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Fort Bend Band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fort Bend Band

  1. I think you should be able to do what you want as long as you are sure your Dad is not trying to put on the breaks to protect you from doing too much at one time. I agree I would want to have to go through as few surgeries as possible but if your Dad is worried he probably has a valid reason since he does this for a living. No matter what happens you will get to where you want to be and I have to say by your picture you are already looking great! Hang in there!
  2. Fort Bend Band

    I did it! I did it! Wore a bikini in public!!

    Jachut, Chickie, and Boo Boo Kitty... all of your pictures inspire me! I would never have thought that you could have been overweight except for the proof of the before pictures. I hope one day I will feel good enought to post before and after pictures! I had a friend that was recently banded and still in a lot of pain. I showed her your before and after pictures and it made her feel like the pain would be worth it. I am still not quite half way to my goal but you inspire me to keep on striving because I can see that it can be done! Thank you!
  3. I wish you a speedy recovery and anxiously await your future posts!
  4. Fort Bend Band

    Left Shoulder Pain After Lap Band Surgery

    I had a friend that just got the band and the shoulder pain went away in 4 days. It took a couple of months for it to go away with me. I know someone else that had the band over a year ago and still randomly, at times, will have a day of shoulder pain. It just goes to show that it really is different for everyone but I still have never heard of someone suffering so bad that they regreted the band. Shoulder pain sufferers hang in there! This too shall pass!
  5. Fort Bend Band

    I did it! I did it! Wore a bikini in public!!

    All of you look so good! You have the bodies that the rest of us are striving for. You all have definately inspired me!!!
  6. Fort Bend Band

    Whats the worst you've heard?

    Someone I know is thinking about getting the band. One of our mutual friends knows me and knows I have had the band. I am losing very slowly and have only lost 18 pounds since March 2007. My friend was told not to get the band since it "obviously doesn't work". Ouch! That stung pretty bad since I know I am the only person they know who has actually had the band.
  7. Fort Bend Band

    Failing at this!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have gone through a lot of trial and error to find my restriction. The doctor's office told me it is typical for a person to need 2-4 fills to be in the right place. Also, I found out that I need the thicker solution in my band. For some reason some of the saline absorbs out of the band in some people and my doctor said that it "just happens in some people and we cannot explain exactly why". The thicker solution doesn't go anywhere and I could definately fell the difference in my band! Finally after 3 fills I do have restriction and do feel like I will be on my way to more productive weight loss. I would definately get fills until you feel restriction. Otherwise, you are not getting the full benefit of the band.
  8. Fort Bend Band

    Sugar addict, grazing and Lap Band

    Keep up the good work! You are an inspiration to us all!
  9. Fort Bend Band

    Sugar addict, grazing and Lap Band

    I am a sugar junkie and I can say that it has gotten in the way of my success. I am still losing slowly am I am much less hungry than I used to be so I am totally happy I got the band. The band can only do so much. We still have our unhealthy eating habits that we have to battle as well as over- eating as a coping mechanism. The band does not make that stuff go away. However, the band does make you not be able to eat as much when you are trying to overeat as well as not be able to eat some of the foods you used to graze on. The band is a tool that you have to try to make work for you.
  10. Fort Bend Band

    Did your doctor take a picture?

    Yes, my doc did this as well. He also said I had a healthy liver which made me feel good. I think they give you the pictures to assure you it is in place and looks like it should.
  11. Fort Bend Band

    am i eating wrong?

    My doc had us do liquids for the first few days, then purees, then mushies. Mushies are actually thicker than purees so if thats going well you might not have to go through the purees. You do not want to start on solids before your doc says so because your new stomach is swollen just from having the band around it even though there is not fluid in it usually at first. You are giving your new stomach a chance to start digesting without fighting too hard with what you put in it.
  12. Fort Bend Band

    New to forum - What's the difference???

    I would like to add one more thought Angel. My doctor told me that I would have the benefit of feeling less hungry overall just from the band and that science could not totally explain why. I do still have my messed up mind that tells me to snack sometimes just out of boredom, but I do have to say that when I feel hungry I want to eat but do not picture a whole platter of food to wolf down like I used to. Also, I have noticed that if I get busy at work and cannot eat lunch when I usually do I can be more patient about it and not feel like I am going to die if I don't eat. I am greatful to my band for this!
  13. Fort Bend Band

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Seems like you have had more than your share of surgery's lately! I hope you feel better and stay away from the operating table!
  14. I t has taken me three fills to finally have enough restriction that I feel back on the road to weight loss. I lost almost all of my weight the first week after surgery and have struggled to lose eventhough I am walking regularly. I really believe in trying not to worry so much and getting fills as you need them. I have been reluctant to get fills but now realise it is the key to weight loss. Your body is just going through adjustments so don't expect too much too fast!
  15. After losing over 70 pounds, I think you need to hold your head up high and be proud of yourself!
  16. Fort Bend Band

    What Triggered You?

