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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Quiny

  1. I don't think your question is weird. I had a weird request for my dr. I asked if I could see the stomach after the operation, but I was told NO and I also asked what do they do with it. I was told it gets sent to a lab for pathology, record the findings. If there any abnormalities that may be of concern, they will save it for further studies. Otherwise, they get rid of it.

  2. Omg I soooo know where you're coming from! I was sleeved 1/15 and I have been thinking this same thing. I'm in a stall right now and I've been freaking myself out! I swear I'm gaining weight even tho the scale doesn't say that my head does. and the past few days I'm battling feeling depressed thinking this is it, I've lost 80lbs, end of the road. I average about 1000 calories a day and I'm wondering if I'm eating too much or it enough or what! I've been going back to basics this last week, drinking lots of Water and increasing Protein and exercise. My hunger has come back a lot and so now I'm battling that too. Sad that 1000 calories to me sounds like a lot! Lol! I'm sure it will pass, I'm really sticking to eating Protein first to keep that satisfied feeling longer. All we can do is keep on it and wait it out.

    On a side note, I'm thinking about making an appt with the therapist at my drs office. I think at almost 4 months out, all these changes in my body, eating, stalling etc I feel so overwhelmed I just feel like I need to check in with someone professional ya know? Just to talk it out and see if it helps put things in better perspective.

    ME TOO!!! OH MY GOSH... well not really, a stall but the same fear because i'm nearing that point where most people get stuck and don't loose as much or as fast. i've been loosing 1 to 2 lbs a week, this week i didn't loose anything. so i know my time is coming. I too find that i can eat more, faster and I'm beyond scared, i'm freaked out about it. I go to a monthly meeting but I think I need to get with a counselor or someone, one on one. Hang in there. let's all support each other.

  3. I'm understand completely. I actually go crazy on Friday nights. I don't know why but i crave chips and salsa. I have a few just to satisfy the craving. I crave ice cream, but I have not tried it. I don't crave grease food. I do crave bread. I crave a beer. so I drink lots of Water. You are ok to feel what you fell, but be strong and don't give in. I have found that a tbsp of Peanut Butter takes away my cravings. I've been studying and that's stressful. I find myself grazing, so I don't study at home. I go to the library with no access to food. good luck. be strong. call for help when you feel tempted to eat.

  4. canned fruits and veggies. I can live on canned green Beans and spinach. I can eat fresh tangerines, bananas, grapes. I pair up canned tangerines w/cottage cheese. or fresh fruit and cottage cheese. The Nutrition counselor wants me to try raw veggies. I'm afraid they won't go down. I eat mangoes, pineapples and papaya. all these i can mix with cottage cheese. I add lime juice to the canned green beans and spinach.

  5. I regret not having done this earlier. I regret having been so overweight for so long. I regret having a food addiction. i regret that food has such power over me.

    I DO NOT regret taking control of my life or giving myself a chance. I DO NOT regret not being able to eat the things i crave or don't eat anymore. that's how I got to be almost 300 Lbs. I would so do this again in a NY minute

  6. Wow, you are going thru my only fear, gaining weight. I've been on antidepressants for a while now, but I do have to get some one on one counseling. I've just began this journey and people keep asking me, "what are you going to do once you reach your goal" i say, keep loosing, even if I don't loose anymore. I've gotta keep my routine. Good luck, but thanks for your honesty. Fiva and Junior are right. you've come a long way, don't stop. this is a life journey.

  7. I was provided with a guide which gives me portion amounts for just about everything I eat.

    Potatoes -for me - is 1/4 cup and maybe add some Protein to it.

    I've been told to serve according to the suggested amounts and eat until full. "STOP WHEN YOU FEEL FULL". however, mushy soft foods go down easier and faster so you tent to eat all of your serving. the very first food I had was a scrambled egg, I ate 3 little pieces, the size of a dime it took me about 1/2 hr. to eat that much. I was full after that. I added some salsa to the eggs, made more mushy and I was able to eat about 1/3 (this was like 3 days later) and it took me 45 minutes. My surgery was Jan 16 and I can now eat just about anything, but I do get full when certain foods faster than others so I eat more of some foods than others, but I don't eat more than my portion size. I hope this helps

  8. I have a routine . I'm up by 5:45 am while I'm running the Water for my shower I sip on water. I continue drinking until 6:30 sip sip sip. I eat Breakfast at 7am. Depends how long it takes me to eat' I don't start drinking liquids until 8 30. I drink until 10 and stop for 1/2 hr.I get a snack. Now remember sugar free Jello and sugar free popcicles count towards your liquids...anyway 10:30 I snack I start drinking again at 11 am. I stop drinking at 12:30. I have lunch at 1 start drinking at 2:00 stop at 3 have snack at 3:30 I go to the gym I start drinking at 4:30 work out 1hr and keep drinking until I get home. I usually have dinner at 6:30 so I don't drink until 7 and I stop drinking at 8 30pm This is what works for me. I sip sip sip. I drink Decaf coffee, decaf tea, broth, crystal lite, popcicles sugar free jello. I hope my routine helps with some ideas. Don't forget to drink Protein Shakes.< /p>

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