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Posts posted by sroan05

  1. I called uhc and they said they don't show any files for me... So I called my coordinator and she said that the reps can not see out files that a nurse would have it ... But i remember when I went through this last time I was able to check my status.... So guess ill call my coordinator in the AM.....

    When you call UHC, say "prior authroization" at the beginning of the phone call and they will route you to the people who will know. If they're still not able to tell you anything, ask for a nurse coordinator.

    Got approved today yesss so happy & nervous

    Congrats!!!!! I know the feeling well! I bounce between feeling nervous and anxious. Lol. I was approved the same day my paperwork was submitted--March 29th. Just got my surgery date scheduled yesterday! Reality is creeping up on me! ;) Good luck!

  2. I ordered 12 Syntrax nectar samples from their website. You have to call and ask for the variety sampler. I have heard nothing but great things about this product. I want to make sure I have different options instead of the same ol' thing everyday. I also ordered some non-flavored Protein from unjury to put in my Soups and yogurt.

    http://www.si03.com/medical/med_index.htm <---link to Syntrax

    http://www.unjury.com/store/protein/ <---link to Unjury

  3. Hi yellowbox :)

    It can actually take up to 15 business days for insurance to make a determination. Have you tried calling insurance directly? My paperwork was submitted on March 29th. I called on April 4th to check on the status of my paperwork and found out that I was approved the same day my paperwork was submitted. Hopefully you get an answer soon; I know it's frustrating having to wait!

  4. I'm hoping this doesn't happen to me. I called when I first started this process back in October and was told that I needed a 6 month supervised diet OR documentation of a motivated attempt to lose weight for 6 months. So, I started my dietary visits. I called last month, just to make sure I was doing everything right--seeing that supervised diet is over March 19th, and instead of helping, they did nothing but confuse me. I first person I talked to told me that they didn't see any requirements on my plan for surgery, other than the pre-authorization. They then transfered me to someone that told me that she coudn't see what my requirements were, but she usually knows UHC usually asks for a 5 year obesity history. I was in TEARS. I told her that this isn't what I was told in October and if it had been, I wouldn't have even started this process because I haven't had a BMI over 40 for 5 years. She told me to talk to my HR rep and ask what the requirements were. I went to HR and they looked at me like I was crazy and told me "we have nothing to do with the requirements for surgery." AH! So, I called back. Explained my situation again and again and STILL got NO answers. I have decided to just continue with my process...my paperwork will be submitted sometime after March 19th to UHC. I guess I will just have to wait until then to know if I've wasted my time or if this is REALLY going to happen. You're not the only one completely frustrated with UHC...I just wish there was someone to give me a direct answer.

  5. No need to be nervous for the psych eval. It's pretty simple. For mine, I had 4 booklets--full of multipule choice questions, that I had to fill out. After that, I met with the psychologist for a little bit and she asked me a few questions about my background. She concluded that I needed to see a counselor, due to some past depression issues. My counselor has to give a thumbs up before I can have surgery though. I'm 5 months into my 6 month monitoring...so I'm hoping to have surgery towards the middle of April.

    Anyway. We are all here to support you through this journey! This website has really opened my eyes and prepared me for what's in store. I would love to chat and to provide you with support through this time!

  6. Hi, and welcome, Annie! I have found this website to be so enlightening. It has been able to gear me for the changes that are getting ready to take place in my life. I have met a lot of friends so far that are interested in knowing me and my journey...and vice versa. There is nothing like having the support from people who know where you've been and where you're going...and the support from people who are going along in this process along with you. Good luck! :)

  7. Yes...like i said earlier, I have heard you are not that big, 3 out of 4 times with a BMI of 35. I did not tell family or work. My medical history is no more their business than theirs is mine. Do I have the right to ask if they have ever been treated for an STD? Hemorroids? Plagued by yeast infections? NO! That would be extremely intrusive and tacky. At one of the first meetings I attended a very, very large woman said to her husband (loud enough for me to hear) "I don't know WHAT she thinks SHE is doing here?! Like all of us, my decision did not come easily and took me years to get to. Her snotty, rude comments were not tolerable. I looked her dead and the eye, smiled and said softly (although I wanted to yell), "I don't think that is very fair since I am not asking you why it took you so long to come here." She never even glanced in my direction again. Wise choice an her behalf. I was completely supportive of her choice, how dare she question mine. Stick to your guns and stick up for yourself. It is not their reflection you have to look at in the mirror. I explain my weight loss with some truth. I tell people I am staying under or around 1000 calories a day. Absolutley true. I am walking daily - again, absolutley true. When asked what my secret is? I tell them don't put it in your mouth. There is only one way in for calories to turn to fat. Chin up, you are going to love the way you feel and look. I still have a way to go but hope to be close by summer.

