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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by christoph

  1. I had my sleeve on 2/26 I weighed in at 296 at that point. I'm now down to 218 @ 15 weeks out. Have been very successful and diligent only a few times where I had pain after eating. Haven't thrown up once (knock on wood I HATE throwing up). Anyone who's considering this procedure I definitely recommend it! Just make sure you follow what your drs and dietitians tell you to do. I'm open to answer any questions you guys have who are pre or post op.
  2. christoph

    February 26 sleeve journey

    Thank you ao much! And sure. For exercise I do crossfit 3x a week. as far as my daily menu I have 60-80 grams of protein a day. Either 1-2 shakes (I use one scoop of isopure) or a shake and quest protein peanut butter cups (I LOVE these they have very little carbs and 10 grams of protein each they're a little dry so try one pack and make sure you like them). Lunch is usually 2 pieces of turkey with cheese rolled up with a slice of avocado in them. I make a lot of chili because I can put some vegs in there and get a lot of protein that way. Sometimes for snacks ill have a piece of dark chocolate or an applesauce. Another thing I have for dinner is some grilled chicken (sometimes I cheat and use the page made frozen ones) and cook it with a little BBQ sauce and light bleu cheese dressing. I really try to avoid grain and carbs (I try to limit myself to 30 carbs a day) I also try to have 2 tbsp of a flax and chia seed mix along with my vitamins.
  3. Oh wow! I have like a phobia of throwing up even though I know sometimes it'll mks me feel better I can't do it.
  4. Hey here's my before and after. I was sleeved on 2/26. I'm down 78 lbs. luckily I haven't thrown up even once but in very careful because I HATE throwing up! Try not to let your nerves get the best of you.
  5. I use biotin to keep my hair. Also 5000 mcg. I also use nioxin shampoo, conditioner, and scalp treatments. I found that along with making sure I get 60-80 grams of protein a day have kept my hair from falling out. I honestly think the protein is the most important if I miss a shake for a day or 2 I Notice more hair loss
  6. I was sleeved on feb 26. Doing great so far.. Down 58 lbs
  7. Thanks so much everyone! It's a lot of discipline but its totally worth it. I wish I had done this years ago.
  8. Thanks so much everyone! It's a lot of discipline but its totally worth it. I wish I had done this years ago.
  9. So I was sleeved on the 26th am home recovering now (at my moms Who is a nurse from heaven). She's been helping me with EVERYTHING I definitely suggest having someone around for a week after as you will definitely be sore and moving around is rough (even shifting in bed). Have been taking pain Meds to help with the pain and also have not BM'ed since the morning of the day of surgery. Tried a few times but my belly is too sore to push hard enough. Used wind miralax today and still nothing. Anyone have this happen to them also?
  10. I'm going for the sleeve next Tuesday and started the pre-op diet today. I feel terrible, I've had a headache and have been anxious all day. I guess I never realized how addicted to food I am/was.
  11. christoph

    Pre-op diet

    When I spoke to the nurse to go over what to do this week she said to stop taking my multivitamin bc the vitamin e thins your blood.
  12. christoph

    Pre-op diet

    Lol good luck. I have been trying to sub one meal with a protein shake a day. I had a hard time finding one I like. When I finally did I found out because of the vitamins in it I can't use it this week bc the vitamin e will thin my blood so I wound up ordering unjury which is my 2nd favorite. Unfortunately until it comes I'm stuck with this other one which I pretty much hate lol. I did find putting some cinnamon helped me to be able to choke it down lol.
  13. christoph

    Pre-op Diet Day 1

    I start my preop Tuesday. I've been trying to replace 1-2 meals a day with protein shakes and it's REAL difficult. I hope next week flies by.
  14. christoph

    Got my date - Feb 26!

    Good luck to all you feb sleevers! See ya'all in a simmer march!
  15. christoph

    Got my date - Feb 26!

    I'm also going on the 26th. Very excited. Slightly nervous. Mostly about the preop diet which I start this coming Tuesday. I'm going to go shopping this weekend and get everything all together for the preop and 2 weeks post op. I decided to use a vegetarian protein shake called Vega one. The whey protein really upsets my stomach, I've never really done well with dairy. While this shake is a little pricey, it tastes amazing (I like the vanilla chai and the chocolate) and has 1/2 your daily vitamin intake in one shake.
  16. christoph

    Sleeve question

    Thanks so much! I've been reading up on here and all over the Internet. Also asking everyone I know who has had weight loss surgery of any type. Unfortunately I don't know anyone whose actually had the sleeve just rny or the band. I appreciate all your input!
  17. So I'm going for my sleeve feb 26, 2013. I've been prepping and starting to incorporate more protein in my diet. My thought is that will make the pre-op diet easier than just going into it cold turkey. I want to know what is the one thing you wish you knew going into surgery that you didn't?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
