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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by k8ee

  1. k8ee


    I have noticed a few inches.
  2. I lost 13pound the first week post surgery and now I'm 3 weeks post and I still haven't lost anymore What's going on? I didn't think it would just stop?!?!?
  3. k8ee


    I'm nearly 3 weeks post op and I'm on 700-800 calories a day. I'm not really focusing on the calorie intake at the moment but rather focusing on getting enough Protein in and digesting the foods.
  4. k8ee

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    I've been eating veggie mashes, tuna casseroles, soups, shakes etc (all puréed). These are all recipes that my dietician provided me with. I have an appointment booked with the surgeon in a couple of days so fingers crossed its just part of my healing process.
  5. No I'm on Nexium which helps with acid reflux. What's PPI?
  6. I'm from carrum downs vic
  7. I was sleeved may 7 and still experiencing extreme nausea, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting. I'm on the puréed foods and I'm certainly hoping it gets better. I basically can't leave the house! I feel urgh!
  8. k8ee

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    Has anyone been experiencing severe nausea, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting (I eat slow and have tiny mouthfuls) when on purée foods? I'm current feeling really ill every time I eat. I am eating all organic foods too so no preservatives. Is this normal?
  9. I was banded in 2010 and had so many problems. Everything I ate got stuck and had to go back onto fluids constantly to try and start over again to try and eat. My body ended up going into starvation mode and stored my fat (like that's what we want)!. I was starving hungry and mad that I had tried everything possible and nothing worked. There was nothing wrong with the band itself but I think my body rejected it?? After 15+ adjustments, 3 gastroscopy's, diabetes and blood pressure out of control, b12 deficient and 3 years later and not losing ANY weight I had had enough. That's when I decided to get the sleeve. I had my band removed in Jan 13 and I was sleeved May 7th 13. It was a really hard decision but I think it was the best decision I have ever made. I have lost 6kg (13 pounds) in 2 weeks and lots of inches. My diabetes and blood pressure is slowly improving and best of all I'm not starving or bringing my food up anymore. Now, because I have more energy I'm exercising more and am feeling human again and not SO obsessed about my weight because things seem to be working with me for once! Hopefully you have thought everything through clearly because even though you are in pain with your band the sleeve isn't an easy way out (not saying you think this!) but it is (in my opinion) an easier tool than the band to work with. All the best of luck for your WL journey ????
  10. Wow! Congratulations! That must be do exciting for you. I have lost 6kg which is 13lb. I'm pretty happy with that do far. I'm still struggling with getting all my Protein in though. I'm current getting about 40g protein a day. I find I'm having to have every meal now with high protein foods, but ill get there. I'm just worried about my hair!!
  11. So I've been on puréed food since yesterday and its going quite well though tonight I had a veggie mash and I think the consistency was too thick as I have had terrible pains in my left side of my abdomen since eating it. I didn't over eat but I think I need to purée it instead of mash it ( even though I'm told otherwise)!. Anyway, lesson learnt and try again tomorrow. I might just add too that the hunger pangs aren't as bad through this phase.
  12. k8ee

    May 6 post surgery

    That's fantastic you are feeling better. I have only had a nagging pain on the left side. I would say its from the internal stitching. I started puréed food today and I suffer the same paranoia as you! So far so good though!
  13. k8ee

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    Hmmm I wonder if I get the pills then??? Ill let you know. I'm in australia melb. It's different with every surgeon hey! How's your weight loss so far?
  14. k8ee

    Diabetic Sleevers?

    And to add I'm on 1000mg of metformin and 20 units of insulin a day too. Me dr did mention that if my levels do start to creep up to take the metformin as usual and not insulin.
  15. k8ee

    Diabetic Sleevers?

    Hi. I am a diabetic and I'm not taking my meds either. I spoke to my dr about it and he said to just monitor it for two weeks then see if you still need it. Don't forget, surgery, the meds and your mental state all put stress on your body which can increase the levels. Give your body time to heal and speak to your dr about it. I was more worried that if I did have my insulin that I would have a hypo!
  16. k8ee

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    I defiantly will. I've already made soups and meals that are puréed that are in the freezer (but still need more)!
  17. k8ee

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    I know how you feel. I too, am feeling that way! its weird how each NUT has a different set of rules. But I'm sure we will know when we are full. I'm starting with soggy weetbix (like porridge) with a lot of milk!! Wish me luck.
  18. k8ee

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    Any other May 6/7 starting their puréed food phase this week?
  19. k8ee

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    Hi ramirelek! I was sleeved may 7 and have my post op appt on Friday and wasn't knowing what to expect. I thought they just take the staples out? What are the tablets for that they give you? Where do you live? I'm in Australia MLB. I wonder if its different here??

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