    That is AWESOME that you stood up for yourself. I was afraid people were going to be judging me when I went to the seminar...looking at me and thinking I'm not "that" big. I also feel like people are thinking the same thing when I'm in the bariatric office for my appointments. Then one day, I finally said to myself "I don't care what they think...I'm doing something about this NOW." I already feel uncomfortable at 270, I can't imagine being any bigger. Going back to work after surgery will be a challenge...with all of the questions and whispering...but, I'm going to be looking and feeling fabulous...I won't let them get me down! :)

  8. Hi and welcome, Celtika82! When I first decided to start this process, I had to attend a seminar that went over the different surgery options, which was required by my program. From there, I turned in some paperwork with my insurance info, hight, weight, and BMI. Someone then called me from the program and set up my initial consulation. When I went to my counulation, the insurance coordinator went over what my insurance would cover and what the requirements were to have surgery. (I already knew this though because I called my inusrance company to verify that they would cover this procedure.) The requirements were BMI over 40 and six months dietitian monitoring, OR the ability to be able to provide a 5 year history of motivated attempts to lose weight. You could also qualify if you had a BMI of 35-39 with health problems like sleep apena, high blood pressure...etc. From there, I decided to join the program. I scheduled all of my dietician visits (all 6 of them), my psych eval, and got a number to schedule an upper GI and abdominal ultrasound later on in my process because it was too early to have those tests ran. I also go scheduled for blood work and an EKG. Most of the time, you have to have a sleep study preformed as well, but I had just had one a few months prior, so I didn't have to. So, thus far, I've completed almost everything. I have my 5th deititian appointment next week, then my EKG. After that, I have my last dietitian appointment next month and I will be done. So, that's how the process has worked for me thus far.

    As far as gaining support from others. I actually started a thread the other day about how to handle critics. There is a LOT of goof advice on there from different people. The only reason I shared my decision with people is because I could use their support during this new chapter of my life. There have been people that have be skeptical of my decision and think that I'm taking the "easy way out." Truth of the matter is that there is NOTHING easy about this surgery. And if you think this is the right choice for you, you honestly don't need to justify your choice to anyone. What I've learned to say is "thank you for your opinion, but this is my choice. If you're not going to support me, then I just won't talk to you about it anymore." That tends to work.

    Good luck in your journey and know that we are all here to support you!!! :)

  9. I felt with some of that prior to surgery, I spent a lot of time on this site. There is drama and conflict from time to time here but we all have this surgery in common so I spent a lot of time here reading, and learning. It was a great distraction.

    I hear (read) people talking about drama on here all of the time...but I have yet to see it! Which is a good thing...I'm gonna try to steer away from drama!

  10. I'm having the same issues. I'm 42 and still have over protected parents. My mom is giving me lots of grief. My dad not as much. It all stems from the mortality rate. I was honest to let them know what I was deciding on doing. We need a great support system around us. When we have surgery. My husband is my cheerleader and on my side for sure. I just feel really upset that they cannot support me as I do this. They sent me places to lose weight, tried to pay me to lose weight but it all came down to them always bringing candies and cakes in the house. I've done practically everything they've asked if me while I lived under their roof. You would think they could support me. My goal was not to tell them but my jealous sister told them. I know I'm rambling it I feel so frustrated. I had my consult with the surgeon to discuss my choice of sleeve and I am awaiting approval from my insurance company. Thanks for listening.

    Well we are all here to support you and back your decision. I would do what rmeofone said and just state the facts. If it helps, print it off so your mom can see the facts right in front of her. Sure, every person and story is different, but even those who have struggled after surgery tend not to regret their decision. My mom had the gastric bypass back in '04, so she's been super supportive. And even after all of the complications that she's had due to her surgery, she will still stand tall and say she would never change her decision.My sister is one of the ones who really doesn't agree with my decision (she's also overweight.) She says I haven't tried hard enough...and that I'm really not THAT big. But I know deep down, it's because she's scared for me. I have decided not to talk to her about my decision anymore because I need support, not negativity. So, prehaps just tell your mom that you're not going to talk to her about it anymore...but that you will let her know before your surgery so she doesn't feel left out.

