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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Suprisedtobesleeved

  1. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Sitting in ER

    I get the heart racing thing once in a while since surgery. I did read something about reactive hypoglycemia that might be my cause. It's supposed to be more common in those that have stomach surgery, especially weight loss surgery. It would make sense since the heart rate increase is usually a little while after I eat and causes many of the symptoms mention here.
  2. Suprisedtobesleeved

    You Can't Go Back

    Unlike many here I hadn't planned on the sleeve but came out of surgery for a slipped band with it 9 weeks ago. I'm finally on regular food and after losing 23lbs these past 2 months I'm only 20lbs from goal. Seems in the past 2 weeks I have tried to make up for lost time with eating junk. Junk I hadn't eaten in years. I was great on soft food but now that I feel normal I have been snacking because of the unexpected deprivation I went through. I just finally dumped all the junk food in the trash after feeling like crap and gaining a half pound. I can no longer justify my eating because I didn't choose this. What I got from this is that there is a way around the sleeve but I can't waste this opportunity. Even after having the lap band and now the sleeve I still need to silence the voice in my head that keeps telling me I deserve that treat over and over again. I'm going back to structured eating. I can't trust myself yet because my brain lies but the scale and my upset stomach doesn't.
  3. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    All the frozen yogurt talk made me crave it. Got some sugar free at Sweet Frog for the first time since surgery (9 weeks) and it hit my intestines like a bomb. Guess that cured me...lol.
  4. I can finally eat normal foods at 9 weeks but sometimes denser items just sit in your stomach and make you feel kind of blah afterwards. I had a burger (on a bun) with lettuce and tomato and after 2 small bites I was done and all I could think was that it wasn't worth spending time trying to eat and that was enough to satisfy my craving. I'm finding out that while you can have the things you used to enjoy, they may not be near as enjoyable which is probably a good thing.
  5. Hello all- I had a lap-band for 3 years and was fairly successful with it. I lost about 68lbs of the 100 that I wanted to lose but always had issues with it. I was happy that it kept the weight off but I found myself always be throwing up. Right before Christmas I got horrible reflux and was having a hard time keeping things down. I went to my surgeon who immediately unfilled me some. As I was about to leave his office the pain became almost unbearable and he sent me to the hospital for an immediate Upper GI. As it turned out, my band had slipped. He then took the rest of the fluid out of my band at the hospital and scheduled me for an upper endoscope on Monday (Christmas Eve). It was decided that the band would need to be fixed or removed. I didn't really want to lose my band so I asked if the Gastric Sleeve was possible. Now keep in mind I knew nothing really about it except that it was the new thing on the block that was replacing the band. I had a BMI of 32 and was pretty sure that my insurance company wouldn't pay for it anyways so I was just asking. When I talked to the bariatric coordinator she said that I would need to go through the 6 month program again and then have the surgery. I had to get my gallbladder out last year and ended up with thrush and decided no more surgery after the band was fixed. I only had 40lbs to get to goal and I could do it on my own. When I was discussing the surgery with my husband I mentioned that I wish I had gotten the sleeve rather than the band but it wasn't being offered. Well on January 4th I went in for surgery. The surgery was supposed to last an hour or so. Three hours later and my husband was out of his mind because I was still in surgery. My surgeon came out to tell him that he had to clean up a lot of scar tissue, fix another hiatal hernia and that the band had created a hole in my stomach so the band could not be be saved. I guess what happened next was my husband asked him if he could do the gastric sleeve. Keep in mind I didn't say, "hey, if he can do a sleeve have him do it" I woke up expecting to either still have a port or my band gone. Well my port was gone and my surgeon say's "you got your wish, you're sleeved" I was in surgery for over 6 hours and too drugged out to really comprehend the whole thing. I had no idea what a gastric sleeve really involved. I was sent home with the instructons of drink 1oz of protein an hour and 64oz of water. I got thrush again and ended up back in the ER after a week from dehydration and a ct scan because I looked and felt like death. I had no idea they were checking for a leak because I had no idea about leaks. I had to come to this site to find out what had been done to me. Keep in mind I'm an analyst for a living. I researched the band for 6 months before I did it. This has been hard on me emotionally and definitely a challenge to my marriage because I trusted people to look out for my well-being while I'm not in control. I think both felt they were doing what was best for me but I had no say in the matter. Now I've been scared to death about complications so this site has been both helpful and scary. I'm learning everything after the fact so i'm going to be greatful for all the advice. I know my surgeon has never done this before and I expressed my concern about what happened but in the end I can't go back. I have no choice but to adjust. I've already lost 17lbs so it's been a major change in the way I eat and look. I will definitely be checking to see whatever information I can get from everyone. I guess the moral of the story is to make sure everyone understand your wishes. This was not life-saving surgery so I'm not sure why the decision was made without me but in the future I will express exactly what I want to happen unless it's to save my life. Just glad others have had this revision that I can relate to especially any who had the revision the same day. Thanks-
  6. I had a low BMI of 32 and my doctor revised me when he took the band out that had slipped. I didn't know I was going to be revised so I was concerned I'd waste away. After the initial 2 week loss of 17lbs my weight loss has slowed down a lot. I've only lost like 4lbs even with having calories under 1,000 a day.
  7. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Hellllpppppp... I have a date Saturday!

