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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by melissa130

  1. I would much rather deal with loose skin that I can hide under clothes as opposed to fat rolls busting out of my clothes. I would rather deal with loose skin any day over worrying about not fitting in chairs or breaking the ones that I do fit in. I think people that get upset about the loose skin need to realize that it is ok and something can be done about it. Plastic surgery. Any pound lost means you are becoming healthier!

  2. I am 6 months out and still don't drink alcohol. I first wanted to wait till my stomach was really healed. I still take carafate every day and will for a couple more weeks. Alcohol can cause damage/ulcers to the new stomach. The sleeve is very fragile. Just wait till you are all done with most of your post-op meds. In my case, for 6 months. Looking forward to that first glass of wine.

  3. Cinnamon Roll - 24g (17g fiber)

    Apple Pie - 24g (18g fiber)

    strawberry Cheesecake - 25g (17g fiber)

    (There are several other flavors, these are the ones I bought today)

    As I understand it, if you subtract the fiber from the carbs you end up with net carbs which in each of these cases is pretty acceptable.

    If the concept of net carbs is hooey, then yeah the carbs are ridiculous! :lol:

    Thank you. I do think that when you subtract the fiber you get a better, more accurate carb count. I will definately try these. Cinnamon roll--mmmm- making my mouth water! LOL

  4. Babe,

    No lecture here.. I've had those days too. We are are own worse critics sometimes. I have 30? Pounds till goal yet I just saw vacation pictures of myself and all I saw was the flaws.

    It's hard to stop playing that you look fat loop over and over again. But what I'm really trying to realize with this weight lose is health and sometimes I lose sight of that.

    Take the time to take stick in how you feel..

    I feel more agile (Though I'm terribly uncoordinated :P) more a part of life!

    I will not be looking like a kardashien (spelling)

    But I will be a better healthier ME. Laura a 47 year old kinda short with some lumps and bumps and the battle scars of life :)

    Kardashians don't even look like Kardashians. All the make-up and fake everything- fake hair, fake boobs, botox, collagen...the list goes on. Your pic is pretty.

  5. I can only say that a professional to talk to is of utmost importance for this journey. I go to a psychologist 3 times a month and a behavior specialist 1 time a month. I go to a support group specific for weight loss surgery once a month. It makes all the difference in the world. They really know how to teach you to get through this stuff. You will never deal with body image issues on your own...you have to be taught. You have to be taught a whole new though process and you have to be taught new behaviors...that is the only way you can learn--right? Call somebody Monday morning and make an appointment. Simply just talking about your feelings with the right person helps you put everything in prospective. Call somebody :)

  6. I wish i knew how to do these video blogs. I will watch yours. Amazing world we live in to be able to connect with people going through the same thing. I have not told anybody outside my immediate family about what I have been through. Big secret to all my coworkers/ and friends and other family. So this feels so good to feel connected to other people. I probably would not do a video because I don't want people to recognize me. That is why I don't have a profile pic.

  7. I was scared too...but once you actually get in there everything happens really fast. Starting with getting registered and then all the nurses fretting over you--time will fly. I had the morphine pump too.. was very happy with that!! Take a deep breath and imagine 6 months from now-- possibly being at you goal weight and loving it! Is that you in the picture???? Good luck and get back here quick and let us know how you are doing!!

  8. Every time I looked at Protein bars I wasn't impressed - something on the nutrition label turned me off, usually too high sugar. I actually bought one once and hated it, very sticky and Gummy on my teeth.

    And then I discovered Quest bars. I've only tried the Peanut Butter so far but bought three other kinds just a few hours ago. I really like them and they're not too sweet. I highly recommend trying these if you haven't already.

    Don---- what is the carbohydrate gram count on the Quest bars-- I have been looking for one lower in carbs and haven't found one I like.

  9. michelleandcolten~

    are you in a financial positon to hire some type of medical assistant/ or nursing assistant to travel home with you. You could offer to pay for the flight for the person and then pay about $10.00 an hour for their time. I would estimate you could do that total for under $500.00. It would be worth it. I feel so concerned for you and I don't know why. I certainly don't want to frighten you.

  10. The weight will come off. Any pound you lose in a month should be celebrated. You didn't gain and you are on the right path. I really stuck to drinking a lot of Water and my Protein Shakes the first several weeks and the scale seemed to speed downward. As soon as I added more food to my diet the weight loss really slowed. Which is ok. As long as I don't gain -I am happy. Hang in there. And please find somebody in your area that you can talk to. Don't underestimate the power of a good psychologist, behavior specialist, life coach, or support group to help you get through these times when you get upset about the process.You are ok and you will be thin and healthy very soon. :)

  11. I felt better 2 days after my sleeve than I did with my 2 c-sections. I felt that the csections were harder for me recover from. I always figured it was because of the extra weight when i had them. The sleeve surgery was not comfortable- but it is manageable with meds and it is worth it. Just like having a c section for a healthy baby- the sleeve surgery is worth it for the future healthy body! :)

  12. YOU SHOULD really seek advice from a professional in your area. I believe that this is what has really helped me stay on track. I am only 6 months out and I don't feel like I could give you any advice at all. But I am feeling for you. You have come so far. Get to a support group in your area specifically for weight loss surgery. Find a behavior specialist, start a new exercise program like Zumba or something fun. Make a purposeful change to re-motivate you. It is all mental. You really can do this and get the train back on the track. You will get to you goal weight. Make it happen. Get excited about it and make it a priority. Keep us posted girl!

  13. You won't need to wait several weeks to work out. I started walking right away when I got home from the hospital- in the winter. And then about 4 weeks post-op I was able to aggressively do DVDs at home. Good luck and stay motivated.

  14. iam just starting to research plastic surgery. I want abd skin removal and breast augmentation. I want to have a large firm chest. I always had big boobs- even before weight gain. I don't know if i should just get a lift or get implants too. I want to be suuuuuppppper sexy now that I have lost almost 100 pounds.

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