    I was watching the 20 pounds from my last diet come back on. I usually put all my weight back plus some. I could not stand the idea of weighing any more. I also couldn't stand the idea of announcing my next diet idea that I inevitably would fail at.
  17. I was in the check out of the grocery store and was buying lots of fruits and veggies that day. When I got tot the cashier she asked me "when are you do?" I felt the heat in my cheeks and said "I am not pregnant, just fat" The cashier looked horrified and then I was even more embarrassed. I vowed that day I would never ask someone when they were due unless they looked as if they were about to go to the hospital.
  18. My doctor told me all along that 4-5 pounds a month is considered good. I do not always loose my 5 pounds for each month and it is very frustrating! I have learned that fills are the key. If you can eat too much or feel too hungry it is time for a fill. I had my third fill last week and finally feel the restriction I have needed and do not feel hungry except around meal times. Try and hang in there and do not expect too much too fast. My friend had the gastric bypass the same time I got the band. She has lost 100 pounds now and I have just lost 15. I try to remind myself that this is going to be an ongoing process and to not beat myself up about the weight loss. I know that you do feel pressured with everyone looking at you but remind yourself that this is about you and not about them!
  19. Fort Bend Band

    Port showing?

    My lump where my port is was more obvious right after surgery. You have to remember that you are still swollen on the inside. Most likely it will look better once your swelling goes down. Every time I have a fill I swell more at my port but it does seem to go down.
  20. You should try to find your own port. I know it's kind of worrysome to start feeling around there too quickly but I think if you start feeling your port you will have a better idea of what they are working with. I also heard if you rub your port area lightly the tenderness goes away quicker. I don't know if this is true or not but I did it and I do not have the ongoing tenderness around my port that I have seen some people describe.
  21. You are going to make it and your are almost done! You can also hang on to the idea that a lot of people don't feel hungry for the first week or two after surgery so you will not have to worry about that hunger after surgery. You will eat your soup because you know you need to nourish your body but you will not have that overwhelming hunger any more. You do have some pain that first week but it does get a little better each day and it is worth it! I wish you the best!
  22. My MD encourages us to stick to solid foods like fish, grilled chicken, veggies, and salad after the first 4 weeks. He believes that there is the potential to get too many calories if you drink too many shakes and protein drinks. It is ok while you are on liquids though. The band does not restrict liquids so once you start on solid foods you really feel the restriction! Most doctors have a radiology machine in their office so as long as you have your fill where they can watch what happens when you swallow you will be fine. Usually, they put saline in your band and then give you a swallow of Barium to monitor how well it goes through the band. This helps them decide how many cc's of saline to restrict your band with. We are all learning as we go through this process. This is a lot I didn't know as well and I am still learning all of the time!
  23. Here are my thoughts. I would always discuss this with my doctor. They are on your side and if not get a new MD. I believe it is important to stay on your pre-op diet because it shrinks your fatty liver that most of us over weight people have. The doctor can place the band easier when the liver is not enlarged and these pre-op diets help to accomplish this. I would never judge anyone for taking any type of appetite control substance but I do think you should think about if you are really hungry or is it the mental stuff going on that make you want to eat. My MD told me that the one thing he could promise is that I would never feel the cravings to eat a huge plate of food as I wanted to do all of the time before the band. I have to say he was right. He also told me it was a tool and I would have to make the right choices. I have gotten three fills now and I believe that if someone feels this overwhelming hunger then it is time to get a fill. When you have the restriction you do not feel an overwhelming since of hunger. I do still struggle with wanting to munch for no particular reason (especially late at night) but that is part of my bad eating behaviors that I continue to struggle with. Good luck to you all!
  24. When you start feeling like you can eat more than a half of a cup at a time (solids) it is time for a fill. Your stomch swells from the surgery so even though most people have no fluid in their band at first you feel restricted in your eating. Most doctor's amke you wait at least 4 weeks before you can get your first fill. Just to warn you, it takes some people 2-4 fills to get it right. I just had my third fill and hopefully I will be on my way to better weight loss now. Good luck to you!
  25. It seems like you are doing well! You are losing the weight so I wouldn't worry about it too much. I did not really feel restricted until I had my second fill. Maybe you need another fill if you feel like you are eating out of control. I wish I was having rapid results like you!

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