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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by newat52

  1. You need to keep positive. I stalled out about 6 months and have been hovering several months now. Only about 5 pounds lost since month 6. A lot of the women in our Facebook March sleevers have done the same. I am following my eating plan about 95% of the time. From what we have read, this is quite common.

    While I do get frustrated at the numbers, I have gone from a tight 12 to a very comfortable 10 and I'm starting to eye 8's. I hit the gym 3-4 times a week. 30 minutes in and out. I know we could be building muscle and that can even cause a slight gain. Don't compare yourself to others. It will only further your frustration. Our bodies need time to adjust. You have lost almost 60 pounds in 6 months. Your body probably needs time to catch up.

    Hang in there and follow your eating plan. You can not fail if you do that. It will happen. Just may not be as fast as we would like.

    Best wishes, you are not in this alone!

  2. I haven't had the procedure yet, but he is one of the ones I am looking at. I am self pay also.

    They sound like they really take care of their traveling patients and that everything is included in the cost, no surprises. He is a top rated Dr, and I am sure does a top notch job.

    However, I just got off the phone asking them some questions and the positive sale pitch and not really answering questions is getting annoying.

    One question was; does the surgeon cover complications from surgery? I was told they don't happen so no need to worry. I mention that they can happen, how will that be handled and was told the Dr would probably take care it but since it never happens she doesn't know. I end up in the ICU for a week who covers that bill, leaving a 6 figure invoice up in the air doesnt give me the warm and fuzzies???

    Since a complication (for a self pay, whose insurance excludes WLS) could potentially bankrupt me, its important to know. A yes its covered providing this that, etc.......or a no sorry, would at least be an answer.

    He is not the only office to not really answer tough questions, just the most recent. Seems like when you call they are helpful and nice, but they are just salespeople (or at least act like it). I don't need that; I want to buy, I just want to know the details first.

    Ok, I am done venting. :)

    I will say that I never hear anything negative about Dr. Nick, that is reassuring. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.

    I got all my questions answered from Dr. Nicholson He answered every question at his seminar that was asked. There were probably 40 people there. He conducts them himself. I recall in his seminar, those questions did come up. He was straight forward in his answers. He said all surgeries have a risk of complication. That is true. He also gave the complication rate associated with this surgery. He also gave HIS complication stats.

    I also re- asked some of the same questions in my one on one consultation and he was very straight forward there too. Even gave me a couple of examples. When I had my surgery in March, the self pay price included everything and up to two nights in the hospital. I would seriously doubt that whatever surgeon would cover complications if it were not caused by the surgeon. Too much can happen that is not in the surgeon or medical staff's control especially on an obese person.

    I would recommend you ask those questions to whichever surgeon(s) you decide to have one on one consultation with directly. I want to have confidence in who was cutting out my perfectly functioning stomach, not nearly as concerned with who was talking to me on the phone.

    I thought I read somewhere that the insurance for covering complications is quite pricy for the surgeons and that they would be required to have it for all their patients therefore, raising the price of surgery a great deal. That is the reason that most surgeons do not offer it. I can't exactly recall where I saw that so it may be something to look into to see if that is fact or not.

    I know some people don't like the fact that Dr. Nicholson can do a lot of surgeries in one day. I believe the reason is that he operates one day a week at a certain hospital. I had my choice of hospitals to have the surgery done because I was self pay. Lots of his patients that are insurance pay are told where they had to have it by their insurance companies. The hospital I chose I was the only one that day. The nurse told that.

    I love that fact that he has thousands of surgeries under his belt and his complication rate is as minuscule as it is. Funny how one person's comfort is another person's fear.

    This is a very serious surgery and I took it very seriously as most people do. Researched it to death. It also weighed on me that my insurance company would not cover any complication as a result of this surgery. In the end, with my husband's support, I did it anyway. The risk was so low and the payoff was and is so great! Sometimes, we can over think and worry too much about what happens if…..I was guilty of it with the surgery (and other things in life).

    In the end, I did what was right for me. I knew that I was taking a much, much larger risk to not have this surgery than I was having it.

    Best of luck to you in your decision making. Whichever or whoever you use, it will be right for you.

  3. Love him and be there for him. Let him know that he is not alone no matter his weight. Make sure he knows that you are not judging him (and don't!) and that if he has any questions about what you did, you are ready to answer them. That said, you cannot allow him to abuse you or make you feel badly about yourself with his comments. It's a fine line between loving someone and being them and allowing them to take out their emotions on you. Don't allow him to cross that line.

