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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mikel909

  1. Mike, just curious why you decided to go with the Band instead of the bypass?

    Hey there. Well honestly I NEVER considered bypass because everytime I heard of it all I would hear about is all the risks that come with just having that procedure done to your body. I have a handful of people that I personally know including one very close friend that just had it done a year ago. Although she looks amazing I remember seeing her when I gave her a short visit and she looked in pain! She's lost I believe almost 150lbs within a year and although I want a big result for my surgery I'm not looking into dropping so much weight so fast.

    I think the band will help me achieve my healthy goals and still eat ya know. Not eat a lot of course but eat the foods I like. The recovery time with the bypass is so much longer that it's another factor of why I didn't even consider it. The band procedure is so less invasive that to me it was my best bet and shot at becoming more healthier VS. just staying obese and at risk for major health problems with unsuccessful diets. The band decision was more of a personal choice. There are many people not afraid of surgery or complications but I am not that kind of person. I'm a worry freak so I know I'd probably never have the guts to have the bypass done. I'm grateful the band procedure is available and affordable for me. What made you go with the band?


  2. For me my last straw was when I realized nearly every pair of jeans I had in my closet including my dress wear for work was super tight and I basically had a limited number of pcs. of clothes that I could fit in. I think also having to admit to myself that I'd let myself gain all this weight and was literally forced to buy a complete wardrobe in the next size up.........which sucks and is freakin' exxxpensive for us big boys!!!!

  3. Good afternoon. About a year ago a friend of mine mentioned Tiajuana, Mexico for a possible place for surgery for her hubby and now that I actually have it scheduled for the same day trust me I consider myself a brave soul as well, lol. Seriously though after meeting with the surgeon and his staff I was convinced to having him peform this. I was more nervous before the consult, now all excitement.

    As far as the diet my surgeon with most of his clients requires a 10% weight loss before the surgery...according to him the amount of weight you lose initially when losing weight is the fat you have near your liver where he will be working around so this weight loss will be an advantage to him not having to move so much of my insides around and means less discomfort for me. I believe because of my high weight and stature this will be good so yeah I have about 40 lbs to lose by July 18th!!! I'm done about 15 so I should be good to go. I'm on Atkins right now and will be until my surgery...so far so good.

    I think every surgeon is different so I don't think it's bad that yours isn't putting you on a diet. If I were you I'd get every craving out of the way for a full week 2 weeks before surgery then take it light the week of, know what I mean? In other words be bad bad bad then light. I know I would do that. I actually plan being bad a few wks before my surgery and get some pizza in my tummy before it's shut down, lol. Health is my main concern and goal in this surgery. I don't want to be super thin or with rock hard abs but be at more healthier weight than I am and be comfortable in my own skin.

    So what are you going to splurge on before your surgery?

  4. I along with a friend are getting banded with Dr. Ariel Ortiz in Tiajuana, Mexico in July. I had the chance to get a consult with the nutrutionist, surgeon, and got a facility tour including the room I'll be staying in the night of my surgery. It's a great place and as well have had nothing but good things. Dr. Ortiz has a great medical record and has had so many satisfied patients and it's even hard considering anyone else. Google him, there is tons of info. on him including who and where he proctors.

  5. I've got to agree with WasABubbleButt...you can't write off an entire country BUT all you can do is advise people of your problems and complications. The same way someone DOESN'T all of a sudden get pregnant...is the same way as us not all of a sudden gettin OVERWEIGHT. I agree as far as you probably didn't do enuf' research. I've read so many posts about the doctor your chose. I sympathize with you whole heartedly but agree with WasABbubbleBut...you are a statistic sadly...I wish you weren't but you are. I'm sorry for your complications and sorry for this entire mix up. If we could all save $40 thousand dollars over time then we all would but that's simply not the case. If it was then we'd all be having surgery in the US and not have these problems, according to some because the US is the best in medical procedures, right? Yeah, right!

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