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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mommyto3

  1. Hi everyone, I am brand new to this forum and just starting the process of WLS research. I have had several friends go through various forms of WLS including the band, RNY, and the sleeve. By far the most successful ones have been those who got the sleeve procedure. I am overwhelmed with where to start the process. I am 5'9" and currently weigh 276.2. I lost over 100 pounds in 2009 after my 2nd daughter was born but gained it all back during my pregnancy with my 3rd child. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. I lost the weight in 2009 following one of those "medical" weight loss programs where you pay $$ every week for injections and appetite suppressants and follow a very calorie-resitricted diet. I have been trying to do it on my own for the past month and have lost less than 10 pounds on a diet with less than 1300 calories, under 30 carbs, drinking over 80 ounces of Water per day and exercising 3x/week. It is very discouraging to have even gained weight with such careful tracking of my food and exercise. I am beginning to believe that WLS is what it will take for loss to happen long term. Both my parents are obese and I have watched their weight go up and down over and over through the years on various fad diets. I don't want to set that same example for my 3 kids. So... I don't know where to start. Do I call my insurance company first? Make an appointment with my primary care Dr to start doing the 6 months of supervisied weigh ins? Try to research a bariatric surgeon online and then just schedule an appointment? I need help! Can someone tell me, step by step, how to start this process?
  2. Hi everyone. I posted a few days ago asking about how to start. Just got in touch with my health insurance company (Aetna) and am shocked to find out that they don't cover ANY WLS, regardless of co-morbidity. I cannot believe that. I thought we had pretty good coverage. So what do I do now? I am seriously doubting that we can afford self-pay with 3 kids at home to consider. Hubs said that open enrollment is in June for his company and maybe another plan his company offers does cover WLS? So... a couple of questions for those of you with far more experience in this than me... ~If I begin a physician monitored weight loss plan now then am able to switch to a different plan that will cover the surgery in June, do you think the insurance company would accept those 6 months of monitoring for the prerequisite? ~What if hubs' company doesn't have ANY plans that cover WLS? What then?
  3. Thank you all for the responses, I appreciate all the ideas! Going into debt for this is not a viable option for us at this time. Good advice on checking about the company plan, I hadn't even thought of that. Another idea I have is to check my own company's benefits. At this time I do not opt in to health insurance for my job (I teach virtual school) because the coverage under my husband was already in place when I started here. But I believe our open enrollment will be in May and if they offer WLS that could be an option as well. Again, I appreciate any and all suggestions Everyone is on a journey here and how we get there is not as important as arriving at our destination!
  4. Amanda, how much is your Mexico surgery? Does it make you nervous to have surgery in another country? It does for me!
  5. It does not appear that the Center of Excellence bariatric program I listed above does the Vertical Sleeve procedure.
  6. Thank you all very much for the great advice! There is a Center of Excellence in my area (I just just north of Tampa) but it seems like they specialize in the lap band which I am NOT interested in. I will need to do some more research on them. I did look online to see what my insurance may cover and it said the surgery is covered but it mentioned either 6 months of supervised diet OR 3 months of multidisciplinary counseling/intervention. So I'm not sure which would be easiest. This is the website for the local Center of Excellence here. http://www.tgh.org/weight.htm Any feedback is appreciated

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