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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by courtoomp

  1. I can eat anything and everything, much of which are sliders for me (please explain why tuna is a slider food?!) Gotta say it sucks sometimes. Everyone varies,and you'll have to figure it out as you go...Good luck!
  2. courtoomp

    lightweights around 200 pounds

    I completely understand not getting down by the scale. I know I am strong and have fit in some size 10 dresses even at 153 so I'm thinking I may not need to get to goal of 123 to be totally happy with my size and health. I know of I were stricter with my food I would prob be around 145 now but I do like an ice cream come and BBQ! Just hope we keep losing!
  3. courtoomp

    lightweights around 200 pounds

    When were you sleeved?
  4. courtoomp

    lightweights around 200 pounds

    4'11.5" Highest: 222 Surgery: 208ish Current: 153.6 as of this morning! Sleeves jan 23so pretty slow loss but I am very lenient with my diet and eat 'normally' just exercise a lot to balance it.
  5. Have you ever had a bad cold or flu and a week or so after you feel better you still find it difficult to climb stairs or carry a bunch of groceries? After an insult to your body it takes some time to build back. It is possible you have a little atelectasis in your lungs (like collapse blebs that can't exchange air), but if you used the incentive spirometer that consistently my bet wouldn't be on that. Anesthesia can also linger in your system, causing fatigue and even taste change, etc. my advice would by to take it easy on yourself and know that losing weight alone will not make working out easier. Your body needs to heal internally and externally first. Good luck and for now just have the boy do all the work!
  6. I think everyone answered this beautifully, so I only have one thing to add: ECT. Research it. People who have what is called 'refractory depression' do not respond to antidepressants. Ask your doctor about it. Regarding money, there are locations that offer trials and reduced pricing for this service. ECT is not without risks but if your depression is as bad as it sounds, it may be worth looking into Courtney
  7. courtoomp

    Spartos protein water

    Awesome thanks can't wait to pick it up. Is it refreshing like water or leave you thirsty like many protein drinks do?
  8. courtoomp

    Carboanted Drinks

    I have beer occasionally and have no problems. Don't get drunk any faster than pre-op (damn!) and no issues with gas. Then again I have few issues with any foods.
  9. courtoomp

    Fad Diets

    sleep diet. I'd like to say I'm joking. Sleep as much as possible to avoid eating. Where is my therapist?....
  10. courtoomp

    Panera Hidden Menu

    Love the hummus and chicken! It's hidden bc it is literally no where to be found on their menu. You have to tell them you want to order something from the hidden menu. It's a stupid concept, why they wouldn't want everyone to have the healthy option..but whatevs totally worth it.
  11. courtoomp

    auto immune disorders and the sleeve

    I have lupus and have noticed an improvement in my symptoms. I take hydroxychloroquine and haven't had a flair since sleeved Jan 23. This surgery seems, somehow, to put ppl into remission or seriously lessen the symptoms. It is unknown why. Kinda like how autoimmune disorders frequently remit during pregnancy. So be open with your rheumy but I don't think an autoimmune disorder is a reason not to get the sleeve. I think it may be more of a reason to go for it (and the added bonus to easier arthritic control with increased weight loss)!!
  12. courtoomp

    What did you eat today :) ?

    Your entires are great. What normal eating! Do you still measure everything or are those guesses? When you were still losing but at te point when you could stomach most foods, did you allow yourself rice and alcohol and all? Or do you ink eat that now that you're on maintenance? I ask bc I find myself stuffing to just eat Protein and want rice and fruit and all as well. Thanks and awesome work!
  13. courtoomp