  11. I know right! I'm on the liquid diet today so I can have Soups, Protein shakes, sugar free Jello, Protein supplements etc.... It's A LOT easier filing up on the liquids than I thought, imagine that :-). The hard part came this morning when I was cooking a grilled cheese for my fiancée and my son comes out and wants me to make him an omelette. The grilled cheese wasn't an issue but the omelette was a hard one cause I love omelettes and I'm a good cook. Sooo I get out make book and show him that this is all I can eat right now and he understood a lil better. Enough bout me.... Sorry about you and your sister,I wish she'd give the surgery a try because it'll help her be happy, healthy and just enjoy life more. So tell me, and the world, :-) about your appointment. Did things go as planned, new things come up, what? Glad to hear that your Boyfriend understood what you were asking of him. Happy for you making the smart choices at the store, as you know that's what it's all about. Just an FYI, you probably know already, I just made a Protein shake from Perfect Zero Carb Isopure 100% whey Protein isolate and it tasted ok but I figured out that it I add a squirt or two of Mio it tastes way better. Kinda tastes like I smoothie now WOOHOO lol

    Hey! :) I know it was probably hard for you not to make yourself an omlette, but at least you were able to be strong and push through it! I've been having a hard time today with head hunger. It seems like everytime I get on track and I start my day off right, my head talks me into eating something when I'm not even hungry. It's annoying. I'm trying to remain strong! I wish my sister would learn more about the sleeve and just accept that this is something I've decided to do for ME. When I first told her, she didn't talk to me for like a day. Then, she expressed to me that she's spent her whole life being overweight, and it's not fair that I'm going to have surgery to become "skinny" while she's still fat. At the end of that conversation, she stated that she was going to see how my experience goes and maybe look into having the surgery herself. She's hot and cold though--and it's annoying. My counseling appointment went really well yesterday. For the first time, I've really opened up to someone and have been receptive to her feedback. We just talked about my sister, my "bad body days," and making better food choices. I'm glad your shake was good yesterday! I'm actually getting ready to make an Isopure smoothie to stop these "hunger" pains going on in my belly. I am SO excited for you and your surgery tomorrow! Like I said, I'll be thinking of you at 11am and sending you postive vibes! Are you getting nervous yet?

  12. Fitness pal is what I use' date=' I am preop I go to see the surgeon on Friday the 15. At Columbus. Dr. Needle man is my surgeon because of my being on peritoneal dialysis.[/quote']

    Exciting!! When did you start your process? I started back in October and had to do 6 dietitian appointments. I only have one next week and one next month and I'll be done. I'm excited and anxious. So Dr. Needleman is your surgeon? What hospital is he with? I'm going through Riverside.

  13. Yay! Got my surgery time! I check in at 11 am and start to prep for the surgery.

    Yay!!!! I'm SO excited for you!! I will be thinking about you tomorrow at 11am, and will be sending positive thoughts your way all day! :) Sorry I'm not able to write too much right now, I'm busy at work until 430p today. I will def respond to your post before this one when I get home. But yay! Tomorrow is the big day for you!! :)

  14. I haven't lost any at all :( ....I've been mostly maintaining, or bouncing between 268-272lbs. I submit my paperwork next month...so in the next 45 days, I want to try to lose at least 7lbs to show that I put forth an effort. Every time I get weighted in at the dietitian appointments, she doesn't seem too concerned with my lack of weight loss. I think you've done awesome so far...I wouldn't stress about it! :)

  15. Wow. Thank you all SO much for your positive and helpful feedback!

    I haven't told every person that I cross paths with; but I have told those who I think (or thought) would provide me with support through this new chapter in my life. I find myself getting really sassy...and defensive...when explaining my reasons behind my decision.

    I think my biggest problem isn't with the people who have never struggled with their weight...it's more the overweight people who I thought would be supportive. Talking to my counselor today, she made a valid point: some people feel like you are "betraying the overweight community." I had someone who is overweight tell me that WLS is cheating and not a tool. I'm really not letting her opinion get to me...but all I wanted to say is "seriously?!"

    You are all right. This is a choice I've made for ME. No matter what others say, they will never know or understand what it's like to live in my body. I am proud of my decision and I'm so anxious for change to take place. I am grateful for those people in my life that support me...and I'm also grateful for the support from you guys! You're f'n awesome! :)

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