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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NewKristen

  1. NewKristen

    To drain or not to drain

    Thanks for all the feedback! I am really glad I didn't have to have one (unless I develop a leak! )
  2. NewKristen

    To drain or not to drain

    I had no clue it was even a possibility! Ha ha.
  3. NewKristen


    I have been doing Just Dance and Zumba on my Wii. . I like it because I can go at my own pace, because I am 2 weeks out. I don't go high impact at all...no where close at this point. But it is good for my mental health, because I am doing something!
  4. NewKristen


    It is so amazing that you are so transparent about all of your complications! So many people can and are learning from your experience! I wish you the best in your continued recovery and hope and pray it will be smooth sailing from here!
  5. NewKristen

    Huge ass boil ! Ouch ! ?

    I would go see your doc as a precautionary. Mrsa (a form of staph) comes in the appearance of boils, and it very contagious. It is not uncommon for people to pick it up from the hospital. My hospital actually made me take 2 showers before I went in for surgery as a precautionary. It is very easily treated with ointment.
  6. NewKristen

    Netrition - Protein Sampler Pack

    This is awesome! Thanks or sharing!
  7. NewKristen

    Netrition - Protein Sampler Pack

    Someone just told me in another thread it was "delish!"
  8. Not for surgery, but for other stuff I have gone to Mexico multiple times without a passport.
  9. NewKristen

    At OCC - lots of waiting

    I was just praying for you. I just saw the thread and was hoping you were finally getting your sleeve. Keep your chin up, you are so so close!
  10. NewKristen

    Totally inappropriate question

    Yes! So make sure it is lite or sugar free! But no worries, a serving of Cool Whip Free is only 2 carbs!
  11. NewKristen

    guacamole on everything!

    Besides Burrito King, try Tapas on Main St. It is so good! My friend opened it about 6 mon ago!
  12. NewKristen

    guacamole on everything!

    What part of Kansas do you live in? We have several good Mexican joints in the Topeka and Lawrence areas! And being part Mexican, I am hard to impress! Ha ha ha.
  13. NewKristen

    Feb. 12!

    I feel for you! That is really tough to deal with. I had a friend who made some really disturbing comments to me. I won't share those with you pre-op, because I don't want to disturb you! Ha ha. But yeah...people should think before speaking!
  14. NewKristen

    Why Lie?!?!

  15. NewKristen


    I was able to drive after 1 week as long as I wasn't on pain meds.
  16. NewKristen

    Why Lie?!?!

    I didn't tell anyone pre-op besides a few members of my family. I thought I would be more selective in who I told post-op, but I haven't been. I had a change of heart. A couple months ago an acquaintance who I personally know had a WLS, started selling those body wraps that are supposed to shrink your cellulite. After struggling to market them and get customers, a couple weeks ago she started telling people that her weight loss came from the body wraps. Seriously?!?! So my change of heart came from that. I personally don't want to give someone the idea that I could have this kind of success though just working out and eating right, because the truth is...I couldn't. If someone cares enough to ask, I will be honest. So what if they judge me? My true friends won't. And I could care less what anyone else thinks. That is my two cents on my situation. Not telling anyone else what or how to do it. Everyone of us has a different journey and different circumstances.
  17. NewKristen

    Hiccups much?

    Thanks everyone for the info. The odd thing about mine, is that I get them when I haven't ate or drank anything in awhile. I will slow down more on drinking, and see if I can prevent them at those times. Maybe then it won't seem as annoying when it happens when I haven't ate or drank anything! Ha ha.
  18. DEAN!!!! There, last post before I nod off. Ha ha!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
