are okay...but it is kinda funny.

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