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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by newat52

  1. Thanks for asking! Feeling great! I have been so lucky thus far! (knock on wood) No nausea, which was by far my biggest fear. I asked for anti nausea meds every 4 hours on the hour. Hey, they said ask for whatever you need and I needed to know I wasn't gonna puke! Physically, I'm great, not very sore and getting better each day. Not ready for a 5k yet but walking, walking, walking! I truly believe the mega Protein has helped in the healing. I feel like my insides are healing so much faster than they did after both of my c-sections almost 30 years ago. Have not had pain meds since last Friday (2 days post op) and have been keeping everything down and not much trouble getting in at least 60 grams of protein daily. It's a full time job getting them in but very manageable. All in all, fandamntastic!
  2. Wow! Congrats on the great loss so far! I'll be a week out tomorrow and I have lost the 8 that I gained with the surgery and as of this morning 6 from that. It's seems like it's been a steady 2 lbs each day but If tomorrow holds true and it's 2 lbs that will put me in Onederland! It's great that you have such a great support system in your spouse. Mine has been my rock and just adds to the 10,000,001 reasons that I love him so much! :wub: Keep up the great work! You truly inspired me today!
  3. This is actually a hot topic that starts every week or so. It's because there are so many new folks here all the time. It really is a personal decision for everyone. Now beware, there will be the haters both ways here. It shouldn't be but it sadly is. We are here to support each other not judge each other. There are those who's life is an "open book" and most of them are aware that it is their choice for them, and them alone and they are comfortable with it. There are those who just don't wish nor need to put their personal decisions and business about this (or anything for that matter) out for public consumption. I fall under that category. Most of us who believe this know that this is our choice for us and for us alone and we are comfortable with it. That being said, I have been told I am "living a lie" that I "SHOULD NOT be ashamed" that I "SHOULD BE proud" that I am having this surgery and that we are "living a fake" life. Of course, none of which is true. Some of us just happen to think that our business is simply that. Our business. I guess I am old enough to know that just because someone asks me a question, I am in no way required to answer it. I was raised to respect privacy and not ask personal questions nor telling others what they SHOULD and SHOULD NOT feel. That's just me and it's right for me. I get riled when people start spouting that keeping it private means that you are ashamed and you are not proud of what you are doing to better your life. I think it's part that these days everyone's life is played out on Facebook and the younger the person, the less they value privacy. (just my humble opinion) I guess what I am saying is do what is comfortable for YOU. It is your life and yours alone. We are all in this journey together but we often travel a different path. Your path may be different then anyone's but it's not for anyone to judge. My path may be different and it's not for anyone to judge.
  4. newat52

    Damn I don't know what to do!

    Not to make light of things because these emotions are VERY real. But....to quote Dr. Phil...."how's it working for you now?" Why would you want to go back? I have a feeling you will be so happy afterwards. I will be a week out tomorrow and I already know my life is changing for the better. Best wishes sweetie!
  5. newat52

    Damn I don't know what to do!

    First of all, step back and take a deeeeeppp breath! Go ahead, I'll wait. Ok, now, trust the decision you made before it was so close and know that the nerves and questions about the actual procedure are perfectly normal. I am quite sure that everyone who has made this decision to better our health made it over time with great thought to the risks VS the benefits. You did the same. I know I had the same nerves and second thinking myself. We all did. When you sit back and really think about it you know in your heart what is right for you and just have tell the "Negative Nancy" that resides in all of us to go take a flying leap! Best of luck to you!
  6. newat52

    4 weeks post op and depressed.

    Sorry you are getting such mixed messages with your Dr. office. Perhaps a phone call and state that you are not clear on what you should be doing and ask for an appointment with the surgeon? This is too important to be blown off and be given such conflicting information from your Surgeon's office. Speak openly with him and let him know how difficult it is to be successful with such a large range of difference of opinions from what should be a fairly close consensus. Best of luck, you deserve better.
  7. newat52

    Post op march sleevers

    I am having one of those days too. I feel fine physically, not much I am unable to do. Doing great on my proteins and liquids. I don't know, maybe I'm hungry but i'm on liquids for 3 weeks so not even entertaining the idea of food, doesn't even sound good so that's not it. I think it just might be all hitting me emotionally, having a pity party for one, for sure! Hubby travels each week so good thing he had to leave this afternoon. He was home with me last week. He has been my rock and biggest supporter but I'm ready to get back to normal, but the tears keep coming so I think the best thing for me is changing into my jammies, having some herbal tea and watching some mindless tv. Will have to wait till tonight to see who Sean sends chooses. Nothing like some good 'ole girlie TV to get over an emotional spell. Hope we both feel better tomorrow! Hang in there!
  8. newat52

    Post op march sleevers

    After both my c-sections, stairs were tough. This has not. Was sleeved last Wednesday and climbed the stairs Friday night. Not as issue at all. Just took it slow. Beginning to think there IS something about Protein and healing! I'm almost 30 years past my last c-section and healing faster and way less pain.
  9. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Best wishes and speedy recovery. Check in when you can!
  10. newat52


