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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by newat52

  1. newat52

    Graduation question

    I've been through this with my son. I grew in a family of 7 kids, I am the youngest. College was never on the table for us. We were expected to graduate high school, get a job and move out. My son was the first one on my side of the family to graduate from college out of 15 grandkids. From the first day he went, I was so excited that I would see him walk across the stage with a degree from a top tier college. I could hardly wait! Imagine my surprise when in general conversation while moving him in for his senior year he says he is not walking. Say what? His dad and I paid for that degree (something we are proud we could do) and by golly he was walking if I had to drag him across the stage kicking screaming! I think his dad had a talk with him about sometimes you just have to suck it up for mom. Anyway, he did walk and he was glad because he was proud. Few years later...same kid about to graduate from a top tier law school. I get, so mom, you didn't pay for this degree so you can't make me walk. Say what again? Do you really want to go there again? Really? We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either is fine by me. Sheesh...you would think after 27 years he would have learned this. (He gets that from his dad.) Long story short: He walked. He was glad he did. Yes, I played the mom card. I use it when I am left with no other choice, but it is something I have used less then 3 times as my children have grown up. Helped also that law school graduation was Mother's day weekend. Moral of the story is: Your hard work is a source of pride to your family and they love you very much. Their heart will be bursting with love and pride for you during your graduation. Do it for them. I promise you won't be sorry. Don't know if you still have your mom, but if you do, please don't make her play the mom card.
  2. newat52

    At the ER

    Will do! check in when you can!
  3. I am 12 days out and have lost 11#. While I wish it was more, I know as long as I am doing what I am supposed to, it will come off. It has no choice. The only carbs I am getting are from about 1/3 cup of tomato Soup that I am having 3 times a day to sort of simulate meals. walking about 2-3 miles per day split up. Always been a slow loser but a fast gainer. I am committed to being patient with this. Yes, the food sucks right now (or lack there of) but my focus is 6 months down the line. Also making sure to get the liquids and Protein in. Getting about 80 grams of protein a day and at least 60 oz of liquids. It's a full time job this liquid thing. Hang in there, It will come off in good time.
  4. newat52

    Cost of Surgery

    $12,200 in Dallas, TX. All inclusive. Follow ups for life.
  5. Holy smokes! You typed all that in with your iPhone? I can't type a sentence without an error!
  6. Will do! Best wishes and check in when you can!
  7. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Best wishes to all the sleevers today! Speedy recovery!
  8. newat52

    eating too soon?

    I was on Clear liquids for a week. Now 2 weeks full liquid and then 3 weeks soft foods but that can include shaved deli meat, can fish. I LOVE LOVE LOVE canned salmon. I'm11 days out so have another 10 days of this. I can't say I'm starving, but am missing the "act"of eating. have tomato Soup 3 times a day to simulate a meal. I miss sharing a meal with my husband right now. I will be excited to actually start to eat a meal again. Looking forward to a few weeks after I have been on full foods and have a better idea of what I can tolerate, we will be having a date night. All ready splurged on a really nice wine that will be our celebration. Just will only have a small glass but that's when I will feel normal again.
  9. newat52

    Hey San Diego, Ca. I made it!

    Welcome to my hometown! Fun city! Best of luck tomorrow! Check in when you can!
  10. newat52

    Am I CRAZY?

    I'm only 11 days out and so far very smooth. But can I come too??
  11. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    Indeed. Your mother is a wise woman.
  12. newat52

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    I agree. I went back and re read most of the OP's posts and they are all the same. Clearly she really didn't want to hear any other opinions other than her own and just wanted to say the same thing over and over with a nice little dig at the end of most of them for most anyone who had a differing view. After re reading the posts, I really just feel sad for her. There has to be a lot of insecurity there. Hope the best for her.
  13. newat52

    Child free... Way off topic

    Having children or not, is a very personal decision. Every woman has desires and wants. They are just not alway the same. For me personally, I always wanted children and can't imagine my life WITHOUT them. I knew I would be a good mother and I am. That said, some women do not desire to have children and can't imagine their life WITH them. Everyone is different. My 2 cents is don't let anyone pressure or shame you for your decision, whichever you choose. People pry and ask and pressure but who is the one raising the child? I have always told my now grown boys, have children if and when you are ready and don't let anyone tell your decisions are wrong. Our oldest son has been married a year now and I have not ever asked about their reproductive choices. That is between my son and his wife. Period. If and when they decide to have a child, I'm sure I will be one of the first to know. I get asked a lot from people when are they going to have a baby? I tell them I know know. It's none of my business. It's not. To you, when people ask I would look them in the eye and politely tell them my reproductive status is not up for discussion. It will shut them down. You will only have to do it a few times. Then people will stop. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  14. newat52

    Please pray! I need it!