    Maybe instead of drinks suggest going to coffee shop before or after an activity date to talk. You can order tea.
  8. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Here's my unusual story as to why I'm here

    Thanks so much for the support. I am lucky that I didn't have to jump through any hoops or go under twice. My band had really stopped working due to slippage a year before it finally slipped to a critical point. I was always too filled then unfilled so I thought the band was definitely more hassle than what it was worth. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I had managed to keep the weight off pretty much from the habits of the band so it did help me a lot in realizing my portions were out of control. The thing I miss now is my carbs. It seems like if I eat anything sweet or crackers, even with calories under 1000 a day, I don't lose weight. I think those 2 weeks post-op where I dropped weight on mostly protein drinks really reset my metabolism. I'm used to calorie counting and fitting in things like baked Cheetos or a little chocolate on a daily basis but still losing weight. I finally started working out again so I'm hoping this will help if I eat some carbs from making my weight stall. I'm always going to wish that I never needed the band or the sleeve to get to this point. I think what's hard for me is that it's been almost 3 1/2 years since I got the band and was at my heaviest so I forgot how bad it was. I'm sure if i was at my heaviest now I would have felt differently about the surgery.
  9. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Here's my unusual story as to why I'm here

    I called him one day to discuss everything. I did ask him about the sleeve and he did the standard sleeve procedure on me. He didn't have to do the sleeve and only came out to tell my husband what was going on with the band since it had been 3 hrs instead of 1. He said that it was after discussion with my husband that he decided to do the sleeve. He said he wouldn't have done it if he didn't think it was safe. I do believe that. I'm adjusting to this life so at this point I'm just happy to be feeling better. I have to believe that all things happen for a reason.
  10. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Here's my unusual story as to why I'm here

    Thanks so much for the support. My husband is a wonderful guy and after almost 18 years of marriage I know this was just a bump in the road. I have forgiven my him because my surgeon should have said that he couldn't do it and that I could always have it in the future. It's hard to switch because he's the only practice in my town. I've had to go twice because of complications to him because he knows my situation the best. A lot of bariatric surgeons won't take you on in my situation so it's hard to find a new one. My biggest fear was a leak because I had no idea about that stuff until I read it here. I am someone who will research forever so I really felt lost when thrown into the situation. I'm feeling more myself now but it's taken almost 2 months. I think reading about everyone makes me feel better because so many things are positive. I am glad to get rid of the band and I guess I won't have to worry about gaining back all the weight I lost so that is something good too.
  11. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Here's my unusual story as to why I'm here

    Oh and I told my husband that if I had to do it all over again I would have probably got the sleeve not the band. I think he took that the wrong way. I didn't mean if they couldn't fix the band I'd do it. He only tries to make me happy so I think he just wasnt thinking about anything else.
  12. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Here's my unusual story as to why I'm here

