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Posts posted by newat52

  1. Not much planned here, but I love all the football on Sundays! Just getting my exercise in both days, maybe try some new Paleo recipes, OH, and doing some work on my Halloween costume! I haven't dressed up for Halloween since 2005 because I never wanted to be seen as the "fat version" of whatever I was trying to be...now that I'm more confident, I'm excited to dress up again! I have almost all of the components of my costume, I just have to do some craftin' this weekend on some details!

    What or who is your costume?

  2. what a great post! I am going to stain a deck (distraction and some exercise) and powerwash some stuff and maybe even do an early fall leaves clean-up. and take the dog, who keeps looking longingly at the leash, for a well-deserved ramble. and eat a bbq rib (Not ribs!) that my husband volunteered to smoke on the grill. Have a nice Friday and a great weekend!

    I would love a power washer but my hubby has banned me from them...I don't know something about taking the finish off the house paint or some such BS....then there was the decking but that was NOT my fault! I think he is just a bit party pooper.

    I volunteer to come power wash anything you need! :D

  3. I had my surgery on March 6th and thought I was seriously going to freeze to death! I used a heated throw until mid May.

    I was not nearly as hot over the summer and am whining when our pool is "only" 87 degrees. I think that is that I'm thinner but jeez, the first few months I have never been so cold!

  4. Don't you just LOVE Rain? And football and a grill? Even better! Great post topic!!

    Oh this weekend should be lovely! My g/f and I are heading to a place called Ojo Calliente to soak in the mineral waters (mmmm!! relaxing!). Though we are thinking we should just drive to Pagosa Springs. Same price, more pools. Either way, we're getting the heck out of dodge. We took Monday off so our weekend is extended a little more. My bones are calling out for the hot springs!!

    I DO love the rain, we don't get nearly enough here in Dallas!

    Have a great time! Sounds lovely!

  5. Happy Friday!

    It's finally a rainy day here in Big D! We need it so much and the summer temps have finally broken. Put a pot roast in the crock pot last night for dinner tonight with all sorts of healthy veggies and some potatoes for hubby. Smells so good!

    Rain supposed to taper off tonight and be a beautiful weekend in the mid 80's!

    Perfect for a football filled weekend on the patio! Going to grill some turkey sliders and veggies and maybe fish on Sunday.

    What are YOUR weekend plans and menu??

  6. I'm so glad it went well! Think of it as a new starting point. I remember back in the day before the wheel was invented how intimated I was by my new MIL. It was so easy to find fault and take her benign comments a bit too personally. Over the years, and yes, it did take years, I loosened up and and we actually became very close.

    My relationship with my own mother was strained for the last 15 years of her life. I had to put the "keep it light and polite" principal to work very hard there. For every negative, I posed a positive. I know it frustrated her but eventually, she came to understand the pattern and said either something positive or nothing at all around me. It was interesting though, with others who had not taken control of it, she would do her negative magic and she would get her "reaction." It was during those times it really taught me that we do teach people how to treat us.

    You may never be close with your MIL but hopefully, you can take control enough to make being around her, even for the sake of your husband and son a pleasant experience for all.

    Keep up the great work! You are going to love your sleeve more and more as each week passes! It will change your life for the better! :) :)

  7. Congrats on your big step!

    First, it's gonna get a whole lot better, just probably not this week but next week and every week after.

    Keep walking and sipping. If gas isn't an issue by now, it may not be. I was lucky in that respect. One thing I will say is, for me, surgery and recovery was so easy that it threw me for a loop when I started walking and getting back to normal. I felt so good but then it would just hit me and I would be so wiped out! Listen to your body and rest when you need to. Follow your surgeon's orders and you will be great!

    I am over 6 months out now and feel like a million and 10 bucks!

    Not to mention now slipping into a size 10 jeans, not tight either. :)

    Best wishes to you, you will love your sleeve!

  8. You can't control what people will say or how they act. You can only control how you REACT to it. You teach people how to treat you. If your pattern with her is for her to push your buttons and she gets the reaction she wants. Success.

    Change the pattern. If she says something hurtful. Say, wow, that hurts my feelings. Or I'm sorry you feel that way or whatever ever the issue is. What I'm trying to say is don't give the reaction she is looking for. If she says something critical that you are doing, simply reply with, I'll give that some thought and change the subject.

    She will probably get more annoying for awhile while she is learning the new pattern but it will only work if you are willing to see it through. You can't expect a new result with the same habits. Just like in our eating, we have to change the habits.

    On the other hand...being a new Mother in Law myself, I also see the the automatic wall that a new bride can put up and can be overly sensitive. It can build up over the years. Chances are you have a role in this as well.

    Just remember if nothing else, your Mother in Law raised the most amazing man in the world, right? She must have done something right. :)

    Now go put on your smaller big girl panties and have a great night? :D

    I expect a report back tomorrow! :)

  9. I think you need to separate your issues. Finding the money to finish your journey can come from many sources so really you need to decide if you feel right about egg donation. A very personal decision indeed. If it is something that you feel right about and are emotionally OK with, then do it regardless of what you plan to use the money for. If you are considering it only as a way to finance your plastics, I would think re think it and make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.

    Good luck with your decision making and congrats on your success!

  10. Cuddle Duds! They are the best long underwear ever! So soft and easy to wear under anything! I will be stocking up on them in a much smaller size the winter and I live in Texas so our winters are baby winters compared to yours!

    Oh, and my new best friend last winter was a heated throw!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