    Other than that, there isn't much you can do. You can't make an overweight person lose weight until they are ready to do so. You know that from your own struggles, I'm sure.

    We must have been typing at the same time.

    Great minds think alike! :)

  4. You can't. He is not ready. As painful as it may be for you to watch, you can't make him change. You can't preach him into change. He is an adult and he is simply not ready.

    That said, you know that he is noticing what you are doing and how you are doing it. His passive aggressive comments and actions show you that. His weight and choices are on his mind as you can tell but he is not ready. Think back to your obese days. None of us made the decision to get healthy until we were ready. Some of us thought about it for a long time and the decision came slowly, some got ready via medical issues and scares but we became ready when we became ready and not before.

    Your brother knows what he is eating and what his physical shape is. He knows what WLS is. I'm sure he already feels bad about himself, what obese person doesn't. When people remind us of it even in the context of being concerned, it can send him into an unhealthy binge. We have all been there.

    Just be there for him and love him. Be a good example and only relate your experiences as they relate to you. Otherwise you will come across as judgmental and a reformed zealot. No one likes those. Think reformed smoker who preaches to everyone on the dangers of it. Really? Smoking is bad for you? I did NOT know that!…..said no smoker ever! You get my point….

  5. One day, not too long after I got sleeved, one of my coworkers was blabbing in and on about how healthy he was eating and how he wanted to lose a few pounds. All the while I'm putting his lunch into my fitness pal to add up the calories. 1200! Jeezus it's hard not to say something. As time went on it got easier for me to go back to ignoring other people's plates.

    Have you looked up the salads at chilis, pF Chang, California pizza kitchen, macaroni grill etc? The salads all have 1200 calories or more. Almost nothing in those places is low enough for one person to eat for one meal.

    When I go out with friends who think "they'll just have a salad" I want to scream at them to look them up for calories, and order some nice salmon and broccoli already! So far I have (wo)manfully restrained myself.

    We truly live in an obesogenic environment in this country.

    So for me, I will bring up in casual conversation the great thing about scouting a restaurant's nutritunal value. I might say, wow! I thought whatever I thought was a good choice to only find out its not. That's as far as I go. Whenever I make plans to meet friends, I alway send the link of the website so folks can look. What they do with it is up to them.

  6. Since I have kept my surgery to myself with the exception of my husband on one of our sons, I did not get that at Thanksgiving. I did prepare our traditional dinner for 10. I enjoyed every minute of it and put on my plate turkey and everything else. I enjoyed every bite I took but only ate till I felt happy. I admit I sipped a very good Pinot Noir with my meal. We had a most excellent meal with my most cherished loved ones gathered around our table. I found that my food was the least thing I focused on. Life is getting more and more like that these days. Who knew?

    It was so amazing that I could enjoy everything but scarfed nothing.

    I am really beginning to think a corner has been turned. :)

    Now if only I could master this just before bedtime head hunger….sigh…. :wacko:

  7. I may be misunderstanding but I find it interesting that many of you (I think :) ) are assuming I started this thread because I was eating crap. Interesting. .. actually I ate one slice of Turkey, about a tbls each of stuffing and mashed potatoes and a few green beens. I was really good and still got all the comments and scrutiny. Oh yeah... I did have a little piece of dark chocolate too. So what? I'm a big girl, aren't I? I only got fed up and said something because this has been going on for weeks and I was sick of it. I tried talking to my family about it nicely and it didn't work, so BAM! now they get it. I don't mind honest curiosity and questions about my diet but I don't need to be policed.

    I did not assume you were eating crap. I totally understand the food (and everything else) police. People just think they are the masters of everything. The sister that I talked about is the one who has smoked for over 40 years. She is so judgmental of food but will go ballistic if someone questioned her smoking.

    I just think we need to make sure our own houses are perfectly clean before we even venture into someone else's.

    I believe this in all parts of our lives.

    Not just food.

  8. Things I heard yesterday. ..

    -is it ok for you to eat that?

    -oh.. none of that for you!

    -I thought you couldn't eat that?

    -nope.. not for you!


    So in the middle of dinner I stood up and said, 'Listen, I do not need any of you to police what I'm eating. You need to pass everthing to me like you always have and I am perfectly capable of choosing for myself whether or not I can or can't eat it. It's my choice! And if there is one more comment I am leaving'!.

    Well, everyone was a little shocked but the comments stopped and I was able to really enjoy the rest of the evening without feeling like I was under a microscope. Geesh!

    Nothing and I mean NOTHING annoys me more than the food police. The other day I literally said to someone "I've lost 70 pounds in 9 weeks eating what I like and without your advice, I don't need your input. Thanks' and shut them up real quick.

