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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by newat52

  1. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Best wishes sweetie! Check in when you can! You will do great!
  2. Ok, I'm going to be honest here. Everyone says the worst part of this whole process is the pre-op diet. I could not DISAGREE more! I am convinced the WORST PART is our own mind pre-op. Human nature can't help but think about the worst case. I mean were most of us not raised to "Prepare for the worst but hope for the best?" It is so normal to think that way. I will tell you though, not long after you wake up in recovery and get over that initial WTF have I done to myself! (and you probably will) you will feel SO relieved that it's over. You will then focus on your recovery because at that point, well, it's done so you have no choice. Every hour that passes you will probably be more and more relieved that you are finally on the other side and you can look forward to your incredible journey. It is true that sometimes our minds can be our own worst enemy. My little pea brain kind of likens it to the Colonoscopy. The THOUGHT about the prep is way worse then the prep itself, much less the procedure. Again, my mind makes it worse than it is. Wishing you the best of luck and the speediest of recoveries. I am 9 days out now and boy, life is getting good!
  3. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    I know you didn't ask me but I think if you look at the above post and most of your other posts, people take issue with your instance being private as "lying" it's not. Plain and simple. Your friend says she is dieting and exercising. Just because she didn't offer everything doesn't make it lying or hiding it. You keep calling it a lie. When anyone would try to provide a different point of view you nearly all the time take it back to being about you. "Yeah, I get that but I think she needs to stop lying." Over and over you keep talking about lying. Then in the post above you just rename it. Basically, what I see is once again, you make it about you while you dig at others. By saying it's ok to choose to hide it, some people are touchy about it, because they choose to hide it. Then you go right back to making it about you. It just doesn't come across as genuine. To be honest it comes across as judgmental when you say yeah, some people are touchy and need to hide and lie but I would rather be straight forward. Quite the backhanded dig. Not trying to be mean but you asked. I know it's not just how I see it as a great deal of others commented as well. Hope this helps you find the answer you are looking for.
  4. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    I totally understand! I am floored by what people think they have a right to ask. I was just raised to be private. It's who I am. Now when people ask a personal question such as salary I look them in the eye give a big smile and say " If you'll forgive me for not answering such a personal question, I'll forgive you for asking such a personal question." Most people will turn red and stammer If they persist, that is where my good graces end.
  5. Congrats to you! I look forward to a similar post in 51 weeks! You are an inspiration!
  6. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Nothing for you to be sorry about. You are doing what is best for you. It's that simple.
  7. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Sorry but I disagree. The OP stated that she told her friend to her face to (for what in her opinion are lies.) "to stop the lies". What do you call that? The reason people were getting worked up was because over and over again she kept saying her friend was lying and everyone knew it. When, In fact, her friend was just choosing to keep things private. There is a big difference. Whenever anyone would try to give another point of view she kept going back to yeah, but "I" think she should stop lying, everyone knows she's lying and she was embarrassed for her. people who choose to share this information with everyone do so because it is their choice and theirs to share and know it's right for them. That is great for them and I respect it. I get ticked off when a few of them turnaround and call those who choose to keep their private life private, liars, ashamed, and such. Yeah I have even been told on this site that "if I want to go around lying" that's ok. Same person said I was "living a fake life" because I have the audacity to choose to keep my life private. I am not lying when I decide to keep my live private about anything in my life and neither is anyone else who chooses the same. Can't help but think those are the most insecure of all. Why can't those few who love to throw those words around just respect a different point of view and leave it at that? Is it really so hard? Point: How many threads have been started by people who start with the "Why lie", Lying about WLS, etc... all using the lie word. I've seen more than I care to in here. Now how many threads have you seen started by I am keeping my life private! I just don't understand why people would go around with blabbing everything about them? Haven't seen a one yet.
  8. newat52

    Puttin it out there

    I got some. Took it like a woman! Yes, it was gross, but not nearly as bad as yesterday.
  9. newat52

    Puttin it out there

    Yesterday that seemed like a viable option. Just sayin...
  10. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    You hit the nail on the head! Nothing more to add.
  11. newat52

    Where does weight go?

    Hopefully they go to Hell and stay there. Sorry, 8 days post op and feeling humorous again.
  12. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Sorry, can't let you bend me over your knee. I'm 8 days post op and it would probably kill me if you have knobby knees.
  13. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    That has been the point! It's one's personal business. Period.
  14. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Yep. I did it and am guilty. It's against the rules but I did it anyway and am sorry. It has been spelled that way by the OP the whole way through and I did dig. My bad and on offense meant.
  15. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    I'm sorry you think that. That really is not the case. The OP put her opinion out there and said she didn't understand her friend was in her opinion lying. People responded and gave their opinions to give her another view. It's called a difference of opinion. People tend to get a bit touchy when choosing to keep one's life private is constantly being called a lie. It's not. Not even close. It just called privacy. All people were asking was to respect privacy and not calling them liars. That is all. Oh, BTW: the OP is not a newbie. She has been on this site a good deal longer than me.
  16. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    You are such a good friend that you tell her she is lying (as how most of us spell it) and you want her to do it your way when clearly she wants to keep it private? Wow. Just wow. If that's what you crazy kids are calling it these days.
  17. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    They may think it but they don't know for sure. Unless someone tells them. But really, why do you care one single bit about these people? Sounds like they just want to "get the dirt" so they can say they are right. Why give that kind of gossip the time of day? Just wondering.
  18. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Why? You are calling her a liar too. Maybe as a friend, when people ask you could ask them why they really want to know? Tell them a lot of hard work. Or, tell them the truth. It's none of their business! Maybe if you stand up for her, they won't give her such a hard time.
  19. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Um...HELLO??? You are judging! You keep saying you "just think it would be easier" for her to tell everyone every detail because YOU think it so. You keep calling her a liar. That my friend, is called judging others. Sorry, but it is what is is. And BTW: You don't need to understand what she is feeling. Have you ever thought that maybe if she wanted you to know she would tell you? Just a thought.
  20. newat52

    Puttin it out there

    I'm running out for some Milk of Magnesia now. All I am saying is yesterday was not pretty.
  21. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    What business is that of yours anyway? Just because you think it, doesn't make it so. While we may all be on the same weight loss journey, not everyone has the same path. Take your path. Give your friend the respect to take hers.
  22. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Again, it's about privacy and keeping one's business to ones self. How hard is that to understand? Why in the world do think that you are required to answer every question that you are asked? Many people choose to keep the details of their lives private. You think people are thinking ill of your friend and you are embarrassed for her? What does it matter to you? Those people doing the oh yeah, right thing are not worthy of an answer anyway they are the Water cooler gossips. Do what ever you feel is right for you but really, stop the judging try to learn to respect other's views.
  23. newat52

    Hi im new

    Congrats! How are you feeling? I was sleeved on the 6th. It gets better everyday!
  24. newat52

    Please pray! I need it!

    You got it! Deep breath! It will be such a relief to be sleeved and you can focus on your recovery and the rest of your life! I'm 8 days out and thankful for this new opportunity!
  25. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Can I follow that up with an Amen Sister?!!!

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