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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tammy1970

  1. tammy1970

    Over 60g of protein can be bad?

    My doc said it is because too much starts eating muscle. Don't understand it exactly.
  2. I was sleeved the same day. I am on puréed. I tried eggs and had horrible chest pains. I can handle beef (taco meat, meatloaf), mashed potatoes, refried beans and such. My fave has been cottage cheese with taco seasoning.
  3. I am 3 weeks post op and just started puréed (refried beans, egg, etc) and having a bit of difficulty getting them down. I wasn't allowed that type of food at 1 week post op. your sleeve is still healing so you might wanna try and stick with protein shakes and liquids until the swelling goes down.
  4. Just had my 2 week post op- still on liquids (along with cottage cheese & yogurt) for another week- then finally puréed. Ugh. I was so hoping to move up today went from 228 to 205 so that's a plus!
  5. I am two weeks out and had it done. Rumblings still here. Bruised in 3 areas and still some burning pain. Doc said (today at my appt) it's all normal.
  6. tammy1970

    March 20th sleevers

    Those bullet proteins are the wrong type of protein for us. Read the list of ingredients and you will see. I think they say whey on the label but the list of ingredients it's not the main source. I have been reading threads about such.
  7. tammy1970

    Sitting in ER

    Yikes. Hope all turns out ok!!! Prayers your way!
  8. tammy1970

    Sleeved 3/18 - a bit overwhelmed

    I am good. Trying to get in all my water and protein daily. Shakes make me gag! I can only do about 2-3TBSP of cottage cheese or such at a sitting-- so I know the sleeve is working lol. I started at 223 surgery date, now 209. Been walking on treadmill daily for at least a mile. Incisions still sore and covered in ugly belly bruises.
  9. tammy1970

    I'm not complaining but....

    I was sleeved the 18th also and the day of surgery I was 223 on my scale at home and 213 this morning. It's been 6 days and I am very happy with this much. I am not focusing on how much others have lost-- it will make you crazy comparing to others.
  10. tammy1970


    Gatorade was way to strong of a taste for me. I hated G2 prior to surgery, now it's perfect. Strong in flavor- where Pre-op it tasted watered down. Weird how tastes do change. I said it would NEVER happen to me.
  11. tammy1970


    Yep, remember that day! My nurse (a post WLS patient) said day 2 is the absolute worse. I remember crying. I am no only 5 day post op and it gets so much easier. I don't usually have those pains unless its first thing in the morning. I could only do broth and room temp liquids for the first 3-4 days. Now I sip G2, water bottles and my first protein shake (today)... All cold. The feelings get better in just a few days.
  12. I had my surgery on Monday. I won't lie, it was rough but they did fix an unexpected hiatal hernia as well. The gas pain and post op swelling was very uncomfortable. My back pain was off the chart, but finally on my last day in the hospital- my nurse (a post WLS patient herself) brought me a bag of headed towels and Fluid for a make shift heating bag- and it helped. If you have a heating pad- TAKE IT. I think for me I was a nervous wreck until after the leak Test, then I relaxed a bit. Today, I am good- nothing to complain about. Incision pain is getting less and less daily. Being home helped healing for me. I couldn't sleep much. Every hour another staff member was in there either doing vitals, giving me shots in my tummy (blood thinners) or checking my sugar levels. Pain management at the hospital sucked- no morphine drip like some- just dilaudid. It didn't help so much. Once home I was on liquid lortab and it was awesome! All and all- at 2-3 days post op I would say I made a mistake doing the surgery, now 6 days out I am over the moon HAPPY! I am 42yo and have had spinal surgery, 3 c-sections, a tubal reversal surgery, gallbladder removed and complete hysterectomy. This surgery was a little tough but am happy to have done it!!! I don't take high blood pressure meds or metformin any longer so that is a big plus too! Ohhh... And I am down from 228 to 215 this morning. I weighed in surgery morning at 220.
  13. tammy1970

    2days post op update

    I regretted my surgery for the first 3 days. The pain was unbearable, but as soon as I got home everything changed! I am happy and found a heating pad on my back helped with the "stuck" gas pains. I was sleeved this past Monday and finally today, am gas free and feeling good! Incision pains still there but all in all- happy!
  14. tammy1970

    Negative Boyfriend

    You look stunning!!! Can't wait to look like you! Wow- seems he may be a little jealous if the new you. Guys are sometimes like this, unfortunately girl friends can even be worse. You are gorgeous my dear! Enjoy the new you and if he keeps bringing you down, there are so many other guys out there that will love you even more. It's a sign of his insecurities. I have an ex-hubby like that.
  15. tammy1970

    Ambien and the sleeve

    I have done some crazy things on ambien. The sex part (for some reason my hubby enjoys), I have eaten and not known... And answered emails and edited wedding photos (I am a wedding photog). When I first was on it, I swore I saw aliens in my bedroom. This stuff is whacked but I can't find anything else that works. I am still looking though. Caught a show that featured a women that went out and drove while on it and killed another person and was charged and did time for vehicular homicide. It's scary!
  16. tammy1970

    Today is my SURGERY . 6 am

    Completely normal! I felt the same way and today (now that I am home) I am feeling a lot better!
  17. Finally home from Mondays surgery. Had a few crying spells and can't get comfy at all. My hubby is suppose to have same surgery in 4 months and I begged him not to. Everyone said the liquid diet is the worst. That is bullshit. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Maybe in a few more days I will feel better about all of it.
  18. I am on my second day post op. had my leak test and all is perfect. Been sipping and walking. Nurses say day #2 is always the worst. Can't wait to get onto day 3!
  19. At the hospital... Just checking in. Head is killing me and super nauseous from nerves and hungry tummy-- can't wait to get this over with!
  20. No protein today... Just all clear liquids. I was on a 6 day Pre-op liquid diet & could have protein shakes and lots of protein- but not today I did a little cheat yesterday and had a slice of pizza and felt sick after... And super guilty so I guess I am ready to get this over with! 17 hours and counting!
  21. I am anxious and really starting to get nervous too! Don't know why, I have had 3 c-sections, a tubal reversal surgery, gall bladder removed, spinal surgery & fusion and also a complete hysterectomy. This one just seems to be "getting" to me. I am doing good with my clear liquids- just drained some gumbo soup and drank the broth so that was good! I was sick of chicken broth- nice change up. Now, to try my new martini flavored crystal light
  22. tammy1970

    ONE-derland with pictures

    Looking amazing. Can't wait to join you!
  23. tammy1970

    Surgery time.

    Amy- thinking of you and wondering how you are doing! Hugs, Tammy
  24. tammy1970

    Crystal light and protein powder

    I did this and made the crystal light into like a cream flavor. Not bad. I am 4 days Pre-op and I am gagging with the shakes. Not sure if it's a "head" thing at this point.
  25. tammy1970

    How long did it take?

    Am a wedding photog too. I have hired extra shooters to help out for the first 2 weddings... Which will be 4 & 6 weeks post op. I plan to just take it slow the first few and see how it goes. I think my main concern is staying hydrated. I tend to guzzle water so this is going to be a challenge.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