    Welcome home and speedy recovery!
  15. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Ah, I should have mentioned doses. CVS only had the unflavored. Beggars can't be choosers. it IS gross though. The directions say for adults, take 30-60 ml. I took half of the smallest dose. 15ml. Nothing within a few hours so took 15ml this morning and another 15 just a few so hoping it will continue to provide a reasonable resolution on a daily basis for the next few days.
  16. newat52

    Post op march sleevers

    That is good news indeed!
  17. Oh my goodness! It has been awful! I was sleeved on the 6th and I have NEVER had it this bad. I was actually crying it hurt so bad! I think my problem is was I didn't realize till it was way too late. I thought since I wasn't eating there was no issue! WRONG! Of course, then it hit me that I am taking in essentially no Fiber and way less Water than I'm used to. Pre surgery I probably took in 80-100 oz of water daily. Was a huge water drinker. I was afraid to take some benefiber. Was thinking the way it bloats my tummy was a recipe for pukesville. Not a place I wanted to go. The other day I had to resort to a suppository. It was not pretty. At all. Felt like I was pooping a watermelon. Tears were shed and many curse words. It was so much more painful than any part of my surgery. Seriously. But there was some very painful relief. Someone from another thread was having the same problem and it was suggested to get Milk of Magnesia. I pitty patted my sore behind to CVS post haste. They suggested even after relief to stay on it for a week or so. I plan on doing that. I have my 2 week post op next Wed so I will be having a talk with the Dr. about it. That stuff is worse tasting than any of the liquid pain meds but I was so desperate I didn't care. I have kissed that bottle several times. :wub: I'm a believer! Thank you whoever invented that stuff. Good luck, hope you feel better soon!
  18. newat52

    Stalled already?; Very irritable today; Eating mushy food

    Funny you say that. Lots of folks seem to have a mini meltdown anywhere from 4-7 days out. Mine came day 6. Thought I was going crazy but after lurking around in this forum, found others in the same boat. After that I decided to have a pity party for one, got in jammies early, got under the heated throw and watched some mindless girlie TV and cried and sipped my water and Isopure. (which I agree is da bomb) It's amazing what we can do so soon after surgery and if a mini meltdown is the worst, I think we are doing ok. Give yourself a break and allow yourself to feel the emotions. Tomorrow will most likely be better. :-) Hang in there fellow March sleever!
  19. newat52

    Any March Sleevers?

    Um...depends. I was sleeved on the 6th. Pretty much didn't cross my mind for few days then figured it was water in water out. Nope thats not the way it works. I didn't realize that till it was way too late. If things don't start to happen start with the Milk of Magnesia. I was given that advice in another thread yesterday. All I'm sayin now is I have kissed that bottle!
  20. newat52

    Post op march sleevers

    So sorry. Hope all is well.
  21. Perhaps try ice chips and let them melt in your mouth? I sure didn't experience that so this is just a suggestion. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  22. newat52

    ONE-derland with pictures

    Congrats on that big step! You look wonderful! You go girl!
  23. Yes mam! That is how it's done! Beautiful! What an inspiration!
  24. newat52

    Post op march sleevers

    Hey, after today half of us March Sleevers should be post op! half down and half to still welcome to this side! Yippie!
  25. newat52

    Post op march sleevers

    Yeah, it's pretty much a full time job. I had a hard time because I have always been a big time water drinker. It's been my rule to drink 20 oz of water before my first cup of coffee, and I need my coffee fast. So it's been a huge adjustment Sipping has been so hard for me. When I got home I did ice chips. It slowed me down to the correct rate. did that for 3 days. I am 9 days out now and can drink more than just a tiny sip. I would say a small drink. It gets better everyday. Welcome home and speedy recovery!

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