    I could not agree more! It not only annoys me but truly pisses me off. Honestly, does it help to "educate" people on their choices? No, it doesn't. People will make changes when and if they are ready. No amount of food bible preaching will change that. Sometimes, it can make things worse. You can't say something about what they are eating without effecting their emotions. You could be the trigger that makes them binge because you have just made them feel like shit.

    My brother had a lap band about 5 years ago. Every time our family gets together my sister and I are usually the planners. It's always at her house because I live out of state and we fight about this every time. She insists that no Desserts other than fruit be served. She insists that there can be no pizza or anything fried, nothing except healthy food because "she doesn't want to tempt him." I tell her every time that he will be responsible for his own choices and that he is well qualified to make them. We don't need to be his food police and in fact, he HATES it when she does that. He has told me a million times. He has told her a million times.

    it's the same for anything else, smoking, drinking, religion and lifestyle. Unless you live under a rock, most people have a good idea of the caloric and nutrition values. They have an idea of the hazards of smoking, they have an idea how they feel about Jesus….I think it is insulting to their intelligence to preach at them as if they don't know.

    For those of us who have been "reformed," we did it when we were good and ready and not a minute before. No amount of policing or preaching likely factored much into that decision.

    Don't become "that" reformed zealot person.

    It's never pretty.

  9. Ahhh….the million dollar question! That very question is smack dab on my mind! I have been out shopping for a few clothes and am finding myself pretty well planted in a medium top and comfortable 10 pant and have actually got an 8 zipped.

    Is that normal? Is that skinny? I sure as heck thought so as size 18 and couldn't understand when another woman would complain that her size 6 is tight. My original goal was a size 10 because that would be "normal" and an 8 would be beyond my wildest dreams. That would be skinny. Hmmm….Okay but now that is here I am still 23 pounds away from my goal. So what gives?

    My weight loss is slowing down to a trickle and I'm not that upset by it. I seem to hover up and down about 3 pounds for weeks then the scale finally gives it to me and I start the same hovering with another 3 pound cycle. In the 3 months that I had been stalled the not a pound was lost, that is when a butt load of inches fell off! (pun intended) :P So what gives?

    Perspective. Think that is the key. It's so damn hard though. I keep going back to what my original goal was. To lose the weight for good and be healthy and "normal." I thought for sure I knew what that meant at the beginning but that word is so blurry now.

    My brain is beginning to see the size I have become. I know this because I can't walk past a mirror without checking my self out and breaking into a smile and say wow! I am as small, if not smaller than my husband has ever seen me and my kids have never seen me this small. I get comments from people saying how small I am getting. It get it now. But is it normal?

    I want a "normal" BMI but I'm not yet so I keep going. But when I get to a "normal" BMI I will probably be a 4 or 6. That is tiny. I don't think that will look good on me. So what to do? Maybe I need to get rid of normal and try to wrap my mind around what works best for my body but that has never worked well for me. So what to do?

    I still don't know the answer but I have just decided to take my inch back! I have always been 5'3" at the surgeons office when they measured my height and said I was 5'2 and 3/4" wouldn't give me my 5'3". Of course now, it makes a difference so I am going to change my ticker and I will that much closer to "normal" and "skinny!

    Whatever the hell that is!

    I don't like thinking this much before my second cup of coffee! :wacko:

  10. I have not thrown up, slimed, dumped or had any adverse effects since being sleeved. I have not found a food that I can't eat. My hubby and I have a really nice filet and good bottle of wine about twice a month. Red meat is not an issue for me.

    I eat like a thin person now. My choices are fantastic 90% of the time. I was sleeved in March and decided I would avoid refined sugars and processed carbs till the end of the year to help me get the most out of my sleeve. I have had a bite from time to time of a fantastic dessert while dining out and had no ill effects so I am fairly certain that I have a sleeve of steel.

    Surgery and recovery were markedly easy. I really have not had major issues with hunger. That said, I am not sure I know what is real hunger from many, many years of yoyo dieting and sometimes just not eating so maybe I am and my body is that screwed up. Head hunger?? Now that I am an expert in! lol! working hard on that but that is not a sleeve issue.

    All in all, I would say for me, the biggest issue throughout this journey has been Constipation. It did have my crying like a baby a few times and I learned the hard way that is nothing to take lightly.

    This has been far and away the best thing I have ever done for myself and my health. I would do it again in a heartbeat!

    I know that most people do have some sort of issues and I am so grateful that I have been on of the very lucky ones!

    Don't hate me! :D

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