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Posts posted by newat52

  1. I feel for you! Been there, done that, have the hemorrhoids as a parting gift. :( By far and away, the biggest problem for me post op. I can get stopped up at the drop of a hat still after almost 6 months. I eat several prunes each day and if I have problems one day, I put Miralax in my Protein shake the next day. I still make the Protein shakes simply because I like them in the morning.

    Any time someone asks what to expect, I will tell them to watch for that and don't let it happen.

    Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Thanks for the link Jen- this is a great resource! I'm also going to give the plate idea a try. It's my first time eating out post surgery so I'm feeling oddly nervous.

    The first couple of times eating out were scary. It gets easier each time, and as you heal and have more food choices. I am almost 6 months out and I am so happily surprised at all the great healthy choices that have been right under my nose all along!

    Good luck, you will do great!

  3. Hmm now I don't know what to think! I'm pre op and I have heard some people say ' liquids in means liquids out ' and others saying ' never trust a fart ' after surgery. So having people with the opposite is a scary thought! I might just buy some fibre powder to take if I need it after surgery and hope that works?

    Good luck OP! Sorry to hear of your discomfort! Hugs! Xo

    Liquids in liquids out is SO not true! When you are consuming Protein you will have very solid poop. Think about it, all Protein and no Fiber. It will be an issue. Make sure it doesn't happen to you. My butt hurts just thinking how miserable it was. Far and away my biggest challenge!

    It can go back and forth from time to time so yes NEVER trust a fart after surgery for a long time.

  4. I was self pay. had my Consultation and was able to schedule surgery that day. I could have scheduled it for two weeks out provided I was willing to start my pre op diet the next day and get in for my pre op tests and required NUTvisit. Self pay steps you to the front of the line.

  5. Right there with you girl! I have been stuck for almost 2 months. I've eeked out about 3 lost in that time but usually the same up and down. Although, I've been on vacation twice in the 2 months for a week at at time so there were some splurges. Not on really bad things like bread, Pasta, and processed carbs ( it's my promise to my self to not go there till the end of the year) but on some wine and skinny girl margaritas so I can get the stall from that respect. However, the inches are still coming off. my 12 shorts are getting looser and have tried on 10's but won't buy them. Although short season here in Texas lasts till Oct. but that's only another month and I do get a cheap thrill out of jacking up my britches from time to time. :) I'm easily amused that way. My closet is getting emptier by the day and I love it! I look forward to when I get to my goal and fill it back up with cute and stylish clothes. Black will no longer be the mainstay of my color pallet. I will have a little black dress though!

    I am making excellent choices most of the time and It is becoming a natural thing to do. That is the NSV for me. Ice cream? Not even tempted, the way I feel now feels WAY better than ice cream. Last week I'm on the plane on the way home, sitting there playing the the huge extra amount of seat belt material, who know it could be so entertaining? :P Later in the flight, I realize I am sitting with my legs crossed WITH the tray table down! How freaking cool is that? I didn't even know that was possible!

    I honestly have ZERO regrets and yes, we are still on the honeymoon and I fully realize the hard work really kicks in when we get to goal and have to maintain for the rest of our lives. I'm sure I will moan and complain from time to time, but I am 100% sure it will be worth the work!

    I'm SO happy for you and I know exactly how you feel! :)

  6. The easiest way is to find a container that will hold the water/fluids you want to drink in a day. And then make sure to drink it. A pitcher for all of it or maybe a few shaker bottles with ounces printed on the sides. Instead of trying to add up a bunch of different glasses, just drink all of your "container". You can even pour it into a glass, just make sure to finish off the whole "container". No mental math required if you know you have to drink that "container" each day, period. ;)

    I do exactly that. I make my big container of cucumber Water and then keep filling my Tervis tumbler (with a straw, yes people, a straw) and take it with me everywhere! My Tervis tumbler has become my security blanket. :)

  7. Good for you.

    As many opinions as there are out there on post op diets, such as caffeine or not, alcohol or not, carbonation or not, soft foods after a week or not...the list goes on. The only thing I have noticed that IS universal is the minimum amount of Water that should be consumed.

    I wish the best for you and hope you don't get dehydrated. From what I have heard, it's not pretty.

    I have been a 100 or so oz drinker for years and years as kidney stones run in my family and I am one of the few who has not experienced them. I have to think the Water consumption has made somewhat of a difference.

  8. They didn't operate on your liver. Common sense says it shouldn't take any longer to heal then say, your kidneys unless you have an underlying liver condition. I would never recommend anyone to go against their surgeons orders but sounds like yours is very, very cautious.

    Every surgeon seems to have a different set of rules. Caffeine, no caffeine, carbonation, no carbonation, alcohol, no alcohol....the list goes on.