    It was very crazy. It's funny that I haven't gotten a bill from the surgeon. Insurance completely covered the hospital which was one of my concerns. I'm dealing with the fact that it can't be changed but I will always feel that this was not ethically correct for him to do. I am less angry now that I can at least eat soft foods but every day is a struggle as to how much my life has changed. I haven't even lost weight for 3 weeks so it really seems extreme for 20lbs of loss. I'm only 20 lbs from my goal weight so it is probably going to be hard to get that last 20 off no matter what. I feel bad for complaining when so many people are excited for this journey but I wasn't prepared and still mourning my old life. Just glad I'm starting to adapt to this new one. This site has helped a lot. I know if something does go wrong that I would consider legal action since the only consent was for things that could go wrong. Not optional stuff. I think I'd have a pretty good case...lol. I have a good relationship with my surgeon, even with this drama so I want to keep him on my side so I haven't pushed the issue but discussed my concerns. I've had two CTs since the surgery so I think he's being cautious knowing he may have trouble if something comes up. I do appreciate others understanding me being upset with this. My husband is supportive but also thinks I need to 'get past it' faster. I hope in 6 months this will be my life and I won't be so resentful.
  13. I flew at 5 weeks and the doctor said there are no restrictions for sleeves. I did wear compression socks just as a precaution for blood clots but the doctor chuckled when I told him I was going to do that.
  14. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Night Sweats

    Hey. I'm 42 and this happens to me also every so often. I do think some of it is hormonal because a few of my girlfriends have the same thing. It also happens when I'm cold because I layer blankets and then I cook myself once my body temperature gets trapped.
  15. For those that had strictures, did you have a sudden onset of problems or was it gradual?
  16. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Do stricture stmptoms occur suddenly?

    The doctor thinks my sleeve is just tight. Haven't had a problem since. He sent me for a CT because my heart rate was up and I was warm but CT was normal.
  17. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Heart rate?

    Thanks everyone your input. I'm trying to track it to see when it occurs so when I do go to Dr I can describe when it happens so we can figure it out. I had a stress test last year and an the EKG before surgery so hopefully it's more food related either imbalance or when I eat.
  18. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Heart rate?

    I was wondering if other people were having high heart rates that come and go? I know I don't have a leak (had a CT Friday). It goes to 105-120 then will calm down if a relax for a few minutes. Some say after you eat and I do find this happens but I get it other times too. My surgeon didn't really say anything other than he wanted to check for leak cause I had a fever when I went for checkup. Just wondering if anyone else had this and has any information. It didn't start until after surgery.
  19. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Do stricture stmptoms occur suddenly?

    Thanks. I'm going in today. I was fine with puréed food for two weeks then I had a terrible pain when having something I've eaten before after only 3 small bites with a baby spoon. I know I didn't eat too fast because I chew it as much as I can before swallowing if though its practically liquid. I've been able to get water and shakes in but there is pressure, tender feeling and I'm burping constantly even with small sips. Already taking Gerd meds 2x a day so don't think it's reflux. Just came out of nowhere.
  20. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Had to chuckle

    I just looked at my license and realized I actually weigh less than what I lied about when I got it last year. That's a first in my life.
  21. I've been doing great with purées for the past 2 1/2 weeks with no trouble but tonight after maybe 3 small bites (with a baby spoon) of puréed chili, I suddenly had that stuck and pressure pain. I've made this before and ate it several times with no problems. Now I'm sore and sipping water and its going down but still tender. Any one else had this happen? I will probably stick with liquids tomorrow.
  22. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Soft food ideas?

    I actually thin out my mashed potatoes with puréed cauliflower so it's not so starchy but still good, especially if you add light shredded cheese
  23. Renew my vows wearing the wedding gown I dreamed of getting instead of the one that covered me up the most and they had in plus size.
  24. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Stall 2 weeks after revision?

    I did lose a pound when I weighed this morning so I guess I'm not stalled now but slow as heck
  25. Suprisedtobesleeved

    Hypervigilance about leaks

    Thanks Michigan. I'm sorry about your incision. That's got to get annoying to keep having to go through it. I was surprised how quickly mine closed. I had 7 incisions because I had a lap band removed at the same time. I also had my gall bladder out last March so my stomach now looks like I was in a knife fight.

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