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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    docbree reacted to ekh21ash in New to all of this....   
    It has definitely made me feel better!! ????
  2. Like
    docbree reacted to Rogofulm in New to all of this....   
    Glad to help! I've kind of made it a personal crusade to inform people about the Week-3 Stall because I wish someone had told me! I was going to lose my mind until I tripped over that article. Then I was able to chill and ride it out.
  3. Like
    docbree reacted to Rogofulm in New to all of this....   
    Congratulations! You have reached "The Dreaded Week-3 Stall". It's perfectly normal and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or more. But don't worry -- after that, the weight will start falling off if you stick to your program. If you're interested, here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight like crazy!
  4. Like
    docbree reacted to OhSoNique in Why do i feel like throwing in the towel :(   
    Thanks ladies!! I was feeling better, just got off the phone with the lady from the hospital she said she called UHC to change the procedure to the sleeve and they said they need a new letter of necessity but they only had notes from talks about the lapband.... So now I have to wait till 10/4 for the appointment with the surgeon so we can talk about the sleeve so they will have notes to resubmit to the insurance when it rains it pours but I see a rainbow at the end. I have come this far so why give up now I'm going to enjoy my vacation thank you lol it's my celebration for my new journey lol.
    Melly I understand!! Lol I wanted to complain to her boss and ask if she lied too to just cover for her or if she really was told she mailed everything. But I didn't want to start anything and just took it as a lesson learned. If you want stuff done then do it yourself! Lol how are you feeling?
  5. Like
    docbree reacted to finediva in Why do i feel like throwing in the towel :(   
    Feel better? Lol. Congrats. You stayed the course and jumped through all the hoops. We will not be deterred!
  6. Like
    docbree reacted to honeybunz in Want to throat punch my husband   
    I'm on day 4 of my liquid diet and on our way to my pre-op appt and he decides to go to McDonald's drive thru to get him Breakfast. I told him he'd better think ahead next time and eat at home before we leave. I will get my revenge though cause I will be starting puréed foods while he's on his liquid diet. Haha Not the same as McDonald's but I'm going to pretend it is dang delicious! lol
  7. Like
    docbree reacted to LindafromFlorida in What was your fat-based nickname as a child, and how did it make you feel?   
    We have risen above these stupid nicknames lol!
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    docbree got a reaction from LindafromFlorida in What was your fat-based nickname as a child, and how did it make you feel?   
    Pillsbury Doughgirl
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    docbree reacted to LindafromFlorida in Advil   
    Any parent with a loved one in the military today must be awesomely proud! My dad and his brother were at Ft. Benning during WWII. It will definitely make you sweat to be in Georgia. I promise. God Bless you, your son, and your family.
  10. Like
    docbree reacted to Rogofulm in Sex.......and that annoying roll of flesh   
    Okay, here's one guy's perspective... I'd prefer to know what to expect beforehand. The surprises hidden under our clothes could "spoil the moment" if they are not expected. Besides, if you're anticipating intimacy, perhaps you can work this into "the talk" you probably want to have anyway. STDs and protection are not comfortable subjects to discuss, but we still need to have the conversation, right? So why not roll this into that already not-so-sexy pre-intimacy convo? If he's still on board, great! And if not, then you may have learned something about him while limiting your vulnerability. I wish you the best of luck -- hopefully he's a keeper!
  11. Like
    docbree reacted to Artichokes in Sex.......and that annoying roll of flesh   
    What a sweet response. Thanks so much. I hope he's a keeper, too. ☺️
  12. Like
    docbree reacted to capecoralgrandma in Advil   
    I really do not understand how bariatric surgeons can be so different with their rules. My surgeon has been doing the lap band, by-pass and the sleeve for years. He is the one who told me that there is no harm in taking NSAIDS with the sleeve. He does not allow it with the bypass, however. I was taking 2 Aleve in the morning for knee pain, which I had been using for a number of years before this surgery without any stomach problems. Within the last month, I have had injections in one knee which inserts a form of cartilage in the joint. It has helped to a degree so my primary physician has now prescribed Mobic for me. I take one Mobic a day in place of the Aleve and it lasts for 24 hours, the Aleve only lasted for 12 hours and I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with knee pain.
    My surgeon may be more progressive as I also did not have to fast before my surgery, only follow a low-carb Atkins diet for two weeks. My surgery was Dec. 26th, so for Christmas morning I was allowed bacon and eggs and only Clear liquids the rest of the day.
  13. Like
    docbree got a reaction from LisaT678 in Fab 40's shout out   
    I am 46 and hope to be sleeved before Christmas
  14. Like
    docbree reacted to mrssusie in Feeling discoraged july sleever   
    SOOoo glad to hear this! I felt so good at first and then hit the 3 week stall (that also lasted 3 weeks) that I asked my dr if he maybe just poked holes in me then glued me shut! I, also, wondered if I had been a failure once again or had ruined it for myself already. Now I am ready to get my focus back and start losing again! So many of us have been beaten down emotionally, by ourselves or others, that everything has negative connotations and we tend to think less of ourselves at every turn. Oh, to have back that value of self-worth back that I used to have as a younger, thinner person. Maybe that will be my ultimate goal while I lose the weight and regain my health: to regain a healthy self-esteem.
  15. Like
    docbree got a reaction from waitingtoexhale in Sleeve Science...A Summary of Some Current Research.   
    Wish I could "like" this post twice. You are so articulate - are you an author? Cognitive therapy is a life saver.
  16. Like
    docbree reacted to GummyTummy in I feel like I can eat too much for 2 weeks Post Op   
    You won't really feel much restriction with anything liquid. Your stomach is basically a funnel right now for Soups, and shakes. The same holds true for yogurt. The reason you feel full with the egg is it is slightly more dense. =) You are doing fine, just keep in mind as you move to soft foods to keep that slow pace you are using on the yogurt
  17. Like
    docbree reacted to lindalue in Need advice   
    Thanks very much I will now beable to sleep. Love this site.
  18. Like
    docbree reacted to I will what I want in Anyone else need a TARDIS?   
    My vsg is scheduled for Sept 22 and I'm terrified. I wish I could skip ahead by 6 months and be on the other side of surgery... Which is why I need a TARDIS! I've had back surgery and a c-section....and both were successful and difficult. I've passed every test with flying colors, including the psych eval - and I know why I'm doing this - I just wish I could get psyched up... Anyone else feel this way? I think I'm psyching myself out actually. Yikes.
  19. Like
    docbree reacted to Zane's Mom in I'm bipolar ... if there's anyone out there that could tell me how to take my meds   
    I took my am dose the morning of surgery and skipped my two night time meds and they brought me my morning dose the next day. I went home and resumed all meds swallowing whole with no issue.
    I take Effexor am and seroquel and remeron pm.
    I have not needed any adjustments. My psychiatrist is pleased with my decision and the progress I have made.
  20. Like
    docbree reacted to woo woo in Keep the dress? Yay or nay?   
    Cute. If you are worried about the length maybe you can wear with some opaque tights to tone down the shortness. I like the neckline on you.
    I would push the sleeves up to your elbows.
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    docbree reacted to Quest4TheNewMe in Keep the dress? Yay or nay?   
    Eh, I'm not in love with the dress itself, but you look great in it!!
  22. Like
    docbree reacted to Jenna1985 in Starting to feel better   
    Down 60lbs!!!
  23. Like
    docbree reacted to starspring in Trying to understand   
    Thank you. I appreciate that more than you know. I never expected this to be easy, but my support groups didn't mention any of the problems I experienced.
  24. Like
    docbree reacted to natalie_christin in Cnn article i found interesting   
    shake the other partner psychologically when one loses weight, gains confidence and starts getting more attention. But the experience taught me that someone who is jealous of something that makes me better, healthier and stronger never had my best interests at heart.
    Dating after that was a struggle, until I met my current boyfriend six months ago. Most guys got scared because they were afraid to take me to dinner, afraid they would break my new diet resolve, and when they saw a picture of what I used to look like, they started to wonder what would happen if I gained a few pounds again.
    What else has surprised me about losing weight? No one ever told me that it would upset me when severely obese people get special attention because they choose to be heavy -- like when TV shows feature people who are happy to weigh 600 pounds, or people who post YouTube videos professing love of their excess weight.
    Don't get me wrong, I think it is great that people are comfortable in their own skin, because many times I'm not always comfortable in my own skin. But for me, being heavy wasn't a choice. So I guess I have a hard time identifying with them.
    Obesity is debilitating to your health. I used gastric bypass surgery as a tool to save my life so that I wouldn't develop diabetes, have a heart attack at age 35, have a stroke, and to hopefully lower my risk of cancer. Now I have no tolerance for excuses about not being able to eat healthy and exercise.
    See, here's the bottom line: The biggest thing that no one ever tells you about losing weight is that eventually, the number on the scale no longer matters.
    What matters is how you feel, how you look and how happy you are. I know at my current weight I am still medically obese, but I have a clean bill of health. Through my bad days and my good days, I am happier now than I have ever been. When I struggle or feel myself about to slip into old habits, I pull out a picture of what I used to look like.
    And I remind myself that nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels.
  25. Like
    docbree reacted to Summer Rain in Cnn article i found interesting   
    Thank you for sharing this.

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