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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by taurabird

  1. taurabird

    so nervous! TMI!

    I can only hope that sex will be my addition after surgery!!!! As long as it is with my hubby.
  2. taurabird

    Full Liquid Phase. Blah!

    Mine is preop 2 weeks - 2 Meal Replacement Protein shakes and 1 very low fat meal postop - clear liquids postop day 4 - full liquids postop week 4 - softs postop week 8 - at will postop
  3. Holy crap! Hot mama in the house! I love that dress and especially how wonderful I know you feel inside of it.
  4. I am still young in this process too:) Thank you for posting this since it has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been doing a lot of soul searching to find out what I really like to do (besides eat or food related activities) Lately when I want to eat mindlessly because of whatever reason, usually boredom, I am experimenting with; reading a book going outside for a walk getting in the pool or hot tub yoga weights cleaning driving to WDW to walk around (season passes and 15 min drive) internet surfing, researching I think I need to pick up a craft to keep my hands busy....
  5. taurabird

    Public Service Announcement

    LOL! Definitely something I would do, I have been known to trip over my own feet while skipping like a little kid through Walt Disney World at 260 lbs. Never Grown Up!
  6. True we are all adults and we will end up doing as we please but the OP did ask the question therefore I would assume she wants a truthful answer. Furthermore it is also true that smoking does slow down healing at the metabolic level. Whether it causes a serious enough slow down for the patient to notice it (leak) (failed sutures) (blood clot) (pneumonia) is a whole different topic.
  7. taurabird

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Let us know how you feel after your shifts! Congrats!
  8. taurabird

    WLS and genetics

    Very interesting to research this topic. This reminds me that everytime we procreate we are witnessing evolution in action.
  9. taurabird

    Before pics

    Wow, I think you just got the dreaded...are you big enough for wls from one of us! I was told that from one of the only non super close friend and I havent told anyone else but my boss since.
  10. taurabird

    Protein shakes

    I am lactolose intolerent and everytime I tried whey isolate protein my stomach cramps and my mouth and lips tingle/itch. I have tried several and I have decided I like Sunwarrior -warrior blend natural flavor. I can mix it with anything. Has 82 calories, 17 protein, 1 carb and 1 fat. Made with crqnberry protein, pea protein and hemp protein.
  11. I just ordered it from amazon. Thanks to the person that found this thread from last year. I was just researching good food addiction books to get my psyche in the right place. I find the closer surgery get the more I am craving.
  12. taurabird

    3rd surgiversary approaching

    First thing that popped into my head was that I would have gained 100lbs with a year like u have had so congratulations on having your sleeve to help you out over this hell year you have just gone through. Now that u have recognized thw issue and obviously u are a strong person so pull up yourself by the bootstraps and start some muscle building. It will help u deal with the stress and you will increase you metabolism. Continue your eating plan and you will be just fine.
  13. I had to be approved before they would schedule. From approval my surgery date was 8 weeks out it would have been 6 weeks if the doctor had not had a vacation scheduled.
  14. taurabird

    June 2013 Sleevers GROUP

    I have still been doing major research too. Lol, It must be the ocd nurse side of me. I must try to stay off google, lol!
  15. Awesome success pics. U look amazing.
  16. taurabird

    June 2013 Sleevers GROUP

    So excited for us all! I am June 5th! It is so hard waiting, I find myself overthinking!
  17. taurabird

    I offically set my date!

    Yippy. More June sleevers!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
