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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TxBritt

  1. TxBritt

    January Newbies ! Progress ?

    It sounds like you might be on a two week stall. I hear over and over how common this is and to not freak out. Just keep following your rules and it'll pick back up!! If you're having trouble with the scale- then you should focuse on some NSV's.. Take your measurments and see where you are!!
  2. TxBritt

    ____ years old and never...

    I was debt free until my sleeve. We had the cash to pay for it out of pocket but we also didn't want to be screwed if our taxes were higher than our estimate so we took out a no interest loan for half the cost. Debt free was the best feeling in the world until the weight started dropping. Totally worth it!
  3. TxBritt

    Sleeved after having baby

    I was just sleeved last week and I have a six month old and a two year old. I was actually cleared for surgery as long as I wasn't breast feeing at 6 weeks post c-section. We decided to wait until after January so my husband would have more vacation time. He and my mom have been taking care of me because I really have needed the help. I've had a hard time bending and I'm not allowed to lift either boy. Two year old is 30 lbs and the baby is 17lbs. It's really rough but I know I'll be a much better mommy in the long run.
  4. TxBritt

    January Newbies ! Progress ?

    I'm still very new sleeved on January 30th. I haven't gotten sick yet but I do get a crazy right chest when I drink cold water. Does that go away? I have to curl up in a fetal position to get the gas to pass. It always does, but eventually I'll have to leave my house.
  5. Hey everyone!! I was sleeved on 1/30. I started at 253 on the first day of my liquid diet. I was 239 DOS and today (day 5) I'm 230. I'm on full liquids and have created some interesting strained soups. I ordered some new protein today in hopes I can get more down!
  6. TxBritt

    Lean Shakes From GNC

    I used these on my liquid diet and lost 16 lbs just in my liquid phase and I was drinking five of these a day mixed with skim milk. So maybe you're just on a stall.
  7. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I did the same thing earlier except I think my crystal light was too cold. My left shoulder started hurting, my knees were killing me and it felt like I had a weight on my chest. What's worse is that my pain meds don't do anything except give a ton of energy (if I can manage to swallow them). I'm hoping some sleep and warm broth can help.
  8. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I'm now day 3 post op and really feel pretty good. I've had about 10 oz of water and four oz of protein shake. I haven't actually eaten anything and the weird part is I have no desire too. I'm going to try some soup this evening but nothing sounds good. I made my son lunch earlier and sat with him while he ate but I didn't even want a bite. I'm also down another two lbs. hopefully I'll be able to eat something soon.
  9. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    Did they give you a spirometer? That's helped a ton with my breathing.
  10. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I'm home! Whats really weird is that I didn't have a drain and they did my leak test while I was still under anesthesia. I already feel a ton better than yesteday. I've kept all my liquids down today and am looking forward to trying some soup tomorrow! I have a headache but they said that its pretty common since I've had zero calories for three days. I think as soon as I get something in me I'll feel better.
  11. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I'm two days post op and finally starting to feel like a human being again. I was so nauseated yesterday and couldn't kaep anything down. Today is a totally different story. I've kept down ice, water and two spoonfuls of broth. I should be discharged today!!
  12. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    Today is my big day! On my way to the hospital and surgery is scheduled for 10!!
  13. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I'm one week away from my diet and one week into my liquid diet. It's getting easier but I've started figuring out my binge eating times. I always seem to gravitate to the kitchen right at 4pm. It's just crazy that in a week I hopefully won't feel this hunger at all.
  14. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I'm on a two week liquid diet. My surgery is 1/30
  15. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I'm at my surgeons office right now doing my pre op! Then tonight will be my last meal and date with my husband! So ready for the 30th to be here!
  16. My surgery is scheduled for January 30th and I am READY! I however and very nervous for my liquid diet. How do you get through it? I guess I'm most terrified because I have a toddler who loves to sit down and have a snack with me. I know its going to be hard and I guess I'm just trying to work through it. How did you get through your liquid diet?
  17. TxBritt

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I'm scheduled for January 30th! I start my liquid diet Wednesday!

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