    Oh apples how I adore thee. Am a 4 months out and have been eating apple with skin for about a month. I have no issues but then again I have no issues with any foods (a blessing an a curse!)
  14. I have had IBS like symptoms for years but I am wondering if they are getting worse. I am 7 wks post op and go two days or so with no bowel movement then have a whole day of diarrhea. With the diarrhea I'm almost grateful bc at least i am not bloated anymore! Is this happening to anyone else? I am considering trying peppermint oil pills...anyone try this for IBS or severe heartburn? Other suggestions? I have been adding more fiber lately hoping that'll firm this sh*t up! Thanks, Courtney
  15. First, stop and congratulate yourself for having lost 38 pounds and for coming here for help! Okay, now think about what you're saying. You are eating smaller portions of normal food? GASP...like a 'normal' person?! So you aren't only eating Protein and no carbs. That's okay. There are many here who are successful eatin a varied and unrestricted diet. But you mention unhealthy habits...rather than a varied diet are you instead just eating 'junk' food or food with little in the way of nutritional value? Are you getting enough protein as per your nutritionist? My vote is don't stress over the diet unless you 1) aren't seeing results, 2) aren't meeting basic energy requirements and/or 3) have low energy. Sounds like you're meeting criteria three. And for that I would think about making small changes that will give you more energy for meal planning and for exercise. A small change may be meal planning for a week, chatting everything you eat and seeing where you can improve, packing a lunch three times a week for work, etc.No need for a whole makeover when small changes will do. I personally think exercise is what gives me the energy to care about my food intake. I realize that may seem backward. Can you stay awake 10 min later three times a week and stretch? Stretching loosens the muscles and relaxes you and at least for me primes my body to crave working out. Then you can add in small bits of exercise. Doesn't need to be all or nothing. Just my thoughts. But you can do this and give yourself credit for all accomplished so far.
  16. courtoomp

    What you wish you knew before the sleeve

    I wish I knew that the only foods that restrict me are healthy, less 'tasty' food. I can eat chips and ice cream and candy all day but only a few ounces of tuna or chicken. So in the end it's still 100% up to you! Kinda wish I had more reactions to fatty or carb-y meals.
  17. courtoomp

    Hubby Doesnt Like Me Now

    Sounds like y'all had relationship problems before the surgery so naturally those won't go away. I wonder If you were ever 'okay' with this 'unique' relationship or if you did how a lot of women do and put up with it or convince yourself you're happy bc you don't think you deserve more. If he does not feel attracted to you now that you are losing weight an probably feeling more attractive, maybe he is threatened by your newfound confidence and swagger. I hate to say this and maybe this is just my warped opinion, but I think women can fall into a controlling relationship when they are overweight and certain men can use those 'fat insecurities' we have to get what they want (ie a 'unique' relationship). Just my two cents and it may be I think this way bc I had a controlling boyfriend as well who I now realize loved me as far as he could throw me... And I was over two hundred pounds so not very far! Good luck to you. I say do you and nurture your own happiness outside of the relationship. You change and he will be forced to.
  18. courtoomp

    How much weight loss to expect?

    Sleeved jan 23 Height 5' Highest weight 222 Surgery weight 204 (40ish bmi) Current weight 160 (31.9 bmi) Activity: 5-6 days a week plus job where on feet all day. So high activity. Started doing 40min of running/walking intervals and heavy weight training that have knocked off many more inches than the scale shows. All at our own pace!
  19. courtoomp


    Just get a tea. I get their vanilla rooibos and sometimes add a dash of skim milk or just as is with a packet of honey. You can also get a nonfat sugar free latte for about 110 cals for a small. Worth it if you're out with friends and want a treat
  20. courtoomp

    Eatin more before your period

    I eat some chocolate. I also give myself permission to be a little cranky and a to be imperfect with my food choices. Two days or so a month of having a chic fil a mini icecream Sunday won't kill me. Or you can try preemptively dealing with it by exercising more as that also helps curb the carb monster
  21. I save mine. I have the space in my attic. I save the clothes I love and give away the ones I wouldn't wear again no matter my size. I keep them bc I never know where life will take me. I have had many affairs with weight loss only to gain it back, so for me saving the clothes takes some of the pressure off. But I don't clutter my closet of cute smaller clothes with them.
  22. courtoomp

    I Need a Bake Good!

  23. courtoomp

    I Need a Bake Good!

    I say go for it...but just a little bit! I have a piece of dove dark chocolate every day, sometimes two. It keeps my cravings at bay and feels like a small, individually packaged indulgence. I also have Fiber one chocolate chip Cookies sometimes. 90cals and 5 g fiber with a little Protein. Also I get kashi granola bars and will have one on days I haven't had many carbs. But mainly if I want something sweet I have something sweet, preferably something small or when out sharing with friends. And I always log it. I think problems really start when you 'lie' to yourself and don't record every drop. But that's just me and recording food doesn't feel like a diet anymore...just a way of life.
  24. I am 3.5 months out and eat all fruits including the apple peel. Sometimes I get a little gassy from it (how great I can say that here and no one bats and eye!) but I love that feeling of biting into an apple. I can eat almost a whole apple even though that may be a lot. The only foods I struggle with are really rich stuff (can't eat some BBQ meats with sauces) and ground meat. Otherwise good to go although sometimes I wish soft serve ice cream was harder to get down than tuna!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
