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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by newat52

  1. Umm pictures???

    Pictures or it's not true!!! :P

    Good going girlie! All that hard work is paying off :)

    Yikes! I will get some pics, I just am challenged on that area but will bug the hubby to help me. Yes, it's that bad but will make an exception to bug him for this! Maybe I can even get a pic on my profile!

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone, it does feel good and I feel great!

    Don't even ask what I'll do when a size 8 is on my body! :D

  2. Constipation! DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! Be afraid of it, very afraid.

    I wish I knew how bad it was going to be. My pre op, surgery and recovery were remarkably easy because I knew what to expect.....except the Constipation. It's real, it hurts and my butt hurts just thinking about it. It happens before you know it. Some people have had it so bad they became impacted.

    Don't buy into the nothing in nothing out myth. Keep in mind that you be consuming pretty much nothing but Protein in the weeks after surgery and absolutely no Fiber. No bueno for your bum. :(

    Milk of magnesia and Miralax can be your best friend post op!

    This surgery was the best thing I have ever done for my health and I would do it again in a New York minute! I would just be very aware of the constipation.

    Good luck to you, you will rock this!

  3. Sorry you have to postpone. I know exactly how you feel. I had to as well for a cardiologist clearance after an abnormal EKG on the routine pre op tests. It turns out it was nothing but I was mentally and emotionally ready for surgery and it really got me down.

    We know the delay is for the best but tell that to the emotional side of us.

    Good luck and stay strong, it will be worth it!

  4. I am going crazy with this myself now. I have told 1 friend, sister, husband and mom. y problem is I have an Aunt and sister in law that I need to tell that I am having surgery. I talk to them everyday and they will know I am missing. I absolutely lovey sister in law but she is extremely judgemental. I so don't trust that it won't be spread around my whole neighborhood. So now I have to lie about what kind of surgery.. I was going to say gallbladder and I am sure with my luck in a year I will really need it out.

    Unless you see her everyday, you will only be missing for 8-10 hours. Or, if you really want to keep it private just say you will be out of town or of pocket for a few days.

  5. This past weekend i have stopped telling people how much weight I've lost. It does get kind of tiring to tell everyone. My family is happy for me to be doing something for myself . My hubbies parents are another story. It has been one of my pet peeves with hubbies parents. They constantly have bugged me about my weight since I had my oldest daughter(16). I am honest about the surgery but I do agree with you about keeping it my own business. If people do ask specificly I think that just saying "Thank you I feel great. Thanks for asking." May be my new montra.

    I quit telling people how much weight I lost years ago. Every year I would diet and lose 30 pounds. It would find me again by the end of the year. When people ask, I just say, "a bunch" or "quite a bit." A couple people have asked me "well, how much is a bunch?" My reply is "a good amount." They usually get by then that it is not a topic for discussion.

    It really is just no one's business. They only reason people ask is to use it for a topic of discussion with someone else.

  6. Ummm... I park my convertable Porsche at the far end of the parking lot as not to get scratched!

    **** that thing cost a mint!

    But I do not wear make up, ever..

    Nor do I go matchy matchy!

    So don't judge all far off car parkers the same.

    Besides its exercise...

    Yep, I park in the no ding zone. Hubby is dingaphobic. My little RX doesn't have a ding on her. It helps me get my 10k steps! Not so good on the matchy matchy. How about some running shorts and big over sized t shirt. Everything is over sized on me right now!

  7. I too, am a very private person. My medical history is my business and no one else's. First of all, I can't believe someone would ask that. I guess I'm also at the age where just because someone asks me a question, does not make me obligated to answer it. I would ask why they feel the need to ask such a personal question? Usually, they will stammer something like I was just curious, that's all. To which, I would reply, yes, I can see that. It will usually make them understand how rude they are.

    I don't like to lie either but you do not need to disclose any information that you don't feel comfortable with, for whatever reason. Once you tell someone something, you can't undo it. This is your journey and if you feel best with being private about it then do not feel guilty about some moron who is not even a friend being in control of you and how you need to take this journey.

    This needs to be about you, not someone else's opinion of a lie.

    Don't feel guilty.

  8. You are still early enough out that you won't fully realize your restriction for a bit. You may feel some things now but as you really progress to all foods, you will feel it. That's why it's important to measure especially in the beginning. I believe what you may have felt with that food is pretty normal. I can eat a 3-4 oz piece of Tilapia but just less than 3 oz of chicken and 2 oz of steak. You will feel it more when you are further out.

    It really gets so much better and you will love it the further out you get!

  9. Annie, many foods "slide" straight through to your intestines without giving you the feeling of fullness that Protein does. That is why we have to eat our Protein first. Typical slides for people seem to be junky things like chips, candy, ice crew, high calorie liquids etc. you should search sliders on this forum because eating sliders is a classic way to "eat around your sleeve" and gain weight. And we don't want that happening to us. :)


    Yes, also not drinking with your meals. It will push the food through faster and won't leave you full for as long.

  10. It doesn't look like a very big one. I think it depends on how it's made. Some places use a lot of panko and some have little. I have had them (but it was in MD, where they know how to make them) and it was quite filling, just like fish is for me.

    I would not consider that the worst thing you could eat. For me, it was a treat but still healthy enough.

  11. I always have two cups. I started before surgery too, couldn't imagine surgery and caffeine withdrawls! Not enough drugs to cover that!

    I started over a month before my surgery and did my first cup as normal, the second cup was half calf. The next week both cups were half calf. The next, half calf on the first and Decaf on the second. Finally all decaf. It helped so much.

    I was allowed caffeine after surgery. About 3 weeks I had a cup of defcaf and worked back up. It took a couple of months for coffee to taste good again but now I happily look forward to my two cups per day. My Water intake has always been great so no hydration issues there!

    Good luck, take it slower and you will not notice it nearly as much!

  12. You will love it! I am 53 and almost 6 months post op. I wish I could have done it years ago! I am 5' 2" and was 220. I am now hovering around 160 and have 30 more to go. I feel SO much better and life is great! No more high blood pressure, labs are right in the middle of normal for everything!

    Best thing I could have ever done for my health. I was self pay and it's worth it at twice the price!

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