    I was sleeved the same day. I think that sounds about right. I was using the 1 oz cups till yesterday. They say 1 oz per 15 min so if you can do 2-3 that is great. I am doing probably 5-6 oz per hour. I always have Water and Protein. Sip of water, sip of protein and so on. I think as long as it doesn't hurt or make me to gassy, the more protein the faster the healing. I was commenting to my hubby this morning that I think my inside is healing faster than with the c-sections because of the protein. I can get in and out of bed almost normally and this morning blew my nose like normal. That didn't happen 5 days out with the c-sections. Perhaps the Docs are not BS ing us on the whole protein thing?
  11. If that is from your pre surgery weight that is amazing! I was sleeved last Wednesday and this morning I am about 4 lbs down from my pre-surgery weight. After surgery was about 8lbs up from the liquids and swelling and it has seemed to go down about 2 lbs each day. Keep up the good work!
  12. newat52

    6 Days Post-Op

    Congrats to you too! Good advice, One day at a time. My tummy started doing things about 5am and didn't know what to make of it. Was is hunger? Was it gas? Was it acid? Was I finally gonna get my BM? Figured I would find out in good time and decided to go back to sleep and see what happened. After being up a bit, think the shrinking little tummy was empty so after some Water and few warm sips of decalf, all seems to be right in tummyland. About to get my Protein on and that should make it very happy.
  13. newat52

    Isopure Zero Carb RTD

    I wish I would have got used to the Isopure before surgery. Would have made it better. These things will be great to help with the Protein needs. The coffee and chocolate protein does taste just like a mocha. Have been drinking those for several months. I like them even when I wasn't dieting. :-)
  14. newat52

    6 Days Post-Op

    I will be 6 days post op tomorrow. Lost 11 on pre-op, when I got home, was 2 lbs lower than my start pre-op weight. Today back to my surgery weight. Hoping it will get better. Tummy still very swollen though. Feel like I am losing lots of fluid but hoping for something great in the next few days.
  15. newat52

    Isopure Zero Carb RTD

    The grape is tolerable. Not a fan of any of them but will sip on them till the cows come home for the Protein. Killing two birds with one stone in getting liquids and protein. Think in the morning going to mix a unjury chocolate with 1/2 cup skim milk and 1/2 cup decaf coffee. Will make me feel normal.
  16. newat52

    Pain Level?

    2 c-sections and was sleeved last Wednesday. I would say similar to a bit easier. The worst thing for me was the drain removal. 6 seconds of agony but other than that, not bad at all. Came home after 24 hours. sleep for a few hours after then get up and walk. As with c-sections, it's hard to get up at first. I was sleeved and back in my room before noon. Slept a few hours then they came and got me up. Walked a lap around the nurses station. Went to a chair after that. Easier to get up from that. Didn't go back to bed till after 9pm to sleep. Got up the next morning and that was it. Came home and did nap in a recliner for a few days but last night slept all night in bed and could even sleep on my side. No pain meds today at all. Would not have needed them yesterday but went for a long walk and overestimated myself so I was sore. Then got into a bad coughing fit last night so that hurt. I pray over and over again for no sneezing! I was lucky, did not have nausea but was terrified of it so kept asking for anti-nausea drugs. I figured if it's going in by way of IV, may as well. All in all, not bad. Not bad at all. Hope yours goes well!
  17. newat52

    Stomache noises

    Probably means it's just starting to come back to life. I was sleeved on the 6th and am hearing them. Have not yet had a BM but hoping the rumblings are a sign of one to come. Not feeling hungry at all trying to keep up with the liquid and protein needs. had a cup of decaf this morning although was only a few sips it did make me feel normal. :-)
  18. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Best wishes to all of you getting sleeved this week of March 11th! Speedy recovery and safe travels for those traveling!
  19. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Not sure how much it is in Mexico. I am in the Dallas area and my sleeve cost $12,200 out the door. Included all pre-op tests, all hospital costs up to to nights, I don't know if my room was a normal room but it was actually a beautiful 2 room suite. Also follow ups for as long as I want. I know lots of cities are way more expensive in the states, some are lower. I am lucky to live in an area with top lots of notch surgeons and facilities to choose from. If you look in the self pay-Mexico forum I'm sure they can let you know what the costs are there. Hope this helps.
  20. I am finding for me that ice chips helps a lot. I like the cold and letting the ice melt or crunching it doesn't even seem like I'm drinking.
  21. newat52

    3 Weeks and 24lbs.!

    You go girl! Congrats!
  22. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Sorry you had a rough time of it. So glad you are feeling better now. I was sleeved on Wednesday also. Home and trying get all my liquids in! Keep sipping!
  23. I love the chocolate unjury powder in the morning. Mix it with about 1/2 cup skim milk and my cold coffee that is left and that is a great mocha! Not quite Starbucks but pretty darn good from where I stand!
  24. newat52

    Post op march sleevers

    I have been sipping the Isopure drinks. 20 oz =40 grams of protein. And having crushed ice all day. I love water and am having a hard time not gulping so the ice has been my saving grace. Had some unjury chicken Soup yesterday. Will have some more tomorrow. Going to shoot for 60 grams of protein tomorrow. I am on thin liquids for 3 weeks so I'm sure it will get boring but that will be a small price to pay for a healthy weight and all the health rewards that go with it! Keep up the great work and speedy recovery to you!

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