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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by keystone28

  1. I was walking a couple of hours after surgery on March 4th, I walked around the block first day home. Two miles around the neighborhood two days later. The weather turned bad so I went to my gym and tried walking on a treadmill, I hate the treadmill, so I jumped on an elliptical and went for 35 minutes and have been going every day since, 45 to 60 minutes fairly hard HR around 150. I worked out hard before the procedure figuring I'd have a head start after I had it. So far so good...

    Yeah, but no weights, right?

  2. My doctor told me walking only, 30 minutes a day. If you cant do the 30 all at once, split it up into 3 10 minute sessions. I would advise against working out. I had initially asked my Doctor if I could go back to work after 3 weeks, and it was stressed to me that the chances of pulling the staples/sutures is rather high if you participate in regular work or exercis aside from walking, which can end up with you back in the hospital.

  3. Yeah dude, they do that after they knock you out, and its gone by the time you wake up. No worries! Trust me, the only pain your gonna be concerned about is in your stomach, and thats a breeze! Im 6 days post op, and the pain is minimal.

  4. Yeah, you need a LOT of help! My doctor wont let me lift anything heavier than 5 pounds for the first 4 or 5 weeks! I tried to use a pineapple corer today, and even the slightest bit of pressure hurts (6 days post-op!). You have to remember, you'll have all sorts of stitches where they go in for the laproscopic surgery, not to mention all the sutures in your stomach. you tear those and you are in SERIOUS trouble!

  5. OK, heres my five cents;

    1. If you have a lazy boy recliner, sleep in that. I found it much easier (I'm 6 days post op) to get up and down in that.
    2. SUGAR FREE POPSICLES ARE YOUR FRIENDS!!!! Buy boxes of them, they rock.
    3. Walk as soon as you can, and dont stop! The more you walk, the more you will bounce back.Im not saying go around the block, but when you get home, walk to the mailbox, walk down the street, whatever you can.

  6. One of my greatest fears is getting dehydrated after surgery. We are supposed to drink 64 oz/day, but I don't come close even now.

    I challenge everyone to start drinking 64 oz of Water a day BEFORE surgery And no, Protein drinks don't count towards the total.

    Good luck!

    Im lucky in that aspect; I've always been a heavy Water drinker I probably drink (no kidding here) close to 160 ounces in a day at work..I use those flavor packets, but still...

  7. I start mine in 2 weeks, just praying that i have the strength to stick to it and function at work at the same time, wish me luck;)

    Sent from my iPhone using VST

    Brandy, it's easier than you think! I've done it 2X now! My insurance denied me the day of my surgery, and Im on the second week of my actual date now. I'll tell you a trick; go to Harris Teeter and get the pre packaged Carrot that are sliced into chips! They look like ruffled potato chips, and you can trick your body into thinking they are chips. Add a little light salsa for dipping, and you wont know the difference!

    The only difficult part for me was the first time, I tried to give up coffee. NOT A GOOD IDEA! So now I have maybe 3 or 4 sips of my coffee in the morning to take the edge off. Sorry, I can give up eating, but I've gotta have my morning joe!

  8. I do have to make one before I can schedule surgery but it will mean only getting about 4 hours of sleep max that night before work.

    If I were you, when you go to the one manditory meeting, express your problems to the group. You will be in a room full of people just as excited at the prospect of starting a healthier life as you are, and I feel certain you'll find at least one person to lean on.My experience with my local support group has been really good,and I think you will find someone willing to help if you just ask.

    And I did sit down and explain my reasonings and also talked to him about his mom and dad both having heart surgery in their 50s and early 60s and he doesn't care. He doesn't see the correlation of health and what u put in your mouth

    Gee whiz, really?!? That's just nuts. I dont mean to be rude or harsh,but if he's not willing to change, I dont see how this relationship is going to be healthy, emotionally or physically.

    I dont know you, or anything about your relationship, but it honestly sounds to me like this guy is either selfish, ignorant, or both. The very fact that you have cared enough to express concern over his health should mean the world to him, but from the little that you've told us, I'm not getting that feeling from him at all. This surgery is a life changer, and that means a change for everyone in your life when it coimes to interacting with you.

    Ultimately, you have to do what is right for you SheetMetalGirl.You are not beholden to him for anything.

    I hope I have notoverstepped my boundaries here, and if I have, I apologize profusely, but again, you are making a huge change in your life, and it only stands to reason that he should want the best for you and your relationship, doesnt it?

  9. Sheet,

    Dont let this guy ruin something wonderful for you.If he can't see that you doing this (getting healthy) isn't just for you, but for him as well? Well ma'am, I'd have to say he is a blind fool and maybe you need to worry more about yourself and not him. we should all be so lucky to have a woman in our lives who cares that much about us! I know I am, because my wife had gastric bypass two years ago, and her success has brought me to the same decision she made then.

    You need to sit down and tell him, look, Im doing this not only because I want to be healthy,but because I want to have a long future with you, and you should accept this for what it is,an act of love. Write down your reasons, let him know! ask him, do you want me to have a heart attack, or get diabetes? No? Then you should accept this as my best effort to avoid those very things. Do you have a support group? Maybe he could go with you, see what everyone else is saying.

  10. I'm with CWM...but not really having good success with getting them to submit the proper docs for insurance approval. I was so excited when they submitted my info over a month ago. Now it seems as though the wind has been knocked out of my sails!! I've called them numerous times and they keep telling me not to worry and that I don't need to do anything additional....but then I get a call from my insurance company advising me that they are not receiving requested info from them. Just getting so discouraged. Could someone share their experience?

    Sent from my ADR6330VW using VST

    I had a few problems, but it wasn't CWM's fault, or my insurance companies fault.I was approved through my old insurance company, but a few weeks before my initial surgery date (Feb 4th) my company changed providers, and the prerequisites changed. CWM told me not to worry as well, but I did, and I made myself a nervous wreck all for nothing. CWM had the whole thing straightened out in about 2 weeks time, and Im back on the schedule for 2 weeks from now.

    I've had people tell me to stay on top of my insurance and call,call,call,but CWM wont drop the ball on you like that. If they say they're going to take care of the problems, trust them, they'll do it! It might not be as fast as you'd like,but dont worry, they'll get you squared away!

  11. Hi, I am from the Charlotte area. I am over half way through my 6 month physician supervised diet program through Carolina's Weight Management. Nervous about the approval process for the sleeve through Cigna. My surgeon will be Dr. Gersin. Anyone else gone through CWM? What was your experience like?

    Sherri, I know soooo many people who've gone through CWM, and not one of them has had a discouraging word! Who is your Doctor? Mine is Dr. Kuwada.

  12. Yeah, i made the mistake of calling Anthem yesterday, and they told me it had been denied as "not medically needed". So i got myself in a really bad mood, lifted something the wrong way at work, and knocked my back out of whack.....Stupid move Keystone! then, I come to find out from my doctors office that theyre still working on it, and would I please stop calling the insurance company? Because you're messing things up mr. miller. So I'm letting them handle it. it may end up that i have to go through the whole 6 month weigh in period, and if I do, then so be it, but I'd rather do it right now if I had the choice.

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