    My surgeon cleared me for anything except carbonation after 6 weeks. That said, I think we have to keep in mind that all the different surgeon's opinions come down to this: 1) Medical fact, 2) medical opinion, 3) serving the lowest common denominator and finally 4) covering their asses.

    I am of the opinion that we use our surgeon's orders along with our own common sense. We are the ones responsible for our success or lack there of at the end of the day.

  9. I have not yet had sushi because I have not consumed rice or bread yet so I can't really speak to how much sushi. I'm 5 1/2 months out. I know I can but not going to till at least the end of the year before any rice or bread pass my lips.

    However, as far as eating out, it's a part of living normally. You will never eat as much as before but you can share, doggie bag, order a starter. It an important part of our social life with friends and family.

  10. Yep. My EKG came back with an abnormality. The nurse called and couldn't tell me anything except that I had to go see a cardiologist. They gave the the name of some that they recommend. The cardiologist did another EKG and it came back with the same abnormality. He said it was about an 80% chance that it was normal for me but needed to rule out that I had a heart attack and didn't know it previously. That scared the living s**t out of me.

    It also meant that my surgery couldn't go on the date as planned. I had to come back yet again for a real stress test. I had to wait for insurance approval then get the stress test and be cleared before we could set the new surgery date. Everything turned out just fine but was so geared up for surgery only to have it cancelled at the last minute was so deflating but at the same time it caused a week of very high anxiety for me.

    I ended up having surgery 2 weeks later but at least I knew all was well and now looking back I'm sure I was over reacting.

    After seeing all these posts, it seems like it's more common than I realized.

    Good luck!

  11. Most likely Constipation after surgery WILL be an issue. There are war stories about that all over this site! Don't let it happen to you. I will say for me, it was far and away the biggest challenge post op. Things to keep in mind. Just because you are on a liquid diet does not mean you don't poop. You are taking in large amounts of Protein and almost zero Fiber. Watch yourself after surgery and if it doesn't happen, make it happen. Milk of Magnesia, Miralax in your shakes or whatever, you may need to use it for awhile. I still have throw some in my shakes in the morning and I'm over 5 months out.

    Good luck!

  12. Well, it's official - our insurance will not cover the surgery and I am looking at going to self-pay route. Time to start socking away every spare penny I can. I know financing is an option but we carry no debt other than our mortgage and I hate to add to that. I am kind of tempted to pay cash for half and finance the other half. The surgeon closest to me that does self-pay is a smidge over $18K. I am also looking at other doctors in surrounding states - saw one in TX whose rates including up to two nights in the hospital and all pre-op tests for $12K. I'm not thrilled with going out of state for the surgery as I like the idea of having my doc 20 minutes from me if, God forbid, there are any post-op complications. And Mexico is not an option either for various reasons - I know it worked for some folks, but it's not for me.

    Obviously now that I've decided I want to have the surgery, I want it now ;) I figure if I save for the 18K surgery, I would have at least a year to prep and get ready for surgery. But I think that year might kill me. Regardless if I have to wait a year or several months, what did you do to prep yourself for the surgery, physically and mentally?

    I feel your pain! I was in the same boat with insurance not paying. I am in the Dallas area and self paid. $12,200, all inclusive. For me as well, Mexico was not an option for several reasons. It was a big step to talk to my husband and tell him how much this meant to me. I know he would do anything for me. I realized this would be the best thing I could do for my health.

    This area has many of the top wls surgeons in the country. The prices are very reasonable. It may be something to think about.

    It was. Had my surgery March 6th and have not looked back. For me, it was a bargain at twice the price! I would do it again, for so many reasons.

    Good luck in whatever you do. If you want to PM me and talk, please feel free.

  13. I asked my foot doctor if my shoe size would change after losing weight & he said no. I was bummed to hear that but now you're both saying you're shoes are too big! That's awesome news! Maybe he doesn't know everything afterall! Haha!

    I think your foot Dr. is a heel! lol :D:P

    I have lost a whole size so far.

  14. I would prefer nothing said. My weight is not what I am about. That is just my personal preference. I will usually not bring up someone's weight unless they do. This just comes from the 500 or so pounds I have lost and found over the course of my life. :(

    Oh, and a thought about the MIL. As a relatively new MIL, I see it both ways. Just remember, that MIL raised the most amazing man in the world. She must have done something right. :)

  15. Thanks. I get stuck from time to time. I find I will be stuck at a certain weight for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden in three days drop five pounds. You will get there! 163 is not a bad number. Keep up the good work!!

    Thank you! I know it will come off as long as I do what I am supposed to. When I look at the whole picture, it's still 63 pounds from my pre op to now. In less than 6 months including pre-op. How can one think that is a slow loser? I sure cant!

    Funny, your stats are very similar to mine. People have been telling me I am just melting away and I have not seen it nearly as much. You really have, it gave me a perspective of what others might be seeing in me.

    Oh, Packer fan? :)

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