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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    courtoomp got a reaction from SuNMooNStaRS816 in VSG as a preventive measure?   
    What an interesting post.
    I can understand the emotional pull to sleeve at risk adolescents and also adults. I lived those tumultuous obese years like everyone here.
    But I disagree with preventative sleeving. I am in medical school, and perhaps that education has swayed me. I look at it as cost benefit. Someone mentioned getting the ovaries removed as an analogy. It was a great analogy I think. If a woman has a family history of ovarian cancer she can get her ovaries removed prophylactically and can reduce her cancer risk. But she also will go into early menopause with consequences such as osteoporosis, infertility, etc. But this woman also saves her life. Presumably before having her ovaries removed the woman would have spoken at length with her doctor, researched, made preparations for how to best manage her health after the surgery for years to come.
    Similarly, a 30lbs overweight woman may get the sleeve. Just like ovarian cancer there is still a risk of gaining weight with the sleeve. Also, the sleeve comes with risks...surgical risks, Vitamin deficiency, energy level. What worries me about making this option readily accessible is that unlike removing your ovaries (no vanity benefits here!), the sleeve and its associated weight loss will cause ppl to flock in for a quick fix without doing the necessary research to ensure they remain healthy. It's akin to getting your ovaries out to avoid having kids when you could have just take birth control or even had a hysterectomy!
    Having said all that, if a patient feels the desire for a preventative sleeve and can pay for it and goes through a regimented and intensive education (I wish there were even stricter requirements than we see now) and therapy, then there should be an avenue for that. And through that education I would hope many preventative sleevers would change their mind bc they get individualized attention from their physician on how to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Kind of like going to driving school to learn the rules is preferable to getting in an accident and then having to take a class on safe driving...
    Sorry if that was wordy. I had to get it out there.
  2. Like
    courtoomp reacted to MsFab1988 in 1 Year Post Op (Difference Pic)   
    Yesterday I celebrated my 1 year Gastric Sleeve post op (Revision from lap band) So glad I got the revision cause I was going NOWHERE with the band!

  3. Like
    courtoomp reacted to Supersweetums in The 5:2 diet   
    It is so hard to let go of the guilt around eating isn't it? I am always so sad, even for myself, that we have spend so much of our existence feeling bad about what we eat that it is so difficult to let it go.
    Try to have lots of fun on your vacation and enjoy it! Soon you will be back home and back to routine. And allow yourself forgiveness!
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    courtoomp reacted to Sassygirl06 in Carbs   
    I don't know about everyone else but as for me personally, I did not have this surgery so that I could spend the rest of my life on a diet. I will eat all the Protein on my plate first...but then if there is still room...or desire I will have some carbs. I eat fruit, and sometimes even a potato or even rice and Pasta. I eat all of those in moderation, and when I really feel I need it. I avoid the sweets for the most part...but if I am at a party and there is cake...well I'm gonna have some cake...mind you it is about 5% of a slice that I used to eat, but I sure as heck savor it and enjoy! I feel that if you say to yourself 'I can't have that anymore.' Then you sit there wanting it even more....and in the process you will sabotage yourself. I am almost two years out. I have been at goal for a while, and maintaining really well. The most important part is that while I enjoy food, I don't obsess over it anymore. Go and enjoy a few carbs every once in a while! Good luck!
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    courtoomp reacted to Tink22-sleeve in 6 months post op with pics   
    6 months post op! SW 244. CW 190. total inches lost- 26 1/2.
    before pic

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    courtoomp reacted to ttisawsm in bathing suit from last year   
    It barley fit me this time last year 4 1/2 months out down 110 lbs from 300

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    courtoomp got a reaction from Molly3 in How long do we need to worry about Blood Clots?   
    elevated risk for two weeks or so after surgery. and then what vicki said....just keep moving!
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    courtoomp reacted to chinamama in Frustrated #failure   
    Welcome to the club. It's just the way some of us lose. I know it, but it still drives me NUTS!! I'll try and attach a screen shot of my last month of tracking my weight.

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    courtoomp reacted to TexasT in I need inspiration before & after photos please   
    I'm no good at putting pics in posts, so I've attached them. Lost almost 90lbs.

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    courtoomp got a reaction from Ms skinniness in The 5:2 diet   
    How do you decide which two days to fast?
    And how does working out factor in? On days before a hard workout don't fast and fast on the workout days or vice versa?
    Just wanna get the logistics. Maybe that book one of you recommended on 5/2 would be a good place to start.
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    courtoomp reacted to soocalchic in BIG FAT PEOPLE!   
    My name is Emily and I'm an addict .. Dude I got kicked out of an OA meeting for showing up with a box of doughnuts who knew.. i was just trying to be social
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    courtoomp reacted to maharet111 in Exercise question for the VETS   
    Please no one take this with any offense..but every time I see I have lost XX pounds without exercising I want to seriously like punch kittens!
    /rant off
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    courtoomp got a reaction from Melixxa in auto immune disorders and the sleeve   
    I have lupus and have noticed an improvement in my symptoms. I take hydroxychloroquine and haven't had a flair since sleeved Jan 23.
    This surgery seems, somehow, to put ppl into remission or seriously lessen the symptoms. It is unknown why. Kinda like how autoimmune disorders frequently remit during pregnancy.
    So be open with your rheumy but I don't think an autoimmune disorder is a reason not to get the sleeve. I think it may be more of a reason to go for it (and the added bonus to easier arthritic control with increased weight loss)!!
  14. Like
    courtoomp got a reaction from Bos123 in lightweights around 200 pounds   
    I completely understand not getting down by the scale. I know I am strong and have fit in some size 10 dresses even at 153 so I'm thinking I may not need to get to goal of 123 to be totally happy with my size and health. I know of I were stricter with my food I would prob be around 145 now but I do like an ice cream come and BBQ!
    Just hope we keep losing!
  15. Like
    courtoomp got a reaction from Bos123 in lightweights around 200 pounds   
    I completely understand not getting down by the scale. I know I am strong and have fit in some size 10 dresses even at 153 so I'm thinking I may not need to get to goal of 123 to be totally happy with my size and health. I know of I were stricter with my food I would prob be around 145 now but I do like an ice cream come and BBQ!
    Just hope we keep losing!
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    courtoomp got a reaction from gingermamavsg in Eatin more before your period   
    I eat some chocolate. I also give myself permission to be a little cranky and a to be imperfect with my food choices. Two days or so a month of having a chic fil a mini icecream Sunday won't kill me. Or you can try preemptively dealing with it by exercising more as that also helps curb the carb monster
  17. Like
    courtoomp got a reaction from annag in Help please i dont know what to do anymore. Does anyone else has this problem?   
    I think everyone answered this beautifully, so I only have one thing to add: ECT. Research it. People who have what is called 'refractory depression' do not respond to antidepressants. Ask your doctor about it. Regarding money, there are locations that offer trials and reduced pricing for this service. ECT is not without risks but if your depression is as bad as it sounds, it may be worth looking into
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    courtoomp reacted to No game in Help please i dont know what to do anymore. Does anyone else has this problem?   
    Depression is a serious issue. And I'm sorry that your surgeon lead you to believe the sleeve would help or take it away. They (weight and depression) are two different things. I know, I have been living with diagnosed depression for 20 years.. That is 20 years of being both fat and skinny.
    When you are in the midst of it, it is hard to dig out, but you must.
    Sometimes it takes a different doctor or a different medicine. I would start small and call you primary doctor and make an appointment. Tell them what you just told us and ask for guidance. Make yourself go out once a day even if its just in your own yard to get some air and sun.
    You are young and have so much life ahead of you, please don't let this consume you. There is help you just have to reach out for it.
  19. Like
    courtoomp got a reaction from MystiGal in I want pizza!   
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    courtoomp got a reaction from MystiGal in I want pizza!   
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    courtoomp got a reaction from Healthiernewme in Fad Diets   
    sleep diet.
    I'd like to say I'm joking. sleep as much as possible to avoid eating.
    Where is my therapist?....
  22. Like
    courtoomp got a reaction from Healthiernewme in Fad Diets   
    sleep diet.
    I'd like to say I'm joking. sleep as much as possible to avoid eating.
    Where is my therapist?....
  23. Like
    courtoomp got a reaction from MystiGal in I want pizza!   
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    courtoomp got a reaction from MystiGal in I want pizza!   
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    courtoomp reacted to aroundhky in Diaries of a man *****   
    Playa! Just kidding. If you've been up front and honest with them without any "exclusive" agreements, you're not really a player the way I see it. But if one is writing love poems.....well......letting her down could get messy. Not sure there's an easy way out with the one that wrote the poem. Maybe that was her way of saying that she wants you and doesn't want to share you? If so, you probably need to make sure you're both on the same page and that she knows you're not interested in anything real serious. If your goal is to have fun, just need to find some woman that wants to do the same I guess.

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