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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NewKristen

  1. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Well, in also went to curl my hair, while I still have some.
  2. NewKristen


    Good luck! I hope it is a smooth process for you! What made you decide on the sleeve vs. other WLS's?
  3. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    That is awesome!! I have typed the word "sec" so many times to have my phone change it to sex! Never a good situation!
  4. Good idea! A movie and Starbucks after!! Movies are always a good idea for a first date, so you have guaranteed conversation material at Starbucks!
  5. NewKristen

    All I wanna do is EAT

    It was harder for me pre-op, too! Because then it was just me and my will power. While now, I have the sleeve to help me. However, Iggy is right. It will be so much easier in the long run if you can start dealing with the behavior changes now!
  6. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    For (insert the F-bomb) sake
  7. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    I struggle with auto correct. It has made me have to do some explaining on multiple occasions.
  8. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Yeah, thank God for urban dictionary! I looked it up right before you asked. Then I decided not to say anything...cause in my opinion anybody who comes into a thread using FFS and telling everyone to grow up, should probably take their own advice.
  9. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Anyone ever watch "in Living Color" back in the 90's? I keep imagining myself to look like Fire Marshall Bill with just a few sprigs of hair! I dreamt that one night actually.
  10. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Today yes..but it's coming...I feel it.
  11. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Bahahaha! Oh that's good!
  12. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Ha ha! I know right! My thread would be more like, "I choke on a peanut and I have only lost 20 pounds in 3 months!"
  13. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    What about... I eat a large pizza twice a day and I still lost 100 pounds in three months!
  14. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Bahaha! I love it!!! We should! We could be more offensive and title it..."I am sorry YOU'RE fat, but I am just big-boned!"
  15. NewKristen

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    I think most people in this forum intend to help others with their replies. Occasionally there is a post that makes me shake my head in wonder. As a newer poster, I haven't become immune to those posts and posters like many of you whom are seasoned. Granted, it is super hard to be 100% sure of someone's tone in the written form. But these are some things I don't get.... 1. Preachy posts - Out of all of us on here, we probably were assigned a 100 different variations of a pre op/post op diet! We were given dozens of different sets of aftercare instructions. We have been operated on by hundreds and hundreds of different surgeons. My point - your way is not the only way. Share your opinions when posting a reply, instead of cramming it down our throats. 2. Holier than Thou posts - if someone is struggling with something (binges, stalls, Protein intake, etc) don't share anything if you can say something uplifting and helpful! For example, if you don't ever struggle with craving the wrong foods, good for you..,but do you need to brag about it to someone that is struggling? Probably not. 3. No sense of humor posts - someone started a light hearted post the other day about good commercials and how tempting they are. Then all of a sudden a good natured thread turned all into a debate about how commercials did not make us fat. I would imagine any person in that thread already knew that, but everyone still got lectured. Lighten up! This should be the one place everyone can exist with our being judged and picked apart, IMO. When each of us strives to be that kind of a poster, then this will be a much more productive site. I like the people who are fun natured and light hearted on here. They inspire me and lift me up and make me want to engage in this forum. These same people will engage and inspire other newcomers.
  16. NewKristen

    Stretching out sleeve !

    The part of the stomach that is used, and the shape of it. The pouch in gastric bypass is made from a different area of the stomach. As catracks said, the pouch is made from a stretchier part of the stomach. The sleeve is made of the more dense part of the stomach. It is harder to stretch. Recent studies prove that the VSG is just as effective as the gastric bypass (ie patients lose just as much and are as successful in keeping it off) and the gastric bypass also entails having your intestines rerouted for malabsorption. But regardless, either surgery is just a tool. It is very possible to fail with either surgery. In the weeks following a VSG, the patient has to commit to changing their lifestyle, or it won't work. But neither will the gastric bypass. Just ask Carly Wilson or Star Jones.
  17. NewKristen

    I Can't Wait To Not Have To...

    Like quite a few of you have mentioned, my husband is hot! Although he has never criticized me or made me feel bad about myself, I can't wait to be be the trophy wife he deserves. So excited to weigh less than him! Can't wait to get out of plus sizes. I am almost 6', so dropping sizes seems to take forever since my weight is distributed all over 71". I can't wait to be at goal and buy a brand new wardrobe! There are also a few people who have been really hateful and nasty. My husband and I coach a competitive 18u Fastpitch team, and a couple former players who were "dismissed" for drama a couple years ago sat in our fan sectional a game this summer talking about how much weight I have gained. I can't wait to see them this summer and thank them for inspiring me. Can't wait to see my in-laws this summer who always seem to point out my weight when we see them. I also can't wait to see my parents. They have always loved and supported me, and never missed a beat when I told them I wanted to have the sleeve. Told me that they loved me no matter what I chose, and then told me how proud o me they were when i had the surgery. I am excited that they don't have to worry about me for all the risks that come with being overweight. I am excited for my daughter's wedding. To feel great and have the energy to be the MOB in September.
  18. I got my period right before surgery, way early. I was so ticked. But I was super excited that I got to wear panties in surgery! Ha ha. The best part was that every CNA I had was a male, from pre-op to when I was discharged! Gah!!! They were also like 12-15 years old. Ok, maybe not that young, but they were so young! I went to the bathroom as soon as I was out of recovery. After I was done, it looked like a war had been fought in the bathroom. I was so embarrassed! The CNA I had reassured me it wasn't that bad! Bless his